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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 24, 2007 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />Water Enterprise Fund for storm sewer improvements in the 2007 PMP. She stated the actual <br />project costs totaled $8,978.81, which included 15 percent for engineering fees. She stated the <br />cost of this project, when combined with the amount already spent as a part of the 2007 PMP, <br />would exceed the budgeted $20,000 by $9,085.81. She stated the motion is to award the bid for <br />the 2007 Storm Sewer Modifications Project to Burschville Construction contingent upon <br />Roseville's City Council Approval. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Grant moved and Mayor Harpstead seconded a motion to <br />Award Bid for 2007 Storm Sewer Modifications Project to Burschville <br />Construction. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />A. Motion to Approve or Denv a Request to Classifv Miniature Horses as <br />Domestic Animals as Defined in the Zoning Code. <br /> <br />City Planner Lehnhoff explained that staff received a request to allow a miniature horse on a <br />residential property. He stated that upon review of the Zoning Code, staffs initial opinion was <br />that miniature horses should be classified as "farm animals" since horses are usually associated <br />with farms instead of residential areas. He explained that farm animals are subject to certain <br />setback regulations that greatly restrict the ability of most properties to host farm animals. He <br />stated that if miniature horses are classified as farm animals, the resident would not be able to <br />have a miniature horse on her property; however, the Zoning Code definitions for domestic, <br />farm, and wild animals do not directly address miniature horses and there is room for <br />interpretation on the definitions for animals. City Planner Lehnhoff stated Ms. Linders is <br />requesting Council review the definitions in the Zoning Code and determine whether miniature <br />horses should be classified as domestic animals or farm animals. He pointed out the report from <br />the Planning Commission and a supplemental letter with additional information from Ms. <br />Linders to Council. <br /> <br />Ms. Natalie Linders, 1945 Glenpaul Avenue, explained why she believes miniature horses are <br />companion animals and not farm animals. She displayed a poster showing the size of a <br />miniature horse in comparison to a large dog such as a Great Dane or Irish WolfHound. She <br />distributed a photo of an Irish Wolf Hound and a miniature horse. She explained the benefits of <br />miniature horses. Ms. Linders indicated she had done research with Ms. Eleanor Mondale, who <br />owns miniature horses. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden commented the manure is good for compo sting and asked ifit could be <br />sold as such. Ms. Linders replied it could be used for gardening. <br /> <br />Mayor Harpstead asked how many miniature horses Ms. Mondale has. <br />