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<br />Findinl!s of Fact <br /> <br />Staff offers the following fifteen findings of fact for review: <br /> <br />General Findings <br />1. Although the 8,250 square foot lot was approved as part of the Hunters Park PUD, it does <br />not meet the minimum requirements of the R-3 Zone. <br />2. The existing dwelling meets all property line setbacks. The detached garage encroaches <br />on the front yard and southern side yard setbacks. <br />3. The proposed addition would reduce the combined side yard setbacks from 17.5 feet to <br />11.5 feet. The southern side yard setback would be reduced from 11.5 feet to five feet. <br />The northern side yard setback would remain at six feet. A variance is required ifthe two <br />side setbacks do not equal fifteen feet or more. <br />4. The proposed addition does not encroach on the rear or front setbacks. <br />5. The structure coverage is proposed to increase from 18.9 percent to 25.7 percent of the <br />lot. A variance is required to exceed 25 percent structure coverage on the lot. <br />6. The landscape area would be reduced from 65.1 percent to 58.3 percent of the lot. A <br />variance is required to reduce landscape area below 65 percent. <br />7. The dwelling with the proposed addition would not exceed the 35 foot height limit. <br />8. Dwellings are permitted structures within the R-3 Zone. <br />9. The existing dwelling and the proposed garage are outside of the roO-year flood plain, <br />wetlands, and easements. <br /> <br />Variance Findings: <br />10. A dwelling and addition are reasonable uses within the R-3 Zone. <br />11. The nonconforming lot size for the R-3 Zone, which was approved as part of the PUD, <br />may present a unique situation that warrants the requested variances. There are no <br />unique topographical conditions. <br />12. It is unlikely the proposed addition would have a negative impact on the property or the <br />neighborhood. The addition will not reduce the northern side yard setback, and the <br />southern property line is adjacent to common space that is owned by the Hunters Park <br />Homeowner's Association. The nearest dwelling unit to the south of the subject property <br />is approximately sixty feet away. <br />13. The increase lot coverage is unlikely to have a negative impact because of the shared <br />adjacent shared green space to the south of the subject property. There is a total of seven <br />acres of Homeowners Association common green space throughout the neighborhood. <br />14. The proposed plans and setback variance for the dwelling do not appear to be based on <br />economic considerations alone. <br />15. The applicant has received approval from the Hunters Park Architectural and <br />Environmental Committee for the proposed addition. <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meetingfor September 5,2007 <br /> <br />\ardenhills\PlanninglPlanning Cases\2007\07-020 Bacig VariancelO90507 - PC Report - Bacig Variance. doc <br /> <br />Page 7 of9 <br />