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most cities keep their unreserved fund balance at between 35 and 50 percent of total <br /> IIIcurrent expenditures. This chart only examines the unreserved fund balance of the 508 <br /> cities (both large and small) that use a modified accrual basis of accounting. The <br /> remaining cities use a "cash-basis" of accounting and therefore this category would not <br /> apply. <br /> The State Auditor has concerns about the financial health of cities maintaining a fund <br /> balance below 20 percent of total current expenditures. These cities may not have <br /> enough reserves to carry them through financial downturns or unexpected contingencies. <br /> The Auditor also has concerns about cities that maintain fund balances far exceeding <br /> what is needed to carry them through financial downturns. Taxpayers in cities that have <br /> either low or high unreserved fund balances should press their local officials to explain <br /> the city's fund balance policy. For more information about unreserved fund balances <br /> please see our recent report Minnesota City Finances. <br /> FUND BALANCE % - This represents the percentage of unreserved fund balance <br /> versus total current expenditures. If a city has an unreserved fund balance of 75% as of <br /> December 31, 2003, this means that they have funds in reserve that equal 75% of what <br /> they spent that year. The State Auditor's Office recommends than most cities keep their <br /> fund balance at between 35 and 50 percent of total current expenditures. This data is not <br /> available on the chart prior to 2003, however it is available in PDF format in our 2001 <br /> and 2002 reports. <br /> 0 HEALTH - These expenditures are for the maintenance of vital statistics, restaurant <br /> inspection, communicable disease control, and various health services and clinics. <br /> HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - These expenditures are for <br /> development and redevelopment activities in economically disadvantaged areas. <br /> GENERAL FUND - The fund used to account for all financial resources not required to <br /> be accounted for in another fund. This fund is the main operating fund. <br /> INTEREST EARNINGS - These revenues reflect interest earned on checking and <br /> savings accounts, CDs, money market funds, and bonds. This category also includes <br /> dividends. In addition, the net increase or decrease in the fair value of investments is <br /> recorded here. <br /> LICENSES AND PERMITS - These revenues reflect receipts from liquor licenses, <br /> cigarette licenses, other business licenses, street use permits, buildings permits, and other <br /> non-business licenses and permits. <br /> OTHER EXPENDITURES - These expenditures reflect the costs of activities that were <br /> not allocated to a specific function. Some activities included in this category are pension <br /> and insurance costs not allocated to a specific department. <br /> • <br />