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City of Arden Hills Chapter 13 Zoning Code <br />1. A landscape plan shall be submitted as required in Section <br />1325.05, Subd 1, of the Zoning Code. <br />2. Special landscape enhancement of views from I-694 and I-35W <br />will be required. <br />D. Building Exteriors. The appearance of buildings is the most important <br />component in land development. Accomplishing the stated purpose of the <br />GB District requires particular concern for building design. <br />1. The arrangement, geometry and massing of individual buildings <br />shall be responsive to the arrangement, geometry and massing of the <br />whole of the GB District. <br />2. Exterior building treatment (wall surfaces) shall be of brick, stone, <br />glass or any combination thereof, except trim and accessories may be <br />metal. <br />3. Materials and colors selected for any individual building shall be <br />compatible with other buildings in the GB District. <br />4. All service entrance areas, mechanical equipment and trash <br />handling devices shall be screened from adjacent building and off -site <br />visibility. <br />5. A 'campus" plan arrangement is hereby encouraged and a <br />"signature" building is considered desirable. <br />E. Parking. Parking requirements contained in Section 1325.06 shall <br />apply. However, these requirements may be adjusted by the City in the <br />project review process if the changes will more effectively accomplish the <br />stated purpose of the GB District. <br />Surface parking shall maintain a fifty (50) foot landscape setback from all <br />public streets and a twenty (20) foot landscaped area from exterior project <br />property lines, except for access drives that may cross the setback area. <br />Since the intent of this parking setback is to provide visual separation for <br />large scale developments service stations with retail sales and services and <br />with a car wash shall be exempt for this particular requirement and instead <br />shall be required to meet the general parking setback requirements (a <br />twenty (20) foot parking setback from any public street or right-of-way <br />and a five (5) foot parking setback from any side or rear property lines) as <br />stated in Section 1325.06. <br />Section 1320 & 1325 — Regarding Landscape Requirements <br />Adopted: April 28, 2008 <br />Page 16 of 31 <br />