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• <br /> Exhibit B <br /> Benchmark Descriptions <br /> 30 Day Treasury Bill <br /> Definition: Returns are provided by the Federal Reserve. <br /> Lehman Brothers 1-3 Year Government Index <br /> Definition: Securities in the U.S. Government Index with a maturity from I up to(but not <br /> including) 3 years. <br /> Lehman Brothers 15 Year Mortgage Backed Securities Index or <br /> Merrill Lynch 15 Year Mortgage Backed Securities Index <br /> Definition: Pass-through securities with an original maturity of 15 years. <br /> Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government Index <br /> Definition: Securities issued by the U.S. Government(Treasury and Agency securities)having a <br /> maturity from 1 up to, but not including I Oyears. <br /> • <br /> Return and Risk (1993 to 2002) <br /> Return <br /> 8 <br /> 15 Year MB% <br /> 7 <br /> Intermediate Golt7 <br /> 6 — 13 Year Govt. <br /> 80Int Gov/20 15YrMB <br /> 5 <br /> 4 _ •30 Day TBill <br /> 3 <br /> 1 <br /> 0 1 2 3 <br /> Risk <br /> Return Risk <br /> 30 Day TBill 4.18 0.35 <br /> 1-3 Year Govt 6.08 1.64 <br /> Intermediate Govt 6.91 2.98 <br /> 15 Year MBS 7.24 2.89 <br /> 80 Int Gov/20 15YrMB 6.98 2.92 <br /> • <br /> 18 <br />