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• <br /> collateral/depository agreements, including but not limited to reference of GFOA's <br /> 4111 Investment Procedures Manual,2003. No engage may in an investment transaction <br /> except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the <br /> Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall <br /> establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials. <br /> V. AUTHORIZED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS,DEPOSITORIES,AND BROKER/DEALERS <br /> 1. Authori<ed Financial Institutions, Depositories, and Broker/Dealers <br /> A list will be maintained of financial institutions and depositories authorized to provide <br /> investment services. In addition,a list will be maintained of approved security broker/dealers <br /> selected by creditworthiness (e.g.,a minimum capital requirement of$10,000,000 and at least <br /> five years of operation). These may include"primary"dealers or regional dealers that qualify <br /> under Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 15C3-1 (uniform net capital rule). <br /> All financial institutions and broker/dealers who desire to become qualified for investment <br /> transactions must supply the following as appropriate: <br /> • Audited financial statements demonstrating compliance with state and federal <br /> capital adequacy guidelines; <br /> • Proof of National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) certification (not <br /> applicable to Certificate of Deposit counterparties); <br /> • • Proof of state registration; <br /> • Completed broker/dealer questionnaire (not applicable to Certificate of Deposit <br /> counterparties); <br /> • Certification of having read and understood and agreeing to comply with the City of <br /> Medina's investment policy;and <br /> • Evidence of adequate insurance coverage. <br /> An annual review of the financial condition and registration of all qualified financial <br /> institutions and broker/dealers will be conducted by the Treasurer. <br /> VI. INTERNAL CONTROLS <br /> 1. Internal Controls <br /> The Finance Director is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control <br /> structure designed to ensure that the assets of the City are protected from loss, theft or <br /> misuse. Details of the internal controls system shall be documented in an investment <br /> procedures manual and shall be reviewed and updated annually. The internal control structure <br /> shall be designed to provide reasonable assurance that these objectives are met. The concept <br /> of reasonable assurance recognizes that (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the <br /> benefits likely to be derived,and(2)the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and <br /> judgments by management. <br /> 41111 The internal controls structure shall address the following points: <br /> Page 4 of 8 <br />