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Wastewater System Statement —Arden Hills <br />Key Changes in the Plan <br />The revised Water Resources Management Policy Plan, adopted by the Metropolitan Council in <br />March 2005, is the metropolitan system plan for metropolitan wastewater services with which <br />local comprehensive plans must conform. This system statement summarizes significant <br />elements of the metropolitan system plan and highlights those elements that apply specifically to <br />your community. In addition to reviewing this system statement, your community should <br />consult the entire Water Resources Management Policy Plan, the 2030 Regional Development <br />Framework and other pertinent regional planning and policy documents to ensure your <br />community's local comprehensive plan and plan amendments conform to the metropolitan <br />system plans. A PDF file of the entire Water Resources Management Policy Plan, the 2030 <br />Regional Development Framework, the Local Planning Handbook and other regional planning <br />and policy documents of the Metropolitan Council are available online at the Metropolitan <br />Council's Web site: <br />The revised Water Resources Management Policy Plan incorporates the following changes: <br />• A coordinated approach to water supply planning in the metropolitan area with the goal of <br />providing for a sustainable, reliable and secure supply of high quality water to support orderly <br />economic growth and maintain the region's high quality of life. <br />• An approach to surface water management that ties together the control of pollution from <br />point and nonpoint sources. Local surface water management plans will be reviewed for <br />impacts on the regional wastewater system. <br />• A policy under which the Council will consider acquiring and operating local wastewater <br />treatment plants in rural growth centers upon request where enough growth is projected to <br />make it economically feasible for the Council to become involved. <br />• A plan that provides for cities to reduce excessive inflow and infiltration (I/I) of clear water <br />into the metropolitan sewer system. A financial assistance/surcharge program is included that <br />will provide a funding mechanism to help solve the I/I problem. <br />• A policy that continues to require inspections of individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) <br />at least once every three years by trained individuals. In addition, the Council has added <br />further clarification on what is needed in a community's local ISTS management program. <br />W-1 <br />