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• <br /> • <br /> closure of the depository.If a financial institution closes,all deposits shall be immediately <br /> due and payable.It shall not be a default under this subdivision to require prior notice of <br /> withdrawal if such notice is required as a condition of withdrawal by applicable federal law <br /> or regulation. <br /> Subd.7. Safekeeping.All collateral shall be placed in safekeeping in a restricted account <br /> at a Federal Reserve Bank,or in an account at a trust department of a commercial bank <br /> or other financial institution that is not owned or controlled by the financial institution <br /> furnishing the collateral.The selection shall be approved by the government entity.HIST: <br /> 1996 c 399 art 1 s 4 <br /> Section 118A.04 Investments. <br /> Subdivision 1.Any public funds,not presently needed for other purposes or restricted <br /> for other purposes,may be invested in the manner and subject to the conditions provided <br /> for in this section. <br /> Subd.2. United States securities. Public funds may be invested in governmental bonds, <br /> notes, bills, mortgages (excluding high-risk mortgage-backed securities), and other <br /> securities, which are direct obligations or are guaranteed or insured issues of the United <br /> States,its agencies,its instrumentalities,or organizations created by an act of Congress. <br /> Subd.3.State and local securities. Funds may be invested in the following: <br /> • (1) any security which is a general obligation of any state or local government with <br /> taxing powers which is rated"A"or better by a national bond rating service; <br /> (2) any security which is a revenue obligation of any state or local government with <br /> taxing powers which is rated"AA"or better by a national bond rating service;and <br /> (3) a general obligation of the Minnesota housing finance agency which is a moral <br /> obligation of the state of Minnesota and is rated "A" or better by a national bond <br /> rating agency. <br /> Subd. 4. Commercial papers. Funds may be invested in commercial paper issued <br /> by United States corporations or their Canadian subsidiaries that is rated in the highest <br /> quality category by at least two nationally recognized rating agencies and matures in 270 <br /> days or less. <br /> Subd.5.Time deposits. Funds may be invested in time deposits that are fully insured by <br /> the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or bankers acceptances of United States banks. <br /> Subd. 6. High-risk mortgage-backed securities. For the purposes of this section and <br /> section 1 18A.05,"high-risk mortgage-backed securities"are: <br /> (a)interest-only or principal-only mortgage-backed securities;and <br /> (b)any mortgage derivative security that: <br /> (1)has an expected average life greater than ten years; <br /> 3 <br /> . <br />