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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA requested by a iicensed educaTional or scienTific in-
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY stitution under Section 35.77 of Minnesota Statutes, ihen .
<br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS iT shall be given to such institution and shall not be sold.
<br /> ORDINANCE N0.19B (9) Disposition of l9nredeemed Dogs. All dogs im-
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATIlJG THE OWNERSFIIP, pounded under ihis Section and which have noT been
<br /> KEEPING AND CONTROL OF DOGS; REQUIRING redeemed or purchased as authorized hereby may be
<br /> THE LICENSING THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR TFIE disposed of in a humane manner by the poundkeeper or
<br /> IMPOUNDMENT, REDEMPTION, RELEASE AND any police officer.
<br /> DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN DOGS; ESTABLISHING Section 10. Interference With Officers.
<br /> A CITY POUND; PROHIBITING CERTAIN It shall be unlawful for any unanihorized person To
<br /> NUISANCE ACTIVITIES OF DOGS; ESTABLISHING breakopenthepoundortoatTempttodoso,orTOtakeor
<br /> A OUARANTINE PROCEDURE; REQUIRING Ietoutanydogsiherefrom,orTOtakeoraTtemptTOtake
<br /> - RABIES VACCINATION; PROVIDING FOR THE from any officer any dog taken by him in compliance
<br /> LICENSING OF KENNELS; REPEALING OR- with ihis Ordinaneeor in any manner to interfere wiTh
<br /> DINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AMEN- or hinder sE.?c-i r=¢`icer in the discharge of his duties
<br /> DING ORDINANCE 164; AND PROVIDING under this GrUirsance. PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLAYION THEREOF. Seciion 11. Diseased or Vicious Dogs.
<br /> The City Council of Arden Hills ordains: No person shali keep or sufifer to be kepP on premises
<br /> Section 1. Definitions. occupied by him, or permit or suffer To run at large any
<br /> (a) Dog. "Dog" shall mean any species of the Canis diseased doy or any dog of a ierocious or vicious
<br /> genus of animals. character, habiT or disoosition,
<br /> (b) Kennel. "Kennel" shall mean any establishment SecTion 12. Howling and Barking.
<br /> where dogs are kept for the purpose of breeding, sale, or It shal I be uniawiul fnr any person To own, keep, have
<br /> sporfing purposes. Any person owning, harboring or in his possession. or harbor any dog which, by frequent
<br /> ~ keeping for pleasure or profit Three (3) or more dogs and habitual how!ing, yelping, barking or otherwise
<br /> older Than six (6) months shall be deemed an operator of shali cause seriou5 annayance or disTurbance To persons
<br /> a dog kennel. or to the neighborhood, provided that the provisions of
<br /> (c) Owner. "Owner" shall mean any person, firm, or fhis Secfion shall not epply ta duly auThorized hospitals
<br /> corporaTion owning, harboring or keeping a dog. or cl;nics conducted for thie treatment of small animals.
<br /> Section 2. Transition; Two Year License Required; No person shall be convicted under the provisions of This
<br /> Fee. SecTion excepT upor. evidence of iwo (2) or more adult
<br /> Every owner of a dog more Than six (6) monThs of age, persons, each of a different household, and no warrant
<br /> which is unregistered and unlicensed as of the effective shall be issued except after five (5) days' written notice
<br /> daTe of ihis Ordinance, shall make applicaTion for the has been mailed or delivered to the occupant of the
<br /> regisTration and licensing of such dog in the office of the premises where such dog is kepT or harbored, advising
<br /> Clerk-AdminisTrator of the City. Upon payment of a ihat a compiaint lias been made abouf the dog and
<br /> regisTration fee in the sum of $5.00, such owner shall calling aTTertion to the provisions of this Section and
<br /> receive a metal Tag license for such dog which shall provided complaint has not been withdrawn by eiTher
<br /> have an expiration daTe of December 31, 1977. party.
<br /> Effective January 1, 1978, every owner of a dog more Section 13. Biting; Quarantine.
<br /> Than six (6) monThs of age shall cause such dog To be Whenever any dog or animal has bitten any person,
<br /> registered, numbered, described and licensed ihrough the owner or custodian of such dag or animal having
<br /> the office of the Clerk-Adminisirator of the City. Such been so noTified bv the ?olice Depariment shall im-
<br /> registraTion, numbering and licensing shall be for iwo mediafely cause *he doq or animal To be quarantined at
<br /> years for such dog while owned or kept by the same the City Pound tor a period oi iPn (10) days after such
<br /> person while living at the same address. The fee for person has been bitteg bysaiddogoranimal.Duringihe
<br /> such registration, numbering, description and licensing quaraniine period, said dog or animal shall be kept
<br /> shall be Ten Dollars (510.00). The license shall be a under observaTEon #o determine its condition and if it is
<br /> metal tag issued by the Clerk-Administrator. Duplicate found to be sick or diseased, the poundkeeper shall
<br /> licenses for IosT license tags or the changed address of immediately report in writing To the Police Department
<br /> the owner shall be issuetl upon applicaTion To the Clerk- the condition of the dog or animal. During the
<br /> Administrator for a fee of Two Dollars (82.00). quarantine perioo, the dog or animal shall not be
<br /> SecTion 3. Dog Collars; Tags Affixed. removedfromtheciesignatedquaranTinefacilityexcept -
<br /> Every owner of a dog of more six (6) months of age by special written oermit from the MinnesoTa Livestock
<br /> shall at all times place and keep around the neck of such Sanitary Board and the Police Deparfinent. The owner
<br /> dog a collar, upon which shall be securely affixed the of said dog or animal shall be responsibie for the cost of
<br /> metal tag license provitled for in the previous Section such quarantine.
<br /> hereof and a rabies vaccination tag is5ued wifhin the Section 14. Rab6es Vaccina4ion.
<br /> last iwo (2) years. Before any license shall be issued for any dog, the
<br /> Section 4. Counterfeit Tags. applicanT for such ii;.:ense shall furnish a cerTificate
<br /> No person shal I make, sel I or purchase any false or from a I icensed xsvferinarian that such dog has received
<br /> counterfeit license tag or place or permit to be placed a rabies vaccinadion. wi?hin one (1) year.
<br /> any such false or counterfeit tag on any dog owned or Section 15. h4azxling Proclamsiion.
<br /> kepT by him. Whenever the Wrevulence of rabies renders such
<br /> Section 5. Transferability of Tags. acTion necessary, to pratec4 the public health and
<br /> No owner of any dog shall transfer its license tag or safeTy, the Mayor shall issue a proclamaTion ordering
<br /> placeor permit to be placed such tag upon any other dag every person owning or keeping a dog to confine it
<br /> than the one for which such tag was originally issued. securely on his neemises unless it is muzzied so that it
<br /> Section 6. Recortls. cannoT bite. No p~rson shal; v!ofaTe such proclamation,
<br /> The City shall mainTain in books provided for such and any unrnuzz!ed doy :°unninq aP large during the time .
<br /> purpose a record of all licenses and tags issued, withthe fixed in the preriama4ion .hall be killed by the police
<br /> name and residence of the person(s) To whom the same without notice to the owner.
<br /> was issued, and the number designa7ed upon the metal Section 16. Kennels.
<br /> license tag. (a) Permit Required. I1 shall be unlawful for any
<br /> Section 7. Runnireg et C.arge; Cantrol. persan to opera?e a dng Kgnnel in the CiTy of Arden Hills
<br /> No owner or keeper of any dpg, whether licensed or without first having ob7ained a kennel permit. The
<br /> unlicensed, shall permit such dog to run aT large. Any holder of a!cennei permii Shall not be required To
<br /> dog shall be deemed to be running at large unless such register each individiial dog kept in said kennet.
<br /> dog is accompanied in close proximity by iTs owner and (b) Duration; Non-7ransferability. Kennel permits
<br /> under such eifeetive direction, suparvision, and conTrol shall be for a period of one (7) calendar year or for the
<br /> of iTS owner as To be in fact resireined py such owner at portion of the calendar y~asr (oflowing the date of the
<br /> all times; providetl however, thaT during all times That application, and shali be non-iransferable.
<br /> any dog remains on his owner's premises the dog shall (c) Application; Fee. An application for operating a
<br /> be deemed To be wiTh the effective direcTion, supervision kennel, Togeiher with the fee required by This Or-
<br /> and conTrol of said owner. The fact That a tlog is running dinance, shall be submitted to the Clerk~Adm inisTrator.
<br /> at large wifhir, ithe meaning of ihis Section shall be The annual fee shall be Thir4y-five Dollars ($35.00) for
<br /> prima facie proof of a vipla4ion hereof, and shall subjecT the calendar year. One-fourih (',ath) of the fee may be
<br /> the owner or keeper of such dog to the penalTy provided deducted for each quarter o1 the calendar year com-
<br /> in Section 18. pleted before the date of the application.
<br /> SecTinn 8. Clean-up. (d) STandards for Issuance. No kennel permit shail be
<br /> The owner of any doy shal I have'he responsibility for issued unless aT the time application is rnade The owners
<br /> cleaning up any feces of the animai, wherever tlropped ot property adjoini.ng the applicanYs property shall
<br /> thereby, and shall dispose of suth feces in a sanitary have consented in writing to such use, nar shal I a kennel
<br /> manner. permiT be issued until aftar the premises whereon the
<br /> Section 9. Citations; Impoundment. kennel is To be located have been inspe:ted by the City
<br /> (a) AuThorizetl. Any dog fiound in violation of the Healih Otficer and approved as suiFable for such pur-
<br /> provisions of this Ordinance may be seized and im- poses. In no event shalf a kennel permiT be issued unle5s
<br /> . pounded by any police officer or any dog conirol agent the property whereon the kennel is to be located is
<br /> of the City; provided, however, ihat if the owner of such properly zoned iherefor in accordance with the City
<br /> animal is known or can be ascerTained from available Zoning Ordinance.
<br /> information, it shall be r2Turned ip iTS owner and a (e) Cleanliness; Revocation. Any person operating a
<br /> ciTaTion for such violation shall be issued Po the owner or dog kennel shall keep such kennel at al I times in a clean
<br /> ~ keeper of such animal, and sanitary condition antl shall not permit the same to
<br /> (b) Pound. Impountlment may be in such animal become a nuisance by reasons of uncleanliness or noise,
<br /> shelfer, within or without the City, as the Council has and his failure To do so shall be cause for revocation of
<br /> from time to time designated by resolut;on as the ciTy his permit. The CiTy HealTh Officer may revoke a kennel
<br /> pound. permiT at any time for violaTion of ihis SecTion but shall
<br /> (c) Naticeto Owner. 7heovvner of any dog impounded firsT give the permitTee ten (10) days' wriTTen notice of
<br /> under the provisions of this Section, if his identiTy and such revocaTion.
<br /> location can be obtained by reaspsiable means, shall be Section 17. Repea7 of Conflicting Ordinances;
<br /> notified wiThin twenty-faur (24) hours thaT his dog has Amendment of Ortlinance No. 164. Ordinance Nos. 11,
<br /> been impounded. 17, 67, and 183 and al-I aTher Ordinances in conflict
<br /> (d) Redemption by Owner; Irvrpaundment Fee. Any herewith are hereby repealed. Ordinance No. 164 is
<br /> dog impounded pursuant to the provisions of this Sectian hereby amended by deleTing iherefrom Subsection 6 of
<br /> may be redeemed frorn the pound by the owner ihereof Section 1 thereof and renumbering in sequential order
<br /> within five (5) days after such impoundment upon the remaining SubsecTions 7 through 12 as Subsection 6
<br /> payment to the Clerk-Adminisirator of such im- ihrough 11 of said Section 1.
<br /> - poundment fee as has been from time to time Section 78. Violation; Pertalties.
<br /> esTablished by the City Council by ResoluTion plus the Violations of this Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor
<br /> license fee required pursuanT to Seciion 2 hereof in the and upon conviction ihereof shall be punishable by a
<br /> event the dog is not licensed. fineof noT to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or
<br /> (e) Release. Upon the pre5entaTion of proof of a valid imprisonmenT for a period noT to exceed ninety (90)
<br /> license for such dog antl payment pf the fees provided in days, or both. The minimum fine for the first offense of
<br /> the previous subsecTion hereof, the poundkeeper shall a dog shall be Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00). The
<br /> release the dog To its owner. The poundkeeper shall minimum fine for any subsequent offense by the same
<br /> furiher take such steps as are necessary to cause the dog shall be Flfty Dollars ($50.00).
<br /> owner of the dog To be Charged with any violation of This SecTion 19. Effective Date,
<br /> Ordinance which gave rise to the impoundment of the This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and
<br /> dog. after the da'Teof. its passage and publication.
<br /> (f) RedempTion by Person Other Than Owner. If the Passed by the Council This 27th day of June, 1977.
<br /> owner of any dog impounded under this Section Shall fail Henry J. Crepeau, Jr.
<br /> to redeem such dog within five (5) days after its im. Mayor
<br /> poundment, not including Sunday or holidays, any other AtTest:
<br /> person may, upon complying with the provisions of ihis Charlotte McNiesh SecTion, redeem such tlog from the pound and be the Clerk-AdminisTrator , .
<br /> lawful owner of such dog Thereafter. If the dog has been (Bulletin: July 7, 1977.)
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