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10-29-07 Item 7A, Master PUD Northwestern College
City Council
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10-29-07 Item 7A, Master PUD Northwestern College
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Last modified
10/24/2007 2:17:43 PM
Creation date
10/24/2007 2:06:46 PM
Item 7A Master PUD N-western College
General - Type
Agenda Item
3003 Snelling Avenue
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<br />10. Permittinl!: and Inspections. The City of Arden Hills and the City of Roseville shall <br />jointly determine which municipality is responsible for issuing permits and inspecting <br />construction sites for any project that crosses the municipal border. <br />II. Pennittinl!:. Construction of new buildings entirely on the Roseville portion of the <br />campus shall not require a permit from Arden Hills but construction plans shall be <br />submitted to Arden Hills at least two weeks prior to construction to include in the <br />Northwestern College address file. <br />12. Lake Setbacks. Except for walkways, no impervious surfaces shall be constructed <br />within the 50 feet of the ordinary high water mark for Lake Johanna and 75 feet from the <br />ordinary high water mark for Little Lake Johanna. The use of pervious surfaces for <br />walkways shall be encouraged. <br />13. Property Setbacks. All structures, including parking ramps, and roads shall be at least <br />seventy-five (75) feet from the eastern property line and thirty (30) feet from the western <br />property line. <br />14. Buildinl!: Heil!:ht. Any building exceeding the height limit of the underlying R -I Zone <br />shall require an approved height variance prior to construction. <br />15. Lil!:htinl!:. Lighting from any new or remodeled structures, parking lots, roads, or other <br />campus features shall be prohibited from shining directly onto adjacent properties and <br />shall not exceed the lighting limitations in the Arden Hills Zoning Code. <br />16. Lot Coveral!:e. The portion of the campus within Arden Hills shall not exceed 35 percent <br />lot coverage without an approved variance or PUD amendment as required by the Zoning <br />Code at the time of review. The lakes shall not be included in the lot coverage <br />calculations. <br />17. Tree Preservation. A tree preservation plan shall be submitted with each site plan <br />review and shall be in compliance with any current and future tree preservation standards. <br />18. Buckthorn Removal. The College shall continue to implement a buckthorn removal <br />program to protect the native landscaping in and around the College's property. <br />19. Trash/Recvclinl!:/Refuse Handlinl!:. All trash, recycling, and other refuse handling shall <br />be in conformance with Section 620.04 of the City Code and as amended in the future. <br />20. Storm water Manal!:ement. The College shall be required to conform and implement <br />the following as a part of their storm water management plan for this development: <br />a. Each development phase must meet the regulatory standards in place at the time <br />of building permit application. All stages of development should recognize the <br />others to ensure that a comprehensive storm water management plan is <br />constructed for the site. <br />b. Site impervious coverage shall be consistent with the provisions of City Zoning <br />and Shore land Ordinances. <br />c. The College will identify and eliminate all direct, untreated piped discharges into <br />Lake Johanna and Little Lake Johanna as a part of the campus expansion plans. <br />21. Enerl!:V Efficient Desil!:n. Each phase shall use as many Leadership in Energy and <br />Environmental Design (LEED) principles as the College deems possible. <br />22. City of Roseville Conditions. The Master Plan shall be subject to all conditions and <br />regulations set by the City of Roseville. Conditions imposed by the City of Arden Hills <br />shall not be deemed to invalidate any conditions set by the City of Roseville. <br /> <br />IlMetro-inet.uslardenhiils\PlanninglPlanning Cases\2006\06-037 Northwestern College Master Plan (PENDING) \102907 - CC Report -NWC <br />PUD.doc <br /> <br />Page 4 0[6 <br />
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