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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - December 17, 2007 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />Civil Engineer Giga and Roseville City Engineer Bloom presented historical information <br />on the CIP/PMP. The discussed the need to break the CIP development into three stages- <br />-system analysis, financial analysis, and annual review/update for the CIP. They also <br />presented information on new scenarios that were analyzed. Staff expressed concern that <br />the current approach to pavement management will result in higher costs for future <br />residents and is not proceeding at a pace that manages the backlog. <br /> <br />Civil Engineer Giga stated staff recommends the use of Scenario F (PCI 75 in ten years <br />with CIP) to develop the five year CIP as it takes into account additional factors and <br />results in the lowest average annual spending. She stated the next steps include a <br />financial analysis discussion on January 14, 2008 with Council direction on proposed <br />funding and an annual review/update on January 28,2008 with Council adoption of the <br />proposed five year CIP. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued. <br /> <br />Consensus reached by Council to direct staff to develop a strategy and implementation <br />plan using Scenario D or F. This plan should incorporate priority projects identified by <br />staff in the firstlO-15 years, followed by setting an average PCI goal of70. <br /> <br />Mayor Harpstead requested staff include how the City could pre-purchase land relative to <br />the Highway 10 and County Road 96 proj ect. <br /> <br />City Administrator Wolfe questioned whether there were other items to include relative to <br />the CIP. <br /> <br />Civil Engineer Giga pointed out that a place holder was added in 2008 relative to the City <br />Hall parking lot expansion of approximately 30 parking spaces at $3,000 per space. <br /> <br />Consensus reached by Council to direct staff to add the City Hall parking lot expansion to <br />a work session early in 2008 to discuss implementing it by the next voting event. <br /> <br />Mayor Harpstead stated he would like to see the total revenue and transfers from other <br />sources in the totals by year. <br /> <br />E. Town Hall Meeting Discussion <br /> <br />City Administrator Wolfe requested direction from Council as to when it would like the <br />next Town Hall meeting held. <br /> <br />Consensus reached by Council to hold the next Town Hall Meeting after the new City <br />Administrator is hired with the format similar to 2007. Council directed staff to forward <br />a list oflast year's format to members for review. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant left at 8:26 p.m. <br />