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07-18-07 EDC Meeting Minutes
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EDC Minutes
07-18-07 EDC Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/20/2007 11:38:11 AM
Creation date
9/20/2007 11:38:04 AM
07-18-07 EDC Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes
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<br />EDC Minutes <br />July IS, 2007 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />City and property owner talk about proposed development at that site. The Mayor said <br />philosophically the City should have a long-term bigger vision for development in general; but <br />when a developer approaches us with development plans, that we cannot go over the top of them <br />with the eity's ideas of development for the site. It would change the negotiating for the City. <br />Nancy suggested just encouraging the properties on both sides of County Road E to get together <br />to talk about proposed development plans. The Mayor said a way encourage development <br />consistency is to have design standards. The Mayor suggested that we let both parties and the <br />Planning Commission know that the City is going to try to create uniformity with the two <br />proposed development properties and it would be wise for them to sit down and talk with each <br />other. Rob asked if the City had a vision for this corner. The group was in agreement that they <br />did not know of any such vision. Ray noted that he thought the EDC committee should get a <br />copy of anything submitted for proposed development. The Mayor asked Karen to develop a <br />way for the EDC to be involved with these proposed developments. Ed Von Holtum thought in <br />absence of a vision, the City is going to continue operating in a reactionary mode. Chair Kunkel <br />said this brings us back to how do we develop a vision. The Mayor said an EDC fund allocation <br />should be developed so the group could have capacity to hire an architect to draw the vision. <br />Community Development Director Barton said it is a good time to incorporate visioning for the <br />City as we go through the comprehensive plan update process. Ray asked for directive from the <br />Council on what they want the EDC to do. The Mayor said the Council will effect change when <br />they hear it coming from the community. He said if every member of every commission talked <br />to 6 people within the community, momentum could be gained on a city vision. Chair Kunkel <br />thought the group needs to continue to work on a short term and long term vision and educating <br />the community is important. <br /> <br />Nancy asked if a developer pulled a permit and it fit the zoning, would the City have any say on <br />the development. Community Development Director Barton said each area is zoned for a <br />particular use or uses and we are limited to working within the criteria set for each zone. Ed <br />Werner asked how we can control development if we don't own the land. The Mayor reminded <br />the group we can implement design standards across the City. Nancy asked if design standards <br />can be incorporated in comprehensive plans. Community Development Director Barton said <br />typically comprehensive plans do not get that specific, but it could recommend formulation of <br />design standards. <br /> <br />VI. OTHER BUSINESS <br />Strategic Plan Budget Request: <br />Community Development Director Barton distributed a budget for the group to review and asked <br />how the preliminary budget request looks to the group. She noted the Council is intending to try <br />to work $52,000 into the budget. The Mayor said City Hall staffing is a topic that will put <br />competitive pressure on this EDC budget. The group agreed to submit the preliminary EDC <br />budget. <br />
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