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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA actuated power devices and cariridges (p) Special industrial explosives 3 of this ordinance to possess such
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY for indusirial guns, and some special materials shall mean shaped materials Permit.
<br /> Villageof Arden Hills fireworks. (Commercial explosives are and sheeT forms and various other ex- Section 5. Permit Revocation
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 144 those explosives which are intended to trusions, pellets and pdckages of high A permit may be revoked or
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE be used in commercial or indusirial explosives, which include dynamite, - suspended aT any time by order of the
<br /> MANUFACTURE, STORAGE, HAN- operations.) TNT, PETN, RDX, end other similar Cauncil, after notice to the permiT
<br /> DLING, USE AND SALE OF EX- NOTE 1: CIaSSificaTion of ex- compounds used for high-energy-raTe holder, for any violaTion of the
<br /> PLOSIVES AND PROVIDING A Plosives is described by the forming, expanding and shaping in Provisionsofihisordinanceoruponihe
<br /> PENALTY FOR VIOLATION Depariment of TransportaTion as metal fabrication, and for dismem- creation or existance of any condition
<br /> THEREOF. follows: bermenT and quick reduction of scrap Which would, in the opinion of the
<br /> The Village Council of the Village of (1) Class A Explosives. meTal. Commissioner of Public Safety and the
<br /> Arden Hills does hereby ordain as Possessing, detonating or otherwise Section 3. Mantlatory Permits for Council createor tend to creaTe a serious
<br /> follows: maximum hazard; such as Acquisition and Use. fire hazard.
<br /> • SecTion 1. Scope. dynamite, nitroglycerin, picric acid, It shall be unlawful for any person to Unauthori:etl SecTion 6. May Personnot iransfer to
<br /> (a) This ordinance shall apply to the lead azide, fulminaTe of inercury, acquire, possess, use, sell or handle any .
<br /> manufacture, keeping, having, storage, black powder, blasting caps, and explosive as defined in SecTion 2 of ihis Na person shall sell, Transfer or give •
<br /> sale iransportation, and use of ex- deTOnating primers. ordinance, excepT as otherwise provided away any ezplosive or blasTing agenT to
<br /> plosives and blasting agenis in the (2) Class B Explosives. by SecTion 1, within the Village of Arden anyone who does noT possess a valid
<br /> Village of Arden Hills. Possessing flamable hazard, such as Hills without having a permiT in his PermiT issued pursuant to SecTion 3 of
<br /> (b) It shall not apply To the foliowing: propellant explosives (including possession. ihis ordinance.
<br /> (1) Transportation of explosives some smokeless propellants), (a) Such a permiT shall be issued only SecTion 7. Seller's Record.
<br /> or blasTing agenis when under the Photographic flash powders, and by the Clerk-AdministraTor, upon ap- Every person selling or giving away
<br /> jurisdiction of and in compliance some special fireworks. proval of the Village Council. any explosives coveretl by ihis or-
<br /> with the regulations of the Federal (3) Class C Explosives. Inclutles (b) Any person desiring a permit as dinance shall keep aT all times an ao
<br /> DeparTment of TransporTaTion, certain types of manufactured - required by This section shall make curate record in a bound book, of all such
<br /> (2) Shipment, iransportation and articles which contain Class A or application Therefor in writing to the explosives handled by him, indicating a
<br /> handling of mili}ary explosives by Class B explosives, or boTh, as Clerk-Administrator an such forms as deTailed account of:
<br /> The Armed Forces of the United componenTS but in restricted the Village Council may prescribe. (a) Date oi each fransference of ex-
<br /> StaTes and the State Militia. quantities. (c) Before any permiT is issued by the Plosives;
<br /> (3) TransporTaTion and use of (4) Forbidden or NoT Acceptable Clerk-Administrator, he shall notify the ~b) Amount of each such Tran-
<br /> explosives or blasting agents in the Explosives. Shall mean explosives Commissioner of Public SafeTy that such sference:
<br /> normal and emergency operaTion of Which are forbidden or noT accep- permiT is desired. Upon receipt of such Name and address of each pur-
<br /> federal agencies or state or table for Transportation by common natification the Commissionerof Public ~haser or Transferee;
<br /> municipal fire and police deparT- carriers, by rail freight, rail ex. SafeTy shall inspecT the premises upon (d) Manufacturer of the explosives
<br /> menis, providing ihey are acting in press, highway or water in ac- which the applicant desires To sTOre, being iransferred;
<br /> Their official capacities and in the cordance with the regulaTions of the handleand use theexplosives seT forth in (e~ The Type of and any identification
<br /> proper performance of Their duTies. DOT. the application and if he is satisfied, (1) numbers of explosives being tran-
<br /> (4) Sale and use (public display) NOTE 2: Certein chemicals and ThaT no serious fire hazard will ~ sferred;
<br /> of pyroTechnics commonly known as certain fuel maTerials may have creaTed, and (2) ThaT the applicant plans ~f) Explosives owner's or user's
<br /> fireworks. explosive characteristics which are to store and use the explosives in the PermiT number;
<br /> (c) This ordinance shall not apply to not specifically classified by the manner prescribed by ihis ordinance, he (9) Intended place of storage of the
<br /> the following commodities and items: DOT and are not readily classified shall endorse his approval upon said explosive by the purchaser or iran-
<br /> (1) STacks of small arms am- for coverage in the Code. applicaTion and reTurn it to the Clerk- sferee;
<br /> munition, propellanT-actuated Authoritative information should be AdminisiraTOr who shall present the ~h) InTended use site; and
<br /> power cariridges, small arms obtained for such unclassified same to the Council. (i) Security measures provided aT the
<br /> ammuniTion primers in quanTiTies of maTerials and action commensurate (d) The Council shall deny the storaae Site and at the use site.
<br /> less ihan 1,000,000, smokeless with Their hazards, location, issuance of any such permit to anyone Such record book shall at all rea-
<br /> propellant in quanTities of less ihan isolation and safeguards, should be who: sonable times be open To the in-
<br /> 750 pounds. taken. (1) Has been convicYed within the spection of the Commissioner of Public
<br /> (2) Explosive acTuated power (tl) Highway shall mean any public - pasT ten (10) years of a felony or SafeTy and all duty constifuTed iaw
<br /> devices when in quantities of less streeT, public alley or public road. gross misdemeanor involving moral enforcement officials of the Village of
<br /> Than 50 pounds net weight of ex- (e) InhabiTed buildings shall mean a turpiTudeor anyonewho is presently Arden Hills. In addition, an the first day
<br /> plosives. building or sTructure regularly used in untler indictment for any such of every monTh the seller or Transferer
<br /> (3) Fuse lighters and fuse igniters. whole or- in parT as a place of human crime; or shall make a report to the Commissioner
<br /> (4) Safety fuse (safety fuse does habiTation. The term "Inhabited (2) Has been within the paST ten of Public Safety of the Transactions
<br /> - rincludecordeaudeTOnanTfuse),- building" shall also mean any church, (10) years canvicted of a crime in Which Took place ihat monTh.
<br /> oha 3-32 inch cannon fuses or mat- school, store, railwa Section 8. Storage and Security
<br /> y passenger station, which the use, possession or sale of Requirements.
<br /> chlock fuses (Slow maTCh). airporT terminar for passengers, and narcotics or illiciT drugs was an qny person storing, handling, using or
<br /> (5) The sale or iransfer of black any oTher building or sTrucTure where element; or in any way disposing of explosives cove-
<br /> powder or oTher commonly used people are accustomed to congregaTe or (3) Has been ireated within the red by This ordinance shall maintain
<br /> non-smakeless propellanT in in- assemble, but excluding any building or pasT Ten (10) years for addiction To minimumsafetyantl5ecuriTyfeaTuresof
<br /> dividual iransactions involving sTructure occupied in connecTion with narcotic or illicit drugs, or has been all permanenT and temporary sTOrage
<br /> quantities of five (S) pounds or less the manufacTure, iransporTation, wiThin such Time period admitted to facilities in a manner prescribed by the
<br /> when used for muzzle loaded sporis storage and use of explosives. any hospiTal or institution for Rules and RegulaTions of the Minnesota
<br /> equipment or used in the han. (f) Magazine shall mean any building freatment of narcotic or illicit drug StaTe Fire Marshall governing the
<br /> dlaading of sports equipment. or sirucTure, other Than an explosives addicTion, or has been wiThin such storage, handling, use and iransporTat-
<br /> Section 2. Definitions. - manufacturing building, approvetl for Time period, certified by a licensetl ion of blasting agenTS and explosives.
<br /> In ihis ordinance, the following words the storage of explosives. medical doctor as being addicted to Section 9. Report of Thefts.
<br /> are used as defined below: (g) Motor vehicle shall mean any self. narcoTic or illicit drugs; or qny person who has explosives in his
<br /> (a) BlasTing agent shall mean any propelled vehicle, iruck, iractor, semi- (4) Has been within the past ten ppssession and who incurs a loss or iheft
<br /> maTerial or mixture con5isting of a fuel, frailer, or iruck-full trailers used for the (10) years, freated for alcohol ad- pf all ar a portion Thereof upon discovery
<br /> and oxidizer, intended for blasting not Transportation of freight over public diction, admitted to any hospital or pf such loss or theft shall immediately,
<br /> oTherwise classified as an explosive and highways. instituTion for ireatment of alcohol and in na event longer Than twenTy-four
<br /> in which nane of the ingredienis are (h) Propel lant-actuated power devices adtliction, or certified by a licensetl (24) haurs from the time of discovery,
<br /> classified as an explosive, provided That shall mean any tool or special medical doctor as being addicTed to inform the office of the Commissioner of
<br /> the finished product, as mixed and mechanized device or gas generaTOr alcohol; or
<br /> packaged for use or shipmenT, cannoT be system which is actuaTed by a smokeless (5) Has been wiThin the paST Ten Public Safety of the loss or iheft, the
<br /> tleronated by means of a No, 8 test propellant or which releases and direcis (10) years, admiited To any hospiTal amount missing and the approximate
<br /> blasting cap when unconfined. work Through a smokeless propellant or insTiTution because of or for time of the occurrence.
<br /> NOTE 1: A No. 8 tesT blasting cap charge. Treatment of any mental deficiency, Section 10. Bomb Threats.
<br /> is one containing two grams of a (i) Persons shall mean any individual, or certified by a licensed medical d- It shall be unlawful for anyone:
<br /> mixTUre of 80 percent mercury firm, co-parinership, corporation, octor as being mentally ill or (a) As a hoax, to communicate or
<br /> fulminate and 20 percenT potassium company, , a55ociaTion, joinT stock mentally deficient; or ~ausetobecommunicatedThefacTThata
<br /> chlorate, or a cap of equivalent association, and including any irusTee, (6) Has been wiThin the past ten ~mb or any oTher explosive device has
<br /> sirength. receiver, assignee or personal (10)years,acquitTed ofany criminal been placed in any building or in any
<br /> NOTE 2: Nitro-Carbo-Nitrate. represenTaTive ihereof. charge by reason of insaniTy; or ~ocation oTher ihan a building.
<br /> This term applies To any blasting (i ) Public conveyance shall mean any (7) Is not Twenty-one (21) years of (b) As a hoax, to ihreaten To bomb any
<br /> agenT which has been classified as railroad car, street car, ferry, cab, bus, age at the time when application for Person, place or building.
<br /> nitro-carbo-niTrate under the airplane or other vehicle whith is such permit is matle. (c) To knowingly permit any
<br /> Depariment of TransportaTion carrying passengers for hire. (e) If the Council granTS the permit, - telephone or oTher means of commun-
<br /> Regulations, and which is patkaged (k) Railway shall mean any steam, the Clerk-AdminisTrator shall, upon rec- ication under his conirol to be used for
<br /> and shipped in compliance with the eleciric, diesel, electric or other railroad eipT of a fee as esTablished by resolution any purposes prohibiTetl by ihis SecTion.
<br /> regulaTions of the DeparTment of or railway which carries passengers for of the Council, prepare and deliver to (d) As a hoax, ro place or cause to be
<br /> TransportaTion, hereinafter hire on the parTicular line or branch in said applicant such permit as is Placed in any locaTion any article,
<br /> referred to as DOT, formerly In- ihe vicinity where ezplosives are Stored requested in said application, provided, consTructed or placed with inTent To give
<br /> or where explosives manufacTUring That no permit shall be granTed for a the impression That said article
<br /> TerstaTe Commerce Commission buildin s are situaTed.
<br /> 9 period exceeding 30 days, or for such Possesses explosive capabiliTy.
<br /> (ICC). SecTion 11. Penalty.
<br /> (b) Explosive-actuaTed power devices (I) Small arms ammunitions shall longer period as is specifically approved Any person who shall violate any
<br /> shall mean an chemical com mean any shotgun, rifle, piSTOI or by the Council.
<br /> y pound, revolver cariridge, and cariridge for SxTion 4. Permit Application. provision of This ordinance shall upon
<br /> mixture or device, the primary or conviction thereof be punished by a fine
<br /> common purpose of which is To function Propellant-actuatetl power devices and The application for a user's permit
<br /> indusirial guns, Military-type am- shall be sworn to by the applicanT and of not morethan Three Hundred Dollars
<br /> by explosive, i.e., with 5ubslanTially munition containing explosive burSTing shall conTain the following in- ($300)orbyimprisonmeniforaperiodof
<br /> instantaneous release of gas and heaT, charges, spotting or pyrotechnic formation: not more Than ninety (90) days or both
<br /> unless such compound, mixTUre or for each such offense.
<br /> projectiles is excluded from This (a) Name and atldress of the ap-
<br /> device is ofherwise specifically definiTion. plicant; SecTion 12. Severability.
<br /> classified by the DOT. The conTents of ihis ordinance are
<br /> (m) Small arms ammunition primers (b) The applicanYS date of birth;
<br /> • (c) Explosives shall mean all maTerial declared to be severable and should any
<br /> shall mean small percussion-sensiTive (c) Where applicant intends To per-
<br /> which is classified as Class A, Class B explosive charges, encased in a cup, manently sTOreYhe explosives heinTends SecTion, clause, paragraph or provision
<br /> and Class C explosives by the DOT and used To ignite propellanT powder. touseandthesTOragesecurity measures hereof be declared by any courT to be
<br /> includes, but is noT IimiTed to, dynamite, (n) Smokeless invalid, the same shall noT affect the
<br /> black powder, pe11eT powders, initiating propellanTS are Those provitled at the sTOrage and use sites; com validiTy of the ordinance as a whole or
<br /> explosives, blasting caps, electric manly called smokeless powders in (d) The applicanT'S inTended use for any part thereof other ihan the part so
<br /> blasting caps, safety fuse, fuse lighters, the Trade, used in small arms am- explosives he purchases and pursuant to declared To be invalid.
<br /> fuse igniters, squibs, cordeau defonanf munition, cannon, rockets, propellanT- any permiT that may be issued to him; Section 13. Effective Date.
<br /> actuaTed power devices, etc.
<br /> fuse, instanfaneous fuse, igniTer cord, and Thisordinanceshall Take effect and be
<br /> (o) Special indusTrial explosive (e) All such additional information as
<br /> igniTers, small arms ammuniTion, small devices shall mean explosive-actuaTed may be prescribed by the Village in force from antl after its publication.
<br /> arms ammuniTion primers, smokeless Passed by the Council of Arden Hills
<br /> - propellant, carTritlges for propellant poWer devices antl propellant-actuaTed Council in determining whether the this 24 day of May, 1971.
<br /> power devices. appl icant is qual ified pursuant To Section
<br /> _ Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. Mayor
<br /> ATtesT:
<br /> Lorraine STromquist
<br /> Clerk Administrator
<br /> (Bu1leTin: June 10, 1971) .
<br />