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City of St. Louis Park <br /> Investment Policy <br /> June 5, 2000 <br /> Resolution #00-074 1110 <br /> Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) and at least another$2,000,000 <br /> supplemental insurance protection. <br /> X. INVESTMENT PARAMETERS <br /> The City's investment shall be diversified as to specific maturity, issuer and <br /> institution in order to minimize the risk to the portfolio. Investments should be <br /> purchased to match expected cash flow needs, minimizing the market risk <br /> associated with the early sale of the investments. <br /> XI. REPORTING AND REVIEW <br /> A. The investment portfolio will be managed in accordance with the <br /> parameters outlined in this policy. The portfolio will be designed with the <br /> objective of obtaining a rate of return throughout budgeting and economic <br /> cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and cash flow <br /> needs. <br /> B. The City's investment policy shall be adopted by resolution by the City <br /> Council. The City's investments and investment practices shall be <br /> reported to the City Council. Quarterly information shall be reported to <br /> the City Council and include: <br /> 1. A listing of individual securities held at end of reporting period. <br /> 2. A listing of investments by maturity date. <br /> 3. The percentage of the total portfolio in each type of investment. <br /> 4. Rate of return for quarter. <br /> 5. Market to market analysis. <br /> C. Interest earned on investments shall be allocated to various funds based on <br /> each fund's average monthly cash balance. <br /> XII. STATUTORY AUTHORITY <br /> Specific investment parameters for the investment of public funds by the City are <br /> found in Minnesota Statutes Chapters 118A. <br /> XIII. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS <br /> A. Exemption <br /> Any investment currently held that does not meet the guidelines of this <br /> policy shall be exempted from the requirements of this policy. At410 <br /> 4 <br />