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<br />IJ~rryF'illa - W~~tf~w_O:o.curii~nij.2~49....3L~~~o~.2:c~ <br /> <br />.:..:: _:: ,:__::':.,,-:.::.=:~:,~,.: ,:: ::::_., ..:.P~g~.2J <br /> <br />-- S.E.2d .... <br />.-- S.E.2d om, 2007 WL 1651100 (Va.) <br />(Cite as: -- S.E.2d --) <br /> <br />intent and purpose. <br /> <br />I2l Zoning aad Planning 414 €=>231 <br /> <br />ill Zoning and Planning <br />414V Construction, Operation and Effect <br />414VCAl In General <br />ill!sUl. k. Construction of Regulations <br />in General. Most Cited Cases <br />A court affords great weight to the interpretation <br />given a zoning ordinance by the officials charged <br />witb its administration. <br /> <br />ill Zoning and Planning 414 €=>331 <br /> <br />W Zoning and Planning <br />iH.Y! Nonconforming Uses <br />414k329 Enlargement or Extension DrUSe <br />414k331 It. Increase in Amount or <br />Intensity DrUSe. Most Cited Cases <br />Installation of an electronic message board onto <br />existing nonconforming billboard enlarged the <br />billboard in violation of city's zoning ordinance; <br />although the electronic message board did not <br />increase the billboard's height, length, or <br />advertising surface area, it did increase the <br />billboard's depth. <br /> <br />John G. Dicks (Shawn A. CODeland; FutureLaw; <br />Carrell Rice & RigSby, on briefs), for appellants. <br />B. Kay Wilson, Associate City Attorney (Leslie L. <br />Lillev, City Attorney; Andrew B. Pittman, <br />Associate City Attorney, on brief), for appellee. <br /> <br />Present: All the Justices. <br />OPINION BY Juslice CYNTHIA D. KINSER. <br />*1 In this appeal, the dispositive issue is whether <br />the installation of an electronic message board <br />"enlarged" a lawful, nonconforming billboard in <br />violation of a city's zoning ordinance. Because we <br />conclude that the message board did enlarge the <br />billboard, we will affirm the judgment of the <br />circuit court upholding the decision of a board of <br />zoning appeals. <br /> <br />FACTS AND PROCEEDINGS <br /> <br />In 1988, tbe City of Yirginia Beaeb (Ibe City) <br />adopted an ordinance prOhibiting the erection of <br />billboards within the City limits. In relevant part, <br />the ordinance provides: <br />No new billboards shall be erected within the city <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />limits, effeetin immediately. All existing <br />billboards sball be governed by the provisions of <br />section 2]5 of tbis ordinance. No billboard <br />heretofore erected shall be located, in wbole or in <br />part, upon improved property. <br /> <br />City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Zoning <br />Ordinanee (CZO) Ii 216(a). Witb respeel 10 <br />existing billboards, CZO fi 215(a) provides, in <br />pertinent part:Notwithstanding the provisions of <br />sedion 105(f) of this ordinance, no nonconforming <br />sign shall be structurally altered, enlarged, moved <br />or replaced, whether voluntarily or by reason of <br />involuntary damage to or destruction of such sign, <br />unless such sign is brought into compliance with <br />the provisions of this ordinance. <br /> <br />Adams Outdoor Advertising, L,P, (Adams), owns <br />a billboard erected in the City on real estate <br />owned by F. Wayne McLeskey, Jr, Since tbe <br />billboard was in existence when CZO fi 2]6(a) <br />became effective, it was a lawful, nonconforming <br />billboard. See Code 6 15.2-2307; CZO Ii 105. In <br />March 2004, the City zoning administrator <br />informed Adams that it bad "structurally altered <br />and enlarged" the subjed billboard in violation of <br />CZO Ii 215(a) by installing a large, blaek, <br />electronic message board on the billboard, The <br />zoning administrator directed Adams to remove <br />tbe billboard within 30 days. <br /> <br />In accordance witb Code fi 15.1-2311, Adams <br />appealed the zoning administrator's determination <br />to the City board of zoning appeals (BZA). At the <br />8ZA hearing, the zoning administrator testified <br />that she concluded Adams bad "structurally <br />altered" and "enlarged" the billboard because <br />Adams eut boles in its face and added bracing in <br />order to install the message board, and because <br />the message board increased both tbe weight and <br />mass of the billboard. Adams acknowledged tbat it <br />bad obtained a permit to upgrade the electrical <br />service to the billboard to accommodate the <br />message board. It also admitted that tbe message <br />board weighed 3,500 pounds, Adams argued, <br />however, tbat the Installation of the message <br />board was not a structural alteration or an <br />enlargement of the subject billboard. <br /> <br />To support its position, Adams introduced a letter <br />from a strudural engineer, opiDing that the <br />addition of the electronic message board did "not <br />increase tbe force in any structural element by <br /> <br />C 2007 ThomsonlWesl. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Gov!. Works. <br />