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<br />.=:=:..._=,=- <br /> <br />. I J~rrYFilla_- vVestlawj?99ume!1!.Jf!::'4\(,..3~::'$3Ko:~oc__: :=___=..: =:, .. : :_: :.. <br /> <br />o... :]~~9~A j <br /> <br /> <br />-- S,E.2d --- <br />-- S..E.2d --, 2007 WL 1651100 (Va.) <br />(Cite as: --- S.E.2d-) <br /> <br />of the evidence ... th.t the [BZA] erred in its <br />decision," that evidentiary standard "pertains <br />only to questions about the sufficiency of the <br />record to prove a particular fact," Board of <br />SUDerv;sors v. Board of Zon;np Anoeals. 271 Va. <br />336. 348. 626 S.E.2d 374. 381 (20061. When, as in <br />the present case, the Issue before the circuit court <br />was a question of law, j,e. the meaning of certain <br />terms used in the em, the petitioners had the <br />burden of proving that the BZA "eUher applied <br />'erroneous principles of law' or that its decision <br />was 'plainly wrong and in violation of the purpose <br />and intent ortbe zoning ordinance.'" Trustees of <br />the Christ & St. Luke's Enlseonal Church v. Board <br />or Zon/ne AODea/s. 273 Va. 375. 380. 641 S.E.2d <br />104.107 (2007) (quoting Board arSuD"v/Sars. 271 <br />Va. at 348. 626 S.E.2d at 382\ (Internal quotation <br />maria omitted). On appeal to this Court, we apply <br />the same presumption of correctness to the circuit <br />court's determination affirming the BZA's <br />decision. /d. at 381. 641 S.E.2d al 107 (citing <br />Patlan v. C/tv of Go/ax. 269 Va. 219. 229. 609 <br />S.E.2d 41. 46 (2005)). <br /> <br />The petitioners assign error to the circuit court's <br />judgment upholding the BZA's determination that <br />the installation of the electronic message board <br />botb "structurally altered" and "enlarged" the <br />billboard in violation of ezo fi 215(a), They also <br />assign error to the circuit court's ruling that <br />Adams must remove the billboard in order to <br />comply with the CZO. In order to resolve this <br />appeal, we need to decide only whether the <br />message board "enlarged" the billboard. <br /> <br />With regard to that issue, the petitioners argue <br />that, since the CZO does not define the term <br />"enlarged," the definition of the term "(s{igns. <br />surface area" set forth in ezo ~ 111, see supra <br />text accompanying note 2, provides "the only <br />objective and measurable standard" for <br />determining whether the addition of the message <br />board actually enlarged the billboard. Thus, <br />according to the petitioners, since the message <br />board did not increase tbe square footage of the <br />billboard's advertising area under that definition, <br />the installation of the message board did not <br />enlarge the billboard in violation of ezo fi <br />215(a). <br /> <br />*4 [n response, the BZA argues that the zoning <br />administrator and BZA properly applied the <br />"plain and natural meaning" of the term <br />"enlarged." See CaDeIle v, Oran1le Countv. 269 Va. <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />60.65. 607 S.E.2d 103. 105 (2005) (applying "the <br />plain and natural meaning" of words contained in <br />a zoning ordinance). The BZA further contends <br />that whether the addition of the message boa rd <br />increased tbe square footage of the advertising <br />surface area is not the eontrolling factor in <br />deciding whether Adams enlarged the billboard, <br />Instead, the BZA asserts that any increases in the <br />billboard's mass and volume must also be <br />considered. Since the addition of the message <br />board increased the weight and depth of the <br />billboard, the 8ZA contends that Adams <br />"enlarged" the billboard. We agree with the 8ZA. <br /> <br />~ When construiog a zoning ordinance and <br />its undefined terms, we give such terms their <br />"plain and natural meaning.1t Canelte. 269 Va. at <br />6S. 607 S.E.2d at 105 (citing Donovan v. Board of <br />Zonine ADDea/s. 251 Va. 271. 274. 467 S.E.2d 808. <br />810 lJ996\i McClunf! v. Count" of Henri co. 200 Va. <br />870. 875. 108 S.E.2d 513. 516 (1959)). "Although <br />we give consideration to the purpose and intent of <br />the ordinance, we are not permitted to extend the <br />ordinance provisions by interpretation or <br />construction beyond such intent and purpose," ld. <br />(citing Donovan. 251 Va. at 274. 467 S.E.2d at 810: <br />GOUllh v. Shaner. 197 Va. 572. 57S. 90 S.E.2d 17J. <br />174 lJ955n. We also afford "great weight" to the <br />interpretation given a zoning ordinance by tbe <br />officials charged with its administration. Donovan. <br />251 Va. at 274. 467 S,E.2d at 810: accord Trustees. <br />273 Va. at 381. 641 S.E.2d al 107. <br /> <br />111 The term "enlarge" means "to make largerj <br />increase in quantity or dimensions; on to increase <br />the eapa<<:ity or." Webster's Third New <br />[nternational Dictionary 754 (1993). The evidence <br />in the record before us demonstrates that the <br />electronic message board added between 3,000 <br />and 3,500 pounds to the weight of the billboard. <br />While the message board did not iocrease tbe <br />billboard's beight, length, or the square footage of <br />its advertising surface area, it did, however, <br />increase the billboard's depth. Thus, we conclude, <br />as did the zoning administrator, the BZA, and the <br />circuit court, that the addition of the message <br />board "enlarged" the billboard in both dimension <br />and weight. [0 this case, that determination was a <br />"judgment call ... best accomplished by those <br />charged with enforcing" the CZO. Trustees. 273 <br />Va, at 38J. 641 S,E.2d at 107 (internal quotation <br />maria omitted); see also Lamar Co.. LiC v. Board <br />of Zonlnll Anneals. 270 Va. 540. 547. 620 S.E.2d <br />753. 757 (2005). Furthermore, contrary to the <br /> <br /><C 2007 ThomsonIWesl. No Claim to Orig, U.S. Govt, WOlles. <br /> <br />