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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br /> <br />fashion. He stated Clear Channel is more than willing to sit down with the City and work to out <br />performance standards regardless of Council's decision. Mr. Liszt stated Clear Channel did not <br />believe a permit was necessary to replace the face with another type of face. He addressed each <br />of staff s reasons for denial. <br /> <br />Mr. Liszt quoted from Section 1320.13 sub 6 G 3 of the Zoning Code and stated it is contrary to <br />law and the dictates of Minnesota Statute 462.357 Subd 1 (e). He stated the ordinance is in direct <br />violation of State Statute 117.184 passed in 2006 along with eminent domain changes. He <br />indicated that when a new statute is passed, it is time to correct the City's ordinances and codes. <br /> <br />Mr. Liszt next addressed the issue of external lighting. He reported that Code 1240.02 Table 1 is <br />superseded by Minnesota Statute Chapter 173, the Minnesota Outdoor Advertising Control Act, <br />which regulates signs along interstates and primary highways in Minnesota. He stated that <br />because this sigu is adjacent to the interstate, state law governs what can be done with it. Mr. <br />Listz stated the definition of an advertising device as "any billboard, sign, notice . . . or other <br />device visible to and primarily intended to advertise. . . and shall include. . . all lighting or other <br />attachments used in conjunction therewith." He stated that Minnesota Statute Section 173.02 <br />sets the standards for lighting for signs along an interstate and is specific to the type of lighting <br />prohibited. He stated that there is no question that the type of lighting used by Clear Channel <br />complies with the state statute; therefore, a city is not able to pass other standards than those in <br />the State Statues without complying with Section 173.16 Subd 5, the local control section. He <br />explained that in order to zone or regulate differently than the state statue there must be a <br />submission to MnDOT to vary from State Statutes. He stated this had not been done and <br />therefore, the state statutes lighting requirements govern and Clear Channel complies with those. <br />He stated the table did not apply to billboards; it refers to on-premise signage and not to outdoor <br />advertising devices such as the Clear Channel billboard. He stated CC lights are external; <br />therefore, staff denial based upon lighting, is incorrect. <br /> <br />Mr. Liszt addressed staffs reliance on Section 1280.01, Subd 4 of the Sign Code relative to <br />altering or enhancing of a non-conforming use. He submitted there is no such violation. He <br />explained that Minnesota Statute 462.357, Subd l(e) gives the owners of non conforming rights <br />with respect to the uses; these include the right to repair, replace, restore, maintain, or improve <br />but not including expansion. He stated Clear Channel improved its non-conforming use but did <br />not expand its non conforming use. He stated that prior to the change of the face of the billboard, <br />there was a 14' x 48' outdoor advertising sign using vinyl; after the change there was a 14' x 48' <br />sign face advertising messages using an LED. He submitted that there is no expansion, there was <br />an improvement; Minnesota statute allows improvement. He provided examples of how <br />teclmology has changed over the years. He stated the City Ordinance would be contrary to the <br />State Statute and therefore there is no violation and to the extent that the City Ordinance would <br />prohibit that would be contrary to State Statute and therefore unenforceable. Mr. Liszt stated <br />staff and the Planning Commission did not give proper weight to the state statute there has not <br />been expansion rather an improvement to the way the message is conveyed; therefore, he <br />submitted that staff and the Planning Commissions decisions are erroneous and should be <br />overturned. <br /> <br />