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<br />Site Description <br />Site situaled in the City of Arden Hills, County of Ramsey, Slate of Minnesota, commonly described as foI~ <br />Prooertv le<!al OescIiDtion: <br /> <br />The North 240 feel of the East 150 feel of \he Northwest One Quarter of the Southeast One Quarter, (subject to roads) in <br />Section 27, Townsl1ip30. Range 23, Ramsey County. Minnesota. <br /> <br />Leased Premises and Access Easement Leaal DeSCliolion: <br /> <br />f'P-5"A'.D P.HlN7$.I'S Ut::a .D.I'$C~O...f(o <br /> <br />That port of !he H...H......t One CluaItBr of Ute SoutIIecnot One <br />~rter d Sadlon XI. T-.hlp 30. R_ ZJ .sc:ribod all <br />fallows: <br />1he SoulIl 2D.OO feet ", tI10 North 220.00 fHl of..... w...t 20.110 <br />INl of .... fiat 94JIO liIet of _lei ...... lit One QuarW ", .... <br />llouUloaot One aua.w of !ectIon ~. TOlIlIlIIlIp JO. Imp 2J, <br />IlilInule1 CaunIr linn"""'" <br /> <br />AC&'ISS .&ISrlrHr ~ DIS&.W/..P.77D.N.' <br /> <br />A 20.00 _.... aM..... ...........1 _. u_. and__ <br />the No.lI..._"t OM QuaNr of tI10 Swll_ Onoo Quarter of <br />Sec:l.ian 27. TownehIp JO. Rant* 23. 1I\e ceIlter _ of lICIid <br />20.00 fvcI. ........ GJKI .... r C" r 5 INtlt fa d.8C~ r . _ foJIon; <br />Commtnc/II9 at lIIe .Al1'" mlt __ of the ~ One QuarWt <br />at tIMI ~ One a-ter" of eafd Sectlan 27: ~ Sauth 88 <br />....... .. m/I1_ Z1 __ w..t 411 WI o""""*' -rln9 <br />oIong lIIe North line of the Notlhb_d One QuerW of Ill. <br />~ One CluarIor a _.. 01 1.tO.OO teet to tile pomt of <br />lIeQIArlng; lItenae ....... oe .-.- 31 ........ 42 ,m".. €"ast <br />.. ......- 01 f7ll. f7 flIel; ~ along a "";clllal _ <br />__ to the llIIItf.~_ IMMnO .. _w 01 GO flIet. a _ <br />GngIa 01 88 __ 43 mIII.- 3' ..concIf and CII"C lenaIh of <br />54'" feat. a cl.d <llIliance of 4e.Jll _ and .. chanI 1Iearinv <br />of SooNl ..., ....... !l8 mInutlla J8 .. ".elI EoaI; ~ Ncrtn <br />88 __ lit .......... %1 __ EG8t II dIslImce of 11.18 flllll <br />IIIld tIion bn.......lIl11J. <br /> <br />MIA. . <br />THE PROPERl'Y OOM'AINS 30.(100.0 SQUARE FUr OR OM ACRES. <br /> <br />.M'ASI A/M}l' <br /> <br />1HE lEASE _ CONTAINS 400.00 SOUARE FEET OR 0.01 ACRES. <br />