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~ ~ e <br /> , - <br /> - . . - . ~l . ys. <br /> ' . . . _ - . <br /> • ,x <br /> - . . . ' . . . - . . . - . - ' 3~ ~ <br /> . , • - . . . . . , ~ . ~ ~ . . - x <br /> r. <br /> - , . - ~ _ - _ - - _ - <br /> , . . . - ' . . _ . . 3~`. <br /> <br /> <br /> _ . . . . . . " , . . ~ ' <br /> fA;~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> , BTA7`E OF MfNNESOTA <br /> ~ . . COU2QTY QF RAMSEY <br /> ~ VII.I.AGE OF A.ELDDN HILL3 i <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 127 . ' <br /> AN ORUIN.ANCE ItELATING TO THE <br /> ~ COLLF3f7rION OF A3SESSMENTB FQR ~ <br /> ~ LQCAL IA4PROVF7MENTS AND AiT- ~ <br /> ~ . THORIZING CAOLLFJCTION OF UN- . <br /> STAULMENT5 THE'REOF BY RAMSEY <br /> OOUNTY. <br /> - - The Village Councii af -the Village of - . , <br /> ~ ArR2n Hills does hereby orc2sin as fol-, <br /> lowa: <br /> Section 1. Pnrpose, The Council has ~ <br /> noted that tha pHinnesata I,egislaLuFe has <br /> enacted ChaPter -103.Ei. ~ Laws 1969. - <br /> . amending 8ac~tion 429.061, Subdivision a, ~ . , <br /> providing thereby` that the rexnainfng <br /> balance of an asseasment, if naid in <br /> - . ~ - - &dvance of thQ regular scheduled proce- . ~ <br /> ~ dure for pa9ment, shall be paid to Che ~ <br /> - • - ~ munioipal treasuper. It is the Irurpose - - ~ ~ <br /> - - of this ard`nsnce to authorize offieials <br /> ~ , ~ - - 4 Ra.msey' Coun~ty to eollect remaining - ~ - ~ <br /> - ~ - . balances of assessments for ~ improve- <br /> ' . ~ . - ments in -order to aff<rrd praperty own- , - , ~ <br /> ers and other members of the irublic the <br /> convenience of mra.king such payment in _ <br /> . ~ . the s3me glaee and in tite eame , man- ~ . . _ <br /> , ner that thev pav 8anicra.l taxes and in- <br /> stailments- of assessments. ' - ~ <br /> Section 2. Autlrorization to Officisls <br /> of . Ramxy Conn4c Re Proceduie For ` <br /> - ~ ~ Gollecfing Aseeesments. Whenever an"y <br /> ~ . - property owner, pr other person desires <br /> - - ~ to pay the remaining unFaid installmen[s <br /> - - ~ - ~ of any aaseasment for -improvement, . the - , ~ - <br /> - assr.sament rall #nr which has baen eerti- <br /> fie3 tn Ehe Counky Auditor for eolleetion <br /> : with general taxes, the County Treas- <br /> urer and the County Auditor are here- <br /> bY anthorized to establish whatever pro- ~ <br /> - ~ cedure is necessary tomake possibde the ~ - <br /> pagment of said balance to the said <br /> - - ~ - - caunty offic.ials in lieu of gayfng" sapte - . . . ~ <br /> . - . ~ _ tn the muni,ipa3 treasurer ss' provided in - - ~ - - - _ <br /> - Minnesota Statutes 1967, 3eetion 429.0,61, <br /> Subdivia:on S, as amended. The said' ~ - . . - <br /> county afficials are hereby desiSnated <br /> ' • ~ as agents for the Village of Arden <br /> - - - ' ~ Hills to collect such assesaments and the . . ~ - . ' . <br /> ~mechanics - thereof shal] be set up by - . ' . <br /> - - . - . . the County Auditor, Caunty Treasurer ' - - . - . . <br /> and the Village Clerk-Arl•ministrator of , - - . - <br /> Arden Hills so that the, intent and pur- <br /> pose of this ordinance can be aceomp- , <br /> I `shed. - <br /> Sectian 3. Tsffective Date. This Qr- ~ <br /> - ~ ~ dinance ~shall take effect and be in <br /> fo-rce frotwand after_ its _and - . - ~ ~ - <br /> . . ' . - . , publication. . . . ~ - <br /> ~ Paseed by the Council of Arden Hills <br /> this 23th dav of December, 1089. <br /> ~ R. W. B7arndahl. MaYor . <br /> Attest: Lorraine Strrnnquist <br /> C lerk-Admilniatrator <br /> (Btrl]etln: Jan. 1, 1970) <br /> ~ - <br /> . , - <br /> , - <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> . . . . . ~ . ; ~ . ' _ <br /> . . . . ' . _ . ~ . . . ~ o <br /> 1 <br /> ' . . ' . • ~ . - . - ~ ~ ~ <br /> . ' - - . . ~ . - . - . . . . . - <br /> . . . . . ' . ~ ~ , <br /> 9 "''~p`,~ ~-.t.x" l ~z„ a•' <br /> zre s€ w ~ ` ~ _F ~ <br />