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<br /> <br /> TransKtion with GSA. evmronmental clean up ground on 1st phae of <br />Time Line - May 2008 development <br /> . -... 0" . .... '. '. "' . .. ",. '. '. . . .." . '... <br /> . In ,,: It: '" III ..; '" ..; II: It. II' ll' II' " II' II' '" II; It: '" '" II' ,,' II' It. ". II' <br /> '., <br />1. Dates of Project Team Meetings (Weekly) I N/A I , , , , , , , , I , I , , x x x I x x 1 x x I x x x 1 x x x x I x x <br /> >< ., <.< '<..<;..,<. .........'.......;........',.. .<. ........<<...<<........... " <> << '..<<.<<.<' " <> <. <<.... .<........ >>< '" < >,< '..<. <br />~c~c woriIsesslon regarding Master Plan (some joint with HKGI X X X <br />2. CC approval of maximwn build out City X <br />3.0penHouseonMa5terPIan HKGI X <br />4. CCworltsessiontoreviewrevisions,lfanv HKGI X <br />5. Submitconcept Master Plan to stafffor PC packet HKGI X <br />6. PC apnroval ofconcent Master Plan HKGI X <br />" Submit concpt Master Plan to staff for CC Packet HKGI X <br />" CC _"'session 011 fiMlconcept(revlslonsl HKGI X <br />9. CC aoprovalBMaster Plan HKGI ~Release to X <br /> MPCA in July <br />1. Additional Remedial Investigati~:l(WOrk plan RRLDlMPCA <br />develollment and submittal to MPCA <br />1. Remedial lnvestlgatlon Report (finalize and RRLDlMPCNEPA Release to GSAI Army I <br />release to MPCA.; <br />2, Demoliotnlhazardous material building surveys RRLO Ya, X X May 13, 2008 1"" <br />3, Negotlateenvimmental cost credits City/RRLD <br />4. CCreviewofcostcredits co, X X ,0';- <br />5. CC review of RAP, RAA, MOA, PPA, FOST, Co, V, . <br />FOSET COR <br />6. Response Action Plan (RAP) RRLDlMPCNEPA 6-Anr .......:'1 <br />7. Response Action Agreement (RAA) RRLDlMPCNEPA 15-Ma I.. ,,'1 <br />8. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) RRLDlArmy/GSA 16-Jun ....<"1 <br />9. Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) RRLO 15-Mav <br />10. Explosive Safety Summary Army/GSA Ye, <br />11. FOST - Not Agreement (TBD with GSAlArmy) Army/GSA .... <br />MPCNEPA <br /> Army/GSA <br />12. FOSET - Not Agreement (TBD with GSAlArmy) MPCAlEPA <br />Ci"'/RRLD <br />13. NEPA Army/GSA X <br />14. FFAModification Army/GSA X ::;;:;\ <br /> MPCNEPA <br />15. Financial assurances (insurance and security) RRLDlArmy X "yo. <br />GSAlCitv. <br /> Army/GSA 1..;\ y. <br />16. DeedfTransfer Agreement ~~:~; 16-Jun <br /> Army/MPCNEPA <br />17. COR City/RRLD X <br /> Govemor'sOffice 30-JuniB <br />18. Closin" RRLDlCityIGSA <br />19. Plattinllllrollertvintoonellarcel? RRLO <br />