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<br />City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFr <br /> <br />o Potential to become impaired: Available water quality data suggest that <br />the lake is currently not impaired. Due to development pressure or to <br />borderline water quality conditions, this lake has the potential to become <br />impaired in the near future. <br /> <br /> Listed on the Potential to <br />lake No Data 303{d) list of becorre <br /> impaired waters impaired <br />Johanna* X <br />Josephine* X <br />Karth X <br />little Johanna X <br />Marsden X <br />Round X <br />Sunfish X <br />Valentine X <br />'listed on the 303(d) list of fmpaired waters for mercury <br /> <br />The 303(d) list is part of the federal Clean Water Act. which requires states to <br />adopt water quality standards to protect waters from pollution. <br /> <br />10.5.4 Priority Areas <br /> <br />Area 1 - This area contains a relatively diverse assemblage of upland and <br />wetland communities connecting Lake Johanna and Farrel's Lake. Upland <br />community types in this area include aspen forest, lowland hardwood forest, oak <br />woodland, and mesic prairie. Wetland community types in this area include <br />willow swamp, mixed emergent marsh, and cattail marsh. The majority of these <br />communities were given a "medium" ranking in the natural resource assessment. <br />There are also several potential opportunities for wetland restoration within this <br />area, both hydrologic and vegetation. Lake Johanna has the potential to become <br />impaired due to excess nutrients. <br /> <br />Area 2 - This area contains areas a mosaic of upland and wetland community <br />types surrounding Rice Creek. Community types include forest, woodland, and <br />emergent marsh. The majority of these communities were given a "medium" <br />ranking in the natural resource assessment. The portion of Rice Creek within the <br />City of Arden Hills is currently on the 303( d) list of impaired waters. A portion of <br />this area near Interstate 35W on the west side of Rice Creek is included in the <br />TCMP redevelopment plans. <br /> <br />Area 3 - This area contains areas of forest. woodland, and emergent marsh <br />surrounding Marsden Lake. All of the lake's shoreline is in natural vegetation. <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />5/15/2008 <br /> <br />76 <br />