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costs and the cost of promotional material including Information Statements, Application Forms, • <br /> brochures and meeting materials for Participants. <br /> DAILY INCOME ALLOCATIONS <br /> Each Fund's net income is determined as of the close of business on each Minnesota banking day <br /> (and at such other times as the Trustees may determine) and is credited monthly on a pro rata basis to <br /> each Participant's account. Such accrued income is reinvested in additional Fund shares at their net asset <br /> value (generally, $1.00 per share). Although daily income accruals are not automatically transmitted in <br /> cash,Participants may obtain cash by withdrawing shares at their net asset value without charge. <br /> Each Fund's net income for each income period consists of(1) all accrued interest income on <br /> Fund assets, (2)plus or minus all realized gains or losses on Fund assets and any amortized purchase <br /> discount or premium,and(3)less the Fund's accrued expenses applicable to that income period. <br /> Each Fund expects to have net income each day. If for any reason there is a net loss on any day, <br /> the applicable Fund will reduce the number of its outstanding shares by having each Participant contribute <br /> its pro rata portion of the total number of shares required to be canceled in order to maintain the net asset <br /> value per share at a constant value of$1.00. Each Participant will be deemed to have agreed to such a <br /> contribution in these circumstances by its adoption of the Declaration of Trust and its investment of <br /> monies into the Fund. <br /> COMPUTATION OF YIELD <br /> The"daily rate"and"7-day yield"of each Fund may,from time to time,be quoted in reports, <br /> literature and information published by the Trust. The daily rate of each Fund is computed by taking <br /> daily investment income,plus or minus any purchased discount or premium less all accrued expenses, <br /> including realized capital gains or losses,and dividing by the total shares in the Fund,multiplied by 365. <br /> Each Fund will also report a "7-day yield"which refers to the income that would have been generated by <br /> a Participant's investment in the relevant Portfolio for the preceding seven days.The 7-day yield is <br /> calculated by multiplying the unannualized seven-day period return by 365 divided by 7. Each Fund may <br /> also quote from time to time a 7-day effective average yield by adding 1 to the unannualized seven-day <br /> period return,raising the sum to a power equal to 365 divided by 7,and subtracting I from the result. <br /> Each Fund's yield from time to time may be quoted on other bases for the information of its Participants. <br /> Each Fund's yield may vary over time, and, therefore,the yields quoted from time to time should <br /> not be considered an indication of future investment results. Actual yields will depend not only on the <br /> type, quality, and maturities of the investments held by each Fund and changes in interest rates on such <br /> investments,but also on changes in the Fund's expenses during the period. <br /> Yield information may be useful in reviewing the performance of each Fund and for providing a <br /> basis for comparison with other investment alternatives. However, each Fund's yield will fluctuate, <br /> unlike certificates of deposit or other investments which typically pay a fixed yield for a stated period of <br /> time. <br /> DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET VALUE <br /> • <br /> -9- <br />