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2/22/2008 3:10:43 PM
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City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFr <br />9. PARKS AND RECREATION <br />Goal: Create a comprehensive, well-maintained, and interconnected system of <br />parks, pathways, and open spaces as well as a balanced program of recreational <br />activities for residents of all ages, incomes, and abilities. <br />To achieve this parks and recreation goal, the following policies are proposed: <br />o Develop, maintain, and encourage the use of a system of neighborhood <br />parks and pathways that are safe and engaging, which includes: <br />• Developing, maintaining, and encouraging the use of arterial <br />pathways that connects with neighborhood paths within the city and to <br />regional trails. <br />• Connecting neighborhoods, parks, and other destinations points <br />through a Citywide trail and pathway system. <br />• Strengthening the park and path system by making improvements as <br />feasible through the annual budgeting and CIP process. <br />o Provide recreation programs that address the interests of all segments of the <br />community, including children, adolescents, adults, families, and seniors. <br />o Encourage non -motorized transportation and commuting in and outside of <br />Arden Hills to reduce reliance on motor vehicles and increase physical <br />activity. <br />o Protect and encourage access to lakes, marshes, and wooded areas for <br />active and passive recreation. <br />o Plan for parks, trails, and recreation on the TCAAP property that address the <br />interests of residents in Arden Hills. <br />o Explore financing options to improve and expand the City's parks and trail <br />system. <br />o Pursue outside funding sources for parks and trail improvements. <br />o Construct way -finding signage for parks and trails. <br />o Explore options for collaboration with other governmental entities to provide <br />an array of high-quality recreational programs. <br />9.1 Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan <br />The City recognizes that demographic, recreation, and environmental trends will <br />impact park, recreation, trail, and open space user needs. To prepare for future <br />needs, the City of Arden Hills underwent a community planning process in 2002 <br />that resulted in the Parks, Trails, and Open Space (PTOS) Plan. The PTOS Plan <br />analyzed the City's current parks and recreation system facilities and developed <br />a long-term vision for the City's parks and recreation system. In order to realize <br />the City's vision, the PTOS Plan set a framework for funding, operations, and <br />DRAFT 36 <br />2/22/2008 <br />
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