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PC Packets 2008
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5/1/2008 2:01:05 PM
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Chapter 8, Economic Development and Redevelopment is under review by the Economic Development <br />Commission (EDC) and was not included with this report. Chapter 14, Implementation, is still in the process <br />of being written. <br />The Metropolitan Council also requires the City to complete a water supply, stormwater, and sanitary sewer <br />plans. The City already has these plans in place; however, minor updates are needed before submitting them <br />to the Metropolitan Council. The City's engineering staff is working on updating these plans, which will be <br />included as appendices since they are largely technical documents. The remaining appendices are in the <br />process of being written. <br />Review Process and Schedule <br />The EDC is in the process of reviewing the Economic Development and Redevelopment Chapter. The <br />PTRC reviewed the Active Living, Parks & Recreation, and Protected Resources chapters at their February <br />and April meetings. The City Council reviewed most of the Plan at work sessions on April 21 and 28. The <br />Plan will likely be on the City Council's May 19, 2008, work session agenda. <br />Depending on the results of the Council's work session, the Plan will be uploaded to the website for public <br />review and a final public open house will be scheduled for the end of May or early June to publicly review <br />the draft and solicit public comment. A notice will be sent to all households in the City to inform them of the <br />meeting date, and attendees will still be able to comment and provide input on the draft Plan prior to any <br />official approval. Staff is accepting all comments and suggestions, and changes can still be made to the Plan. <br />The Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to officially review the final draft of the Comprehensive <br />Plan at their June 4, 2008, meeting. If the City Council gives approval of the draft at the end of June, the <br />Plan will be sent to adjacent cities, the watershed district, and the school districts for review. After those <br />agencies complete their review and provide comments, the City can then officially approve the Plan and send <br />it to the Metropolitan Council for approval. All cities are required to submit their plans to the Metropolitan <br />Council by the end of 2008. <br />It is important for everyone on the Planning Commission to understand the content of the Comprehensive <br />Plan because the Planning Commission does play an important role in the adoption process. The Planning <br />Commission will hold the first public hearing for the Plan and will need to provide a recommendation to the <br />City Council. This may occur as soon as June 2008. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or provide <br />comments. <br />If you have additional comments after tonight's meeting, you will still have time to submit them to me. This <br />is not your last chance to participate. <br />Attachments <br />Draft 2008 Comprehensive Plan <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Work Session for May 7, 2008 <br />I Metro-inet.=I ardenhillsTlanningICompmhensive PlanMemos1050708 - PC Report - Comp Plan -Vision, Policies, and Strategies.doc <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />
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