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<br />r <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />TRA VERSE BUS/NESS CENTER <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE P"ESENTS: That ClJ.K Arden Holdings. A Minne~otc Limited Portner~hjp, 0 Minnesota <br />limited partnership, Owner of the following described property situated in ihe City of Arden Hills. County of <br />Romsey, Stole 01 Mirmeseta: <br /> <br />Thot part of lhe Northeast Quorter 01 the Southwest Cuerler 01 Section 21. TO.."5hip 3D, Rcno;c <br />23. Remsey County, Minnesota. described os beginning at the intersection 01 the sCLithwe,lcrly <br />e~tension or the northwesterly line of Lot 21. Block 2, BUTCHERS ALLOTMENT NO. I OF GROUNDS IN <br />SECTION 21 TOWN 30 N. RANGE 23 w. RAIASEY CO. MINN.. according to the recorded plcl thercol, <br />ond the southerly ri;hl-ol-wey litl" of Butcher's Spur; thence soulheosleriy along said southerly <br />ri<;ht-of-woy line of Buteher'~ Spur to the South line of ~oid Nartheast Querter al the Southwe~t <br />OJerter al SeeOon 21; thence westerly olong soid South ITne al the Norlheosl Ouorter of the <br />Soulhwest Quorter of Seetien 21, e distonce el lIB.58 leetlo 0 line 30.00 feet soulhwesterly ef <br />ond porollel wilh e line hereinofter descri~ed os 'Line A" ond iI, soulhee,terly extension; Ihence <br />northweslerly parellel wilh said "Line A" and ils soulheosterly extension, 0 distance el 282.18 feet <br />10 the southwesterly exlension 01 seid northwesterly line 01 Lol 21: Ihence norlheesleny along seid <br />soulhwesterlyexlen"onollhenorlhwe5terlylineoILOI2Iodislcnce of 205.64 leel 10 Ihe pojnl <br />of beginning <br /> <br />i,SceIlJ.Soukup,prOfeSsioncllondsurveyar,doherebycertilyIhatlhovesurvel"'ll:)rdLrectlysuper,;sedthe <br />survey of Ihe protlertydescribed on Ihis plot: prcpcred Ihis plot or direcllysupervisd thepreporolion of Ihi, <br />plot: that this plot i~ 0 correcl represenlation 01 the boundory survey; Ihot oil methemelicol data end labels <br />ore correctly de~ignotcd en this plot: Ihel oil monuments depicted en this plot hove been cerrectly ~et: Ihol 011 <br />weIer boundaries ond wet lends. os defined in Minnesota Slolutes, Seetion 505.01, Sl;bd. 3, es 01 the dole of <br />the surveyor's cerlificelion cre shOlm ond lebeled On this pial: ond eil public "0)'" ere ~ho..n end !obeled on <br />thisp!et. <br />Doted this ~doy ef _________ 2oo__~ <br /> <br />ScoltJ.Sovkup,Professiono!LondSu""'l"'r <br />Minnesota Li~ense Ne. !7256 <br /> <br />Soid "Line A" is de~cribed o~ follows: Commencing ot the intersection of Ihe seuth..eslerly <br />extensien el the north..eslerly line 01 soid Lot 21 end the so.ulherly right-ol-wey line el SOld <br />BulCher's Spur; Ihence soulhwesterly deng soid southwesterly extension 01 the northwesterly line of <br />LOI 2! 0 distonce 01 175.00 fed te the poinl of beginning 01 Ihe line te be des(:ribed: thence <br />norlhwestcrly 10 0 point On the southweslerly extensien of Ihe northweslerly line of Let 14, Blod !. <br />said BUTCHERS ALLOTMENT NO. i OF GROUNDS iN SECTION 21 TOWN 30 N. RANGE 23 W. RAMS;:Y <br />CO, MINN., <::iSlont 175.00 feet uouthwesterly of Ihe southerly (ight-el-woy line 01 said But(:hers <br />Spur os measured elon9 said extended line, ond there termlnolillg. <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COU."TY OF H::NNEPiN <br />The feregoing Surveyor's Certificete wes edmowkdged before me this ____ day oj _________ 200__ <br />by Scott J. Soukup, 0 Li~ensed Lend Surveyor. <br /> <br />NOlcry Public, ____________ Counly._.____ <br /> <br />That pert oj the South..est Oworter of Seclion 21, Township 30 North, Range 23 West, described os <br />10How:;: <br /> <br />My CommiSSion E~pires________~______ <br /> <br />Beginning at 0 point the northweslerly line of Let 21 in Brock 2 of BUTCHERS ALLOTMENT <br />t.O. I OF GROl;,'lDS IN SECTION 2! TOWN 30 N. RANGE 23 W. RAMSEY CO. MINN. cxtended in 0 <br />sowthweslerly directien inlersects the sowtherly right-of-..oy line of the But~her's Spur; thellce <br />continuing soulh"e~terly elong sold north..esterly line 01 SOld Lo( 21 e>:tended. 0 distonce 01 175 <br />feel; thencenorlhweslerlyin o:;troight line 628.27 feel loopelnt in thelinecetweenLotsl30nd <br />I~ in Bleck I 01 said BUTCHERS ALLOTMENT NO.1 OF GROUNDS IN SECTION 21 TOWN 30 N. RANGE <br />23 W. RAMS[Y CO. MINN. exlended in 0 southerly dlreelion, Said point being 175 fect southerly <br />meosured eloll<} soid e>:lended line Irom th" southerly line ollhe right-ef-..oy 01 the Butcher's <br />Spur; thence northerlyelong said extended line 1751eet to the8utcher 'sSpursoutherly <br />right-of-woy lir,e; Ihencc southeoslerly elong the soulheny right-Of-woy line oj Ihe Bulcher's Spur <br />715.69 leet te Ihe piece 01 beginning. <br /> <br />Cily 01 Arden H,ls, Mlnne~oto <br />Wo de horeby cerlily Ihot On Ihc _ <::oy 01 _____ 200__ Ihe City Council of tho City 01 Arden <br />Hi:ls, Minnesota, opproved this plot. Also, the conditions oj Minr.esote Slotute", Secticn 505_03. S"bd 2.. hove <br />been julfi:l~d. <br /> <br />____________~_ , Mayor <br /> <br />,Clerk <br /> <br />That pert of Ihe Minneseto Trons!er Roiiwoy Compeny right-of-wey es described in Book 414 <br />Deed,. Pege 340. I) eoslerly 01 lhe eoslerly rig.~t-of-..oy of !nterstote Highway no. 35W os <br />deserlbed in Document No. 1708007 end lying northeny of Iho northerly righl-ef-..oy line o! <br />Interstate 594 os descrObed in Book 2083. Poge 459, cs Do~ument No. 1703802, Ramsey County, <br />Minneseto. <br /> <br />Lot I, B!ock I. Lol t, elo~k 2, and Lot I, Slack J, NORTHEAST CORNER ADDITION, according to the <br />recorded pi'll thereol, Romsey Ceunty. MinneSOle, excepl Ihot pert des~ribed es follows: <br /> <br />Deportment of Property Roco'ds cnd Revenue <br /> <br />Tnot porI o! Lot I, eio~k 2, NORH;[AST CORNER ADDITION. cccording 10 thc recorded plct thereol. <br />Ramsey Counly, M'nnesolo. described os commencing at Ihe sculheosl eorner a! 0,,1101 A. soid <br />NORTHEAST CORNER AODITION: thence on on assumed becring 01 South 79 dcgrees to minutes 24 <br />seconds Eest, clong Ihe southerly line o/seid Lot I e distcr.ce a! 177.87 feet to en ong!epoinl in <br />said ~oulhcny line olLol I said ongle peint being Ihe point of beginning of Iheporcel 10 be <br />descnbed: thence cootinulng South 79 degrees 10 minutes 2.; seconds Eest a d,slence 01 4.01 feet <br />to seid southerly line 01 lot I: lhen~e Nerth 87 degrees II minutes 35 seconds West, 010n9 said <br />so.utherly line of Lot I. 0 Cis t ence of 3.80 leet to en ong~e point in soid ~oulhedy line oj lot I: <br />thence North 14 degrees 12 minutes 16 seconds We~t. o~ong the southerly line 0/ said Lol I, 0 <br />dislOnCe of 0.59 leet to thepoinl 01 beginning. <br /> <br />Pursuonl 10 Minne.oto Stotutes, Section 505.021. Subd. 9, loxes peyoble in thc )'eor 200__ on Iho lend <br />hereinbelore;bcd hove beer: paid. Also. pursuent to Minnesote Stotules, Seclien 272,12, Ihere e'e no <br />delinqu~nt ond transfer entered Ihis ____ day of ~______ , 200_. <br /> <br />. Director <br />Deportmenl of Property Records or.d Revenue <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />__.___.______ , D~puty <br /> <br />Hes caused Ihe seme to be survey<rd end plotted es TRAVERSE BUSINESS CENTER end dees hereby dcdicate 10 <br />the public lor public use forever the Droinoge and Utility Easements os shown en this plot. <br /> <br />CountySurveycr <br />I hereby certify that this plot complies wilh Ihe requiremcnts 01 Minne~olo Stolules, Seclion 505.021, ond IS <br />eppwved pursuenl to Minnesolo Stolues, Sedion J83A.o:2, this ____ <::oy of __________ , 200__. <br /> <br />~-idO:-C;;WOOI, P.L.5.":"-R-;;'~y County Surve~r <br /> <br />In ..itne.. ..hereef said CMK Ard~n Holdings, A Minnesola Limited Partnership, e Minnesole limited partnership, <br />hes COw sed lhese presents to be signed by its proper oHicer this _____ dey 01 __________ 200__ <br />Signed: Chesapeake Portners 01 Minnoepolis. Inc., Generol Portner <br /> <br />County Recorder, Ceunty of Ramsey. Stote of Minnesota <br /> <br />ils __________ <br /> <br />! hereby ~ertijy (het this plot 01 TRAVERSE 8U~NESS C:J'o'TER ..os filed in the affi(:e of the Counly Recorder lor <br />pub!ic re~ord 00 thi, _ day of ,200_ , at _ e'c1ock __' M. and duly liled <br />in Book __ el Plots. Pege, __ ond _, es Document Number <br /> <br />STATE OF ______ <br />COt..'NTY 0, <br /> <br />Dopuly County RecVloer <br /> <br />The /orcgoing inslrument ..os c~knowiedged belore me this _ day of 200_ by <br />---~_ ____ 0/ Cesepeeke POrlners of MinneotloJis, <br />Inc.. Ihe General Pertner 01 CMK Arden Holdings, A Minnesolo Limited Pcrtnership, 0 Minneselo limiled <br />porlner:;."'p, or: behelf of the compcny. <br /> <br />NoloryPublic.___County, <br /> <br />My Commission E.piro~_____________ <br /> <br />SHEET / OF 2 SHEETS <br /> <br />II !iI!I:il2/Ji <br />