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<br />Three studies were found which attempted to measure driver behavior specifically in response to <br />dynamic signage. Two of these studies demonstrated a potential relationship between dynamic <br />signage and crash rates: <br /> <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation, The Effectiveness and Safety of Traffic <br />and Non-Traffic Related Messages Presented on Changeable Message Signs <br />(CMS) (Harder, 2004) 20 <br /> <br />This study used a driving simulator to measure the effect of Department of <br />Transportation changeable message signs on traffic flow. The two messages evaluated <br />were a "crash ahead" warning and an AMBER Alert (child abduction information). The <br />research found that just over half of the participants used the "crash ahead" message and <br />60 percent could recall the AMBER Alert with scores of Good or Better. Over one fifth <br />of the participants slowed down by at least 2 mph upon seeing the AMBER Alert, <br />demonstrating that messages relevant to drivers are associated with changes in at least <br />some drivers' travel speed. <br /> <br />Decision of the Outdoor Advertising Board in the Matter of John Donnelly & Sons, <br />Permitee, Te/espot of New England, Inc., Intervenor, and Department of Public <br />Works, Intervenor, with Respect to Permit Numbered 19260 as Amended (1976) 21 <br /> <br />This proceeding documents the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Outdoor Advel1ising <br />Board's ruling regarding one of the first changeable signs. This sign was located near an <br />arterial road in Boston and used magnetic discs to portray a message that changed every <br />30 seconds. The original sign permit was rejected based on four criteria, one of which <br />was safety. Upon appeal, the Massachusetts Department of Public Works allowed the <br />permit based on the fact that the sign would give the public a benefit. However, they <br />ultimately determined that the sign was a safety hazard based on crash rates before and <br />after the sign was installed. Tables 5 and 6 show the change in crash rates, <br /> <br />Table 5. Telespot Sign Crash Rates - Expressway Southbound <br /> <br /> Average Average Average <br /> per year per year Percent <br /> (11111970- (11111973- Change <br /> 12/3111972) 3/3111975) <br />Crashes where <br />the sign was viewable 29,0 20.0 -31.0 <br />(north of sion) <br />Crashes where <br />the sign was not viewable 39.0 15,6 -60,0 <br />(sonth of sion) <br /> <br />~16 <br /> <br />