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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION- TCAAP MDA- May 24, 2007 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />TCAAP Financials and MDA: <br /> <br />Ms. Kvilvang indicated that the land developer fee is for both profit and for overhead <br />administrative costs for doing the land development, including assembling the parcels, doing all <br />the grading, getting the utilities, etc. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked why there is nothing on return on developer equity. <br /> <br />Ms. Kvilvang indicated at this time it is a good thing that there is no return on developer equity <br />in there and also there are no dollars in there to return anything on. Mr. Inman indicated equity is <br />what the developer is putting into the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Inman recapped on the potential that the developer will be selling themselves land and the <br />City wanted to make sure that it's monitored and an arm's length transaction. He indicated that <br />from the discussion last week, Council had agreed. <br /> <br />Ms. K vilvang asked if the City wanted the ability to look at each of the individual developments. <br />Mr. Imnan stated it is really important that Council understand that there are two different <br />functions that the developer has. Their role as master developer is to get the land assembled, <br />prepared for development and sold for development, and that role is different than when they <br />come in to build buildings. <br /> <br />City Administrator Wolfe stated there is an advantage to be able to do the cleanup and the land <br />preparation simultaneously because it is more efficient and it takes less time. She stated the <br />overall combined cost of cleanup and preparation for development should be lower than it would <br />be if it were two different and separate processes. <br /> <br />Ms. Kvilvang indicated they make sure they are not double counting by looking at everything <br />that they do and every invoice that they get. In addition to that Ehlers recommends having a <br />construction manager. <br /> <br />Mr. Inman indicated a document with much more detail will be attached to the development <br />agreement, plus if analyzing buildings those will be attached also. He indicated Mr. Bubul will <br />define in words what grading is allowed. He stated the developer then will have to give back a <br />document and an independent auditor will have to certifY that it is a true and accurate <br />representation of what happened. <br /> <br />Ms. Kvilvang indicated they will also be working on figuring out the value of the lots and have <br />more detail on that. <br /> <br />Mr. Inman indicated the developer would be giving numbers and how they arrived at those. The <br />City will then look at those, and based on experience of other developments that have happened, <br />see if they are realistic or not. Ms. Kvilvang indicated each type of development has different <br />levels of profit required based on risk. <br />