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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> • I. uNinimmm Subdivisior? Design Standards* are the guides, prinasiples <br /> wd specifications for the prepaxatfen af sabdirisiaa p2ans indi- <br /> catimg among ether things, the minisum and maximum dimemsimns cf <br /> the various eiements set forth im the prelim,imary plan. <br /> J. *Owner" is any_ individual, firm, asscciation, syndicate, cm-part- <br /> mershig, corpc>ration, trust or `an,y+ ot2er legai entity having <br /> suffiaient_proprictary fAtsrsat in the land soa.glat to be subcli- <br /> videel_ to aomence and maintain proceedi~s to subdivide the sm <br /> uWer this ordinance. <br /> k. * Ma,qp is the right-of-way across aac within a b1ack, <br /> for use by pedestrian treffic vbether designated as a pedest,rian <br /> vy, Qresswalk or hawevsr otberwise designated. <br /> l. *Parsos" is wW irdivic'kuaZ,, firm' association, syndicate or part- <br /> n~rr:hip, ccrrpearatian, trust, or UW mther lega1, entity. <br /> <br /> a. "P2aw3ag Coetittset is thc peraar? or persmns designated ly the <br /> ' Vii3age Cowail to advise it on planning natters, <br /> <br /> n. iiPre1imirary P1an" is the preliminary map: draving or chart indi- <br /> catfng t,he Prerpvsed 1ayout of ths staddivision ta be submitted to <br /> the Vi3lagt Counci1 far its consid¢ration. <br /> • o. *Protective Covezants" are cdatracts eafiered imta betweeA private <br /> partis~ and ccnstitute a restrictien an the use of a21 private <br /> prragerty within a subdivision fmr the benefit cf the prvperty <br /> mwners, and tm protride itutua1 protectiea against widesirable <br /> aspects 0f derel nt thich woa.2d tend t0 3mpair sttability ctif <br /> valtres* <br /> p. aSetback Lfne, Bui2ding* is a 1ine xithin x,iaat batween whieh <br /> linej, aad. tha ad,jaceat street, the erectioA c~ an encbsed struc- <br /> ture or fencs, or pQrtiOn txa;ereof, is prohimitsd, <br /> q. "Streets and .a11eys" <br /> <br /> 1. "Streetl is a wV for vehicular traffic, wlather deaignated <br /> as a staCeeta highway's th~oughfares Parkw9y'$ threrughway,, <br /> reaai, avesue, land, p1aca or however otherir~'ise deaignated. <br /> <br /> 1-~ *Co11sctar Stx+cet" is a street which carrie,s traffic frcm <br /> minor streelz to tharovWaras. It irnciudes the primcipai <br /> eAtrasce atreets of a residential develepmat anul streets <br /> for circulation withia such a deveiopment. <br /> 1 b"Ca1-de-Sac" is a miaor street witxi an3.q ose att1et. <br /> <br /> l-c #Margizal Acaess Street" is a minar straet wh;iah is para12e1 <br /> arad adjacent tm ~thoraWVare auad which provides accsss ta <br /> ~ abutting proPerti~s and protsctimn fros throvgh tsaffic. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> _6 <br />