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11-26-07 Item 4D, 2007 Amended Compensation Plan
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11-26-07 Item 4D, 2007 Amended Compensation Plan
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Last modified
4/24/2008 10:39:56 AM
Creation date
11/26/2007 10:35:50 AM
Item 4D 2007 Amended Compensation Plan
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Agenda Item
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<br />Summary of Job Evaluation Factors in the RDK Job Evaluation System <br />( Including Rating Parameters for Each Factor) <br /> <br />Formal Preparation and Experience <br /> <br />This job evaluation factor is applied to determine the most representative combination of formal preparation <br />(schooling at whatever level) and relevant Uob-linked) experience typically required to qualifv for the <br />position being evaluated. It is important in this factor to verify the minimum acceptable qualifications for the <br />position being evaluated. [There are two decisions made on this factor - one related to formal preparation <br />and one made related to relevant experience.] <br /> <br />~ The 2 rating parameters for this factor go from No Required Specifications to Doctorate (eight levels) <br />for formal preparation and go from 0 to 12+ vears (eight levels) for years of relevant experience. <br /> <br />Decision MakinCl (Impact) <br /> <br />This job evaluation factor is applied to determine the regular and ongoing freedom to act; the extent of the <br />organization affected by those actions; and the best characterization of decision-making typical of the <br />position being evaluated. [There are three decisions made on this factor - one related to the degree of <br />freedom to act; one related to the extent of such judgments; and one related to the nature of decision <br />making.] <br /> <br />~ The 3 rating parameters for this factor go from Least to Inclusive (six levels) for impact and go from <br />Job-Centered to Orqanization-wide (four levels) for extent of decision making and go from Ancillarv to <br />Final (four levels) for type of decision making. <br /> <br />ThinkinCl ChallenCles and Problem SolvinCl <br /> <br />This job evaluation factor is applied to determine the representative thinking challenges and problem <br />solving required on an ongoing basis and thereafter the depth of intellectual response to those challenges <br />and creativity involved in solving problems. [There are two decisions made on this factor - one related to <br />the context and complexity of challenges i problems and one related to the depth of response required to <br />address and resolve such challenges and problems.] <br /> <br />~ The 2 rating parameters for this factor go from Low to Dealinq with Governance Issues for context and <br />complexity (seven levels) and go from Make Clearcut Choices to Develop Oriqinal. Creative Solutions <br />(five levels) for responses. <br /> <br />Interactions and Communications <br /> <br />This job evaluation factor is applied to determine the context of business-related interactions and <br />communications that are an ongoing part of performing the position being evaluated. [There are two <br />decisions made on this factor - one related to the type and context of business interactions and one related <br />to the impact of the outcomes and effects on information content and flow throughout the organization.] <br /> <br />~ The 2 rating parameters for this factor go from Responses Provided to Others for context of <br />communications to Interactions Consistentlv Focused on Critical OperationaliGovernance Issues (6 <br />levels) and go from Effective Workinq Relationships to Dealinq with the Most Maior Operational 1 <br />Governance Issues (five levels) for outcomes and effects. <br /> <br />Work Environment <br /> <br />This job evaluation factor is applied to determine the potential for injury in performing the position being <br />evaluated and also determine what recognized health hazards regularly exist in the typical work <br />environment of the position being evaluated. [There are two decisions made on this factor - one related to <br />potential for injury and one covering the recognized health hazards in the work environment.] <br /> <br />~ The 2 rating parameters for this factor go from Minimal Potential to Continuous Potential (6 levels) and <br />go from Low to Hiqh (3 levels) for physical requirements. <br /> <br />RILEY, DETTMANN & KELSEY LLC <br /> <br />1 <br />
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