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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - November 26, 2007 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />Finance Director Iverson explained the monthly fee for the service is $49.95 per month, <br />as the population of Arden Hills is under 10,000. She stated the Springbrook interface <br />would cost $1,575 and the yearly maintenance fee is $394. She reported the yearly costs <br />have been worked into the 2008 budget and sufficient funds are available to cover the <br />implementation costs in 2007. <br /> <br />Finance Director Iverson explained the other costs would include approximately a 2.9% <br />processing fees of the amount collected. She stated the only real cost besides the <br />implementation cost is the increased use cost bank charges as a result increased use of the <br />payment system; however, this could be recovered through including this cost in the <br />City's fees. She indicated the system could grow with the City and several other <br />departments are considering using this system. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden requested additional information on the 2.9 percent rate. <br /> <br />Finance Director Iverson replied it would be an overhead cost. She stated the usage might <br />increase; however, clerical costs would go down and the rate of uncollected accounts <br />could decrease as well. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden questioned whether the utility system IS 100 percent on the <br />Springbrook. <br /> <br />Finance Director Iverson replied it is 100 percent converted onto Springbrook. She <br />stated she believes the Park and Recreation guide could be converted into a "pdf' <br />document and loaded onto the system. She stated the advantage is that RevTrak has <br />worked with vendors who provide the current recreation software and staff is checking on <br />the ability to interface with the system. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden questioned what the monthly cost would be if the population <br />exceeded 10,000. <br /> <br />Finance Director Iverson replied the monthly charge would increase to $89.95 per month. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if the interface was a one time cost. <br /> <br />Finance Director Iverson replied that it was. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated the system appears to be a value relative to the cost and a <br />convenience to residents. He indicated he fully supports this. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes requested more information about the web store. <br />