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<br />City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFT <br /> <br />The most notable rating system currently in use is the LEED rating system, which <br />includes a number of rating factors: <br />. Innovation and Design Process <br />. Location and Linkages <br />. Water Efficiency <br />. Energy and Atmosphere <br />. Materials and Resources <br />. Indoor Environmental Quality <br />. Awareness and Education <br /> <br />While gaining LEED certification has become important for the environmental <br />aspects, it has also become a marketing tool and a competing factor for many new <br />buildings. Encouraging the use of LEED standards may help the City be more <br />competitive over the iong term. With redevelopment along the County Road E <br />corridor and redevelopment of the TCMP property, the City and developers have <br />the opportunity to employ LEED standards and other sustainable techniques. <br /> <br />New development and redevelopment can use the newest sustainable and <br />environmentally friendly practices; however, existing structures and practices can be <br />modified or upgraded to reduce their impact. For example, using energy efficient <br />lighting, increasing insulation, reducing automobile usage, and other similar <br />measures can reduce a person's impact at home and at work. <br /> <br />12.3 Low Impact Design <br /> <br />Municipal land use and transportation planning decisions directly influence whether <br />people and businesses will have mobility choices that allow them to save energy and <br />money. Through zoning codes, building codes, and public incentives, the permitting <br />process, municipalities can encourage building design that reduces energy needs, <br />resources, and greenhouse emissions. <br /> <br />Environmental sustainability and low impact design also includes ecology and open <br />space planning. Some of the practices and tools that coordinate development with <br />protecting the environment and open spaces include: <br />. LEED and other similar design standards; <br />. Water gardens, porous or structured parking, and minimizing paved areas; <br />. Storm water control, collection, and filtration before entering storm sewers; <br />. Wetlands preservation and control; <br />. Access to local foods, materials, building supplies; <br />. Walkable and bikeable community; <br />. Increased landscaping with more trees and vegetation; <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />5/15/2008 <br /> <br />95 <br />