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<br />. Jerome Filla <br />August 15,2007 <br />Page 2 . <br /> <br />of the sign has nprel~tionsi)ip toitsl1()I1ROnformity.Th~ nonconformity is the <br />existence of the billboard, not its weight. . ' <br /> <br />. The s~gnordimlIlCel1owhere reference~<or regulates weight... The ordinance <br />specificallyst~tystb,at.the purpose o~tl1e.sign code .regulaly1:)1e.locatiol1,size, <br />. type, .andillumil1~tionof signs; it 4qes not. discuss weight. It 40esde~le heiiYlt( ~ . <br />1210.01, Subd.3;),llghting (~1210.01.;Subds.4C8); andsignarea(S 1210.01, Subd. <br />12) but 4oesn()1 dyfil1e weight. Thein~ertion of~ cpnditi()ntodenyapel1l1it that is <br />nowhere found in the ordin.ance.s is per se arbitraryandcapriciolls. <br /> <br />. ...... ..--,,-,. ,. , <br />. " ',', .... .......-. ,'- '-' -', ,'-. <br />._c.. ,_ _ .... .. " ,.... _' _,_., '_,"_', _... <br />In ~nlynding Minn' Stat.~462,357(1 lee), the Lygislature ~cknowledged thatthe OWl1yT()f a..... . <br />1.10. n. co.nform... in,g use. niu. st be.. .a. ble to. replace or.impr. .th.e. us. e tok. eep. upw.ith......chan. in. t.h eir. <br />particular.industry, tocontinue totedl11qlogically illoderpizetheir facilities,an4 tOlllair;Itmn the <br />nonc01llorinityto adegree'-Yhichwillena\>le the owner tofinaJlce thy nol1conforming use. ....For <br />eX!Jl!lple,. the .owner. of anoncpl1fpnningallto Aeaiershiplllustbe abletor~place()rilIjprove thy <br />pmntboothportion of the. busil1esswithnew teclmqlo~y so that the dealershipclln colllPly with <br />franchise. requirements . andfpntiIllle to colllpete in the marketpl~ce... paint booth <br />equipmellt)J.1.aybe hyavier, or ligllter,thatltheequipmentpr fixtures replaced..The weight or <br />u... till.!y o. ft.h.e. ..repl. a.cement 0..1.. impro.. v. ..e. men.t.isn. ot s. ue...T. l.le ri. !5htgr.aJ.. ite....d to the. owne..r. of. a <br />legaln()IlCOnforITIingllse undyr t~~ stat~teisthatthe ()'.Vll~r lIja.y r~pl~ce~nd/or. inIproye.. This is <br />.. thelegal. standard to be appliedllnd, Ul11erthe statute, it lllaynot be abrogated bY.arbitrary action <br />of all1pnicipality. . . .. . . .... . . <br /> <br />. - .. -.. . <br />. -', . <br />... ... <br />, , .. ... ... <br />. The sec()n4basis for denial-,-ej(tymallighting .-. is induded in the Iwtifipation of the dec:ision, but <br />in reality did not ~eelIl to bypartofthyPlanning Commission's decision. At the hearing there <br />was Ilnacknqwledgemeut th~tthe.1ightingofthy sign did llot fitwitl1in th~ prohibitiolls. of the <br /> ce,an... dal.. so.a. re.cogm.' at. thi. '.s. are.~ w. aspre.-e.m pte. d by s.ta. te. statute... S.. eeM. .inn..... Stat. <br />!l173.16, Subcl. }.1,. ITI\1nicipalityl!la)'e;1forceits ownsignregnlations within busine~stlTeas <br />adjac~ntto interstatean4trunkhigl:1waysin liell..of the statewide rul.esif it i-eceivesState <br />apprpval forthis. . In this case, hoWevyr ,the. City neithersoughtnpTrecei"edpyrmission to <br />. enforce. * ownsigllregtllati?ns with respect to .advmis)l1g4evi?esloc~tediqsuch.areas. The <br />state standllrds.arell:1lls.coqtl:olling. al14 CleljI ChailAe)'s.biUtlOard.cprl!plies withthesestalldar4s. <br />I. n ad.. al.l...o...f..t.l.l..e.. abo. ve. ' th..e P....lanru..... ....n.. g... C.. o. =......i.ssi.o..n. w... a.s. .con.. d..abou. t th.e..n.. a.ctt...ha... (the <br />city had isslledpefll1it~fo]' LEI) signs ~oon-prell1ise businesses. This will, of course,be <br />in"e.sti.' gated in much more detail if this matter proceeds.. . <br />" . . ,......._, ,'_ ._........., "_. ,',_n __.. _' ..,_.'_.....__.....,., ',' . . <br /> <br />FinallY, theapplicaliOll of ()r~ill,aJlce Se~.mO. n Sllbd.6.G.3 ~isfraught \Vith illegality in this <br />ins!aJlce.ClYar ChaiIDyl' sapplkationseyks wittYllapproval of an irnPI'pvelllent to its <br />npnconforming use' expressly permitted ley state statute. See Minn. Stat.~ <br />46V57(1)(e).Anyden.ial or withholding pfwrittell,perrnissionb~ the City of Arden Hills is in <br />direct violation of this statute, and is arbitniryaridcapriciclUs. . In addition, this section of the <br />ordinance directly contravenes the dictates of Minn. Stat. !l117.184, <br />