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<br />CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC.'S <br />APPEAL FROM THE JUNE 18, 2007 DENIAL OF <br />THE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION FOR PARCEL ID 213023340006 <br /> <br />Clear Channel Outdoor, lnc.appeals the June 18,2007 decision to deny its May 18, 2007 <br />Sign Permit Application. The appeal is based on the grounds that the decision of the city planner <br />and the purported relevant city ordinances are arbitrary and capricious, contrary to law, and <br />violative of Mimlesota Statutes. These grounds include, but are not limited to, the following: <br /> <br />1. The City Planner's reliance upon Section 1280.01, Subd. 4 of the Sign Code and <br />Section 1320.13, Subd. 6.G.3 of the Zoning Code as reasons to deny the permit <br />violate Minnesota law regarding legal nonconfonning uses. Minnesota Stat. S <br />462.357, Subd. l(e)(a) provides in relevant part that "[a]ny nonconformity <br />including the lawful use ... of land or premises existing at the time of the <br />adoption of an additional control under this Chapter, may be continued, including <br />through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance or improvement." Any <br />decision by city staff or ordinance provisions restricting these statutory rights are <br />contrary to law and unenforceable. <br /> <br />2. Section 1240.02 Table 1 of the Sign Code does not rationally apply to billboards <br />of the type involved in tills proceeding. For example, the District 7 maximnm <br />area and maxinlum height requirements under Freestanding Signs cannot apply to <br />billboards which are 14' x 48' or 672 total square footage, <br /> <br />3. There is no rational basis or legitimate health, safety or welfare rationale for <br />requiring billboard illumination to be only by means of external light fixtures <br />directed at the sign. Any attempt to interpret or enforce the Sign Code to require <br />this type of illumination is arbitrary and capricious, contrary to law and <br />unenforceable. <br /> <br />4. Any attempt by the City to require billboard illumination to be only by means of <br />external light fixtures directed at the sign violates the provisions of the Minnesota <br />Outdoor Advertising Control Act, Minn. SM. Ch. 173. This Statute regulates the <br />placement and design of "advertising devices" in "adjacent areas." An <br />"advertising device" is "any billboard, sign, notice, ... or other device visible to <br />and primarily intended to advertise ... and shall include ... all lighting or other <br />attachments used in connection therewith." (emphasis added) Minn. Stat. S <br />173.02. "Adjacent areas" are defined as areas "adjacent to the right-of-way of an <br />interstate or trunk highway." Minn. Stat. 173.02, subd. 8. Minn. Stat. S 173.16, <br />Subd. 3 establishes lighting standards for advertising devices in business areas <br />adjacent to interstate highways. Nothing in the Outdoor Advertising Control Act <br />prohibits tile installation and operation of an LED device illuminated by the <br />