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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA ptan adopted by the Village Couttcil indicat• access to the back or the side oE pro- <br /> CQUNTY OF RAMSEY ing the general la;ations recommended for gerties abutting on a&treM. <br /> VILI.AGE OF ARDEN HILLS the various functiottal classes af public r. "Subdivdder° is any person ctlmmeno- <br /> ORDINANGE NUMBEP 58 works, places, and structures, and 'or the iug proceedings under thts Ordinance to <br /> ORDINAtNCE REGULA~CING THE g~er~al physical development of the Vil• effeat a subdivision of land hereunder for <br /> ~ lage of Arden Hills, and inclssdes any unit himself or for another. <br /> AN <br /> SUBDIVYSION AND PLATTING OF or part of such plan "separately adopted and s. "Subdavision" is the division of a par- <br /> LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF ARDEN any ameadment to such plan or parts cel of land into tao or more lots or par- <br /> HILLS, PROVIDING' FOR THE INSTAL- therevt. cels, anp of which resultant parcels is <br /> LATtON OR GUARAN7`EE OF INSTAI.- f. Fina1 Ptat" is the finai map , draw- tess than two and one-half acres in area, I <br /> LATIOAT OF UTILITIES STREET ing ar chart on which the sub~vider's for the purpose of transfer of ownership ' <br /> PAVF~lENT$ AND OTHER E33ENtIA~, pl~an of subdivision is presented to the or building development, or, iY a new street <br /> DEVEt,O~MENTS BY THE SUBDIVIU- Village Cthtncit for approval and vc'hich, is involved, any divisian of a parcel of <br /> ER• PR VYDIIVG FOR THE DEDICA- if approved, will be submitted to the Conn- land. The term includesxesuLdivision and, <br /> T1UN AND AI:Lk:Y!'ANCE OF LANU t~ Register of Deeds or Registrar of Ti- when ap~propriafe to the contex2, shall re- <br /> F08 PUBLIC USE; • PROYIDING FOR t ea late to the process of subdividing or to <br /> THE lMFOSING OF PLAT APPROVAL g. °LaY' is a parcel of land in a sub• the land subdivided. <br /> FEE$• PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR division, or plat of land, distinguished fram <br /> THE ~/IOLATION OF ITS PROVISIQNJ; other parcels by description as on a sub- SECfTON 5. <br /> AND REPEALING ORDINANGE NUM- division or record-af-survey map or by PROCEDURE <br /> BER 7. metes and bounds, for the purpose of sale (A) pgELIMINARY PLAN <br /> or 7ease or separate use thereo'f: 1$efore dividin anY trac{ p{ land in- <br /> TFiE VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILIa`' h. Easemettt ° is a right granted by to Ywo or more lots orparcels, an awner <br /> ORDAIlYS: an owner of land for the specific vse oE <br /> SECfION 1. aaid land by the public generally, or to s or subdivider shall, unless a variance is <br /> REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 7 Pe;son or persuns. authorized, file with the Village 41erk: <br /> i. "htinimum Su~bdivision Design Stan- a. Four copies of the, prelimiaary <br /> Ordinance Number 7 of the Yillage af p1an. <br /> tlyden Hills, relatin to the plattittg a( dards" are the guides, principles and speci- 6. A cash fee of $25.00 plus one dol• <br /> fications for the prepazation of subdivision ~T ($1,00) for each lot up to a~naxi- <br /> property in Arden $lls and the establish- plans indicating among other things, the <br /> ment of the platted property in Ardea ynlnimum and maxumum dimensions of the mum amount df E150.00. This fee will <br /> Hi11s, is hereby repealed. varions elements s t forth in the relimia• be used for the expense of the Village <br /> SECPIQN 2. ary plan, g P in connection with approval or disap- <br /> : PURPOrSE AND IN'CERPRSTATION j. 'Owner" is any individuat firm, as- Proval of said plan and any finai plat <br /> sooi-ation, syndicate, co-partners'hip, corpo- which may thereafter be submitted. <br /> ~ Eseh ne~s' subdivision becomes a perman- ration, trust or ana If the subdivider requests that <br /> ent unit in the basic physical struCture of y;other legal entity hav- any existing special assessments ahich <br /> which the ing sufficient propnetary interest in the have been le~ed against the premis- <br /> the future commu¢tityI a unit to land <br /> future cmmmunity wil ' of neeessity 6e fore- sought to be snbdivided to cornmence es described in the swbdiviion be divid- <br /> ed to adhece. Pieoemeal planuing of such and maintain proceedings to subdivide- the e] and aliocated to the respective lots <br /> snbdivisiaa~s, without correlation to the Vil- same under this ardinance. in the subdivision plat, the Village <br /> k. ' Pedestrian Way" is the right-of-way <br /> lage Plan, will bring a disastrous discon- ~ross or within a bldck, for use p ~t8' b ~uk shall estimate the clerical vost <br /> nec4ai patehwor& of plats and poor circu- y af preparing the revised assessment <br /> iation of traffia ln order that new subdivi• trian tralfic whether designated as a pe- rall, fillug the same with the county <br /> sions will contribute toward an attractive, destrian way, crosswalk ar however other• auditor, and making such division and <br /> wise designated. <br /> 4 qrderiy, stable and wholesome community 1. Person" is any individual firm, as- ailocation, and upon approvat by the <br /> euvirouinent, adequate municipal services> ~}ation, "s ndieate or artnets~i ~unpl of such estimated cost the <br /> ! and safe streets, all subdivisions he#'eafter rati~~ trnst or any other legal eniity.~. same shall be paid to the Village Trea- <br /> ptatted within the incurporated limita oE m. "Planning Committee" is the person Burer in addition to the fee mentioned <br /> the Village of Ardeu Hills shall, in all ~~rsUns designated by.the Village Coun- in subgaragraph b abover to cover the <br /> reapects, fully camply, with the regtxlatitlna cil Yo advise it on plannin matters. ~st of preparing and itling auch re- <br /> hereinafter set forth sn this ordinance. Tu $ vised assessment. <br /> their interpretation and applicatioa the n. "Prelimdnary Plan" is the pre]imia- 2. At its neet regular meeting follow- <br /> provisiona af this Prdinance shall be the ary map, drawing or chart indicating the ing the filing af such preliminary plaa <br /> mtnimum requirements adopted fas the pro- Proposed ]ayout of the subdivision to be the Village Council shall: ' <br /> tection of the public health, safetg and s+~~itYed to the Village Cmnncil for its a. Set a public hearin~ on the pre- <br /> geaeral vrelfar6 0. eonsideration. Protective Covenants" are cdntracYs liminary plan, which hearmg date shall <br /> entered into between private parties and be not more than forty-five (45) days <br /> SECTION 3. <br /> SCOPE constitute a restriction on the nse oE atl after the date of such settmg. The <br /> Village Council may authorize t]ie <br /> Eaeeep2 in the case of a re-subdivision, Private propertp within a subdivision for - gl8nxuing Gommittee to conduct the <br /> this Ozdinanee shall not app~lp to any tot the benefit of the property owners, and M hearing. T'he Village Council shall <br /> or lots forming a part oE subdivision plats P*ovide mutual protection against unde- eause notice af said hearing to be <br /> recorded in" the oftice of the Register of sirable aspects uf developmrnt which wouid pub?ished in the oEficial Village news- <br /> Deedg or ~tegistrar of Titles prior to the tend to impair stability of values. paper at lwat five (5) days prior to <br /> ` eSfecnve date af this Ordinance,,nor is it A•, "Setback Line, Building" is a line the hearing. <br /> intended by 'this Ocdinance to impair or withm a lot between which line, -and the b. Refer twd copies of the prelimin- <br /> intarfere wsth existing prcroisions of otlt- adjacent street, the erection of an enclos- ary plan to the Planning Committee for <br /> cz Iaws or trsdinances except those speci- ed structvre or fence, or portion thexeof, its examination and report and one <br /> ficallp repealed by,, or in conflict with, is prohihited. copy . to the Village Engineer for his <br /> this Ordinaace, or with private restrictions q, "gtreets and Alleys" cncamsnahan and repart. Copies of the <br /> glaced npon, property by deed, coven~nt- f "Street° is a way for vehicntar report of the Village Engineer shall be <br /> r or other private agreemenY, or with re- traffic, whether designated as a street, ffiven to the Village Council and Plan- <br /> striMive covenants running with the land highway, thoroughfare, parkway, ning Committee at Teast ten (10) days <br /> ` to which the Village is a party; Pro4ided throughway, road, avenue, lane, place priar to the date of public hearing. <br /> E however, that such private restrictions (rr or hdwever othenvise designated. 3: In the event the Council has provid- <br /> ' restrietive covenants inay impose stricter 1-a "Ga?lector StreeY" is a street ed that the pwblic hearing shall be conduct- <br /> ! requirements than established by this Or- which carries traffic from minor streets ed by the Planning Committee, the Plan- <br /> dinance, but may not descrease the require• to thorovghfares. It includes the prin- ning Committee s}uall makt its report to <br /> F menis imposed herein. cipal entrance street$ of a residential the Village Council at the first regular <br /> ~ development and streets for circulation meeting o[ the Village Council following <br /> SECI'ION 4 within such a development. such public hearing. <br /> f DEFINITION3 1-b ' Cul-de•Sac" is a minor street <br /> For the purpose of this Qrdinanee, the with only one oatlet. In the event the Council does not refer <br /> following terms pluases, words and their 1-c ` Marginal Access StreeY' is a the public hearing to the Planning Com- <br /> derlvations' sha~l have the meaning given minor street which is mi2tee, then the repoYt of the Planning <br /> in this section, When not inconsistent with parallel and a~i- C~mittee shall be given to the Village <br /> jacent ta a thoroughfare and which pro- ~uncil before the time set far such pub- <br /> the context, words used in the present vides access to abutting properties and lic hearing. <br /> tense inclnde the futwe, wards in the plur- protecti~n from through tTafEia <br /> al number include the singular number, 1-d "Minor S2reet" is a street of lim- 4. The Village Covncii shall act on the <br /> and words im the singular number include ited continuity used primarily for ac• Pl'eliminary plan bY resolution aPprovinq <br /> the plural number. The word "ahatl" is al- cess to the abutting properties and the or adopting it wiRhtn thirty (30) days aE• <br /> waps mandatory and not mereiy d'trectory. local needs of a neitthborhood. ter receipt of the report of the Pianning <br /> a. "Brnalevard" is the portzon of the I-e "Street Width" is the shortest Committee; if the Planning Committee is <br /> street right-of-way between the curb line distance between the lines delineating desiu,nated ta conduct the public hearing. <br /> and the pro perty , line. the right-df-way of a street. If the Planning Committee dces not con- <br /> b. "Butt Lot' ts a lot at the end of a 1-f Thorowghfare" is a fast or heavy duct the public hearing, then the Village <br /> block and located between two corner Ictts. traffic stteet of considerable continuity Council shall take action by resolntion <br /> c. "Village" is the VilFage of Asden and used primarily as a traffic artery within thirty (30) days atter the pnblic <br /> Hills. for intereommuuication among large ar-- heating. <br /> d:of"Villa2~ e~ Connril" is the Village Coun- eas. If the report of the Planning Committee <br /> cil the Village of Arden Hills. 2. "Alley" is a mixror way which is ' has not been received within seventy-five <br /> e. "Village Plan" is a eomprehenssve used primarilp for vehicular service (75) days after referral of eaid maEter to <br /> PA(;F. I <br /> ~ <br /> s <br /> , <br /> , J <br /> L <br />