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-AREN HILLS <br /> • October. Noah is from Virginia; his wife is originally from Roseville. <br /> V. FUND BALANCE POLICY DISCUSSION <br /> Finance Director Iverson discussed priorities with City Council. hey decided to start <br /> with general fund balance policy. We gathered fund balance policies from surrounding <br /> cities and reviewed auditing requirements. The plan is to start small and work towards <br /> improving the policy. We will discuss Capital improvement fund and others-at a later <br /> date. Keep it separate from the general fund balance policy. Finance Director Iverson <br /> drafted a policy to be discussed and built on. This ;draft s> a hybrid of the City of <br /> Roseville, City of Shoreview and parts of the City of Cloquet Guidelines are from the <br /> GFOA and from the auditors. If complete we can present this policy to the Council on <br /> the 19th. Policies can be amended once adoption. Most of our revenue is from our tax <br /> levy and a little from other sources. No local govern ent Did; our main source of aid is <br /> the market value homestead credit. In 2t 0 we toad:total,revenue or $3.3 million; of that <br /> $2.4 million is general property taxes, $122000 is inter-governmental revenue. The rest <br /> 4111 consists of fines and forfeitures, franchise fees and very little form other sources. Do <br /> we have reserves in the enterprise funds? There is...a, sufficient amount for normal cash <br /> flow and infrastructure replacement Rate studies are conducted each year to make <br /> changes accordingly Monthly revenue goes to each fund except for the recycling fund. <br /> According to recording standards we!rtustshow that we have funds set a side to fully <br /> compensate an employee if their employment,is terminated. Our Enterprise fund is full <br /> accrual To give more flexibility we;could provide a range for the fund balance. At the <br /> end of 2006 we were at 53% Are expenditures level throughout the year? No, as <br /> invoices vary €rom month to month; some invoices are only paid twice per year for a full <br /> year contract Ourincome revenue is based off of the two tax payments. Other cities <br /> may depend en othp.r revenues throughout the year. Our risk is within our major <br /> businesses taxes•during.the year. Are contingencies built into the budget? This year <br /> we are trying to, last yearthere was a little, although it was designated. There haven't <br /> been many budgeted contingencies. Some cities budget 10% contingency each year <br /> based off the previous years budget. They take previous years expenditures for the <br /> levy, less any debt levy and less any transfers. This amount was used as well as a <br /> separate contingency fund; both are budgeted each year. End of the year requirements <br /> io are establish to decide where those funds will go. Budget contingencies cannot be <br /> City of Arden Hills <br />