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<br /> B. Subatandard LoU. I. Plannsd Unlt Dsvalopmenlr. Planned unit developments
<br /> (1) Lots of record in the oHice(s) of the Remsey County may be permitled in accordance with Section VIII,G of Appen-
<br /> Recorder and/or Ragistrer of Titles prior to the date of enact• dix A(Zoning) of the Arden Hills Code provided that preliminary
<br /> ment of this ordinance which do not meet the requirements o( plans are approved by the Commissioner of Naturel Resources
<br /> Section 4.A. may be allowed es building aites provided: prior ta their epproval by the City, and further provided that:
<br /> (a) Such use is permiried in the zoning district. (1) Open space is preserved through lhe use of restrictive deed
<br /> (b) The lot is in separate ownerahip from abutling lands, and covenants, public dedicalions, or other methods.
<br /> (c) All other sanitray end dimensional requirementa of this or- (2) The following fectors are carefully eveluated to ensure the
<br /> dinence ere complied with insofar es precficel. irtcreased denarlyW developmeM is consistent wilh ihe resource
<br /> C. Rads and Puklny Anu. Roeda end perking areas shall limitations ol the protected weter:
<br /> be located to retard the runoH of surface waters and nutrients (a) Suitability of the site for the proposed use;
<br /> in accordance with the }ollowing criteria: (b) Physicel end aesthetic impact of increased density;
<br /> (1) Where feasible and precticel, ell roads end parking ereas (c) Level ol current development;
<br /> shall mset the setback requlremente eetebliahed for structures (d) Amount and ownership ol undeveloped shoreland;
<br /> in Section 4.A. of this Ordinence. (s) Levels erd types of water suAace use and public acceases;
<br /> (2) In no instance ahall ihese impervioua roada or parking sur• (Q Posaible eHecte on rner-ell public use. ~
<br /> faces be placed leas than 50 feet from the ordinery hiph waler (3) My commercial, recreationel, communiry, ar religious facili-
<br /> mark. ty allowed es pert of the planned unit development shall con-
<br /> (3) Natural vegetation oPother natural materials shall be us• form to ell epplicable federel and state regulations including,
<br /> ed to screen parking erea when vfewed from ihe water, but not limited to, the following:
<br /> D. Elsvetlon of LowM Floor. (a) Licenaing provisions or procedures;
<br /> (1) Structures shall be placed at en elevation consistent with (b) Building codes;
<br /> the City's flood plain menegement controls ae set forih in (c) Safery regulptions;
<br /> Chapter 9.5 of the Arden Hilla Code. (d) Regulations concerning the appropriation and use of Pro-
<br /> (2) In areas not regulated by flaad plain management contrds, tected Weters as detined in Minnesota Statutes 1974, Chepter
<br /> the elevation to which the lowest Iloor, includinp basements, shall 105; and
<br /> be placed shall be determined ae follows: (e) Applicable regulations of the Minnesota Environmental
<br /> (a) For lakes, ponds, end floweges, by (i) an evaluation of puality 8oard.
<br /> available flood information and conaistent with Stalewide Sten- (4) The linal plan for e planned unit development shall not be
<br /> dards end Criteria for Menagemeni of Flood Ptain Arees ot Min- modified, amended, repealed, or otherwise altered unless ap-
<br /> nesota or (ii) placing the bwesl Ilaor at a level at least three teet proved in writing by the developer, the municipaliry, and the
<br /> ebove the highest known water ievel. In those instances where Commissioner.
<br /> sufficient date on known high weter levels are not flveilable, the (5) There ere centralized shoreline recreation facilities such
<br /> ordinary high water mark ehell be used. as beaches, docks and boat launching facilities.
<br /> (b) For streams, by an evaluation ot available Ilood informe- J. Vadancss. Variances to the requirements of this ordinance
<br /> tion and consistent with Statewide Standards and Criteria for mdy be granted in accordance with the provisions of Section
<br /> Management of Flood Plain Areas of Minnesota. VIII,D (Variences) of Appendiz A(Zoning) of the Arden Hills Code
<br /> E. Exceptlone to Strueturo SstMCk Requlrsmsnte. and Section 5.C(1) of this ordinance.
<br /> (1) Setback requiremenla from the ordinary high water mark Sectlon 5. Adminlstretlon.
<br /> shall not apply to boethouaes, piers, and docks. Location of piers A. ConstrueGon P?ojects; Devslopmenta. All applicetions
<br /> and docks shall be conlrolled by appliceble state and local (or building permita, epeciel use permits, veriences, and plann-
<br /> regulations. Boathouses may be ellowed es a special use pro- ed unit development permits (or projects localed within
<br /> vided they are not used fa hebilation aod do not cantein eanilary Shoreland Manapement DislriMS shall be subject to - in addi-
<br /> facilities. tion to the provisiona of this ordinance - all eppliceble provi-
<br /> (2) On undeveloped shoreland lots lhat have two (2) adjacent sions of Appendiz A(Zoning) of the Arden Hills Code and shall
<br /> lots wdh ezisting prinicipal slruclures on both such adjacent bts, be administered es described in said Appendiz A.
<br /> any new residential structure mey be set back the average set- B. SubdlvWons. All applications fa preliminary and final plats
<br /> back of the adjacent struclures from the wdinary high water mark and minor subdivisions located within Shoreland Management
<br /> or fifry (50) feet, whichever is greater, provided all other provi- Districts shall be subject to - in addition to ihe provisions of
<br /> sions of the Shoreland Management Districls are complied with. this ordinence - all epplicable provisions of Chapter 22 (Sub-
<br /> F. On-Slts Sswags Trsatmsnt Systsms. All permitled uses diviaion Repulalions) ol the Arden Hills Code and ahall be ad-
<br /> and speciel uses within the Shoreland Management Districts ministered as described in said Chepter 22.
<br /> shall be served with public aewer. No private on•site eewege C. NotMlatlon of tM Commlwloner of NaWnI Rswurcas.
<br /> treatment systems shell be permitled. (1) A copy of eny requeat for e variance to the provisions
<br /> G. Shorsland Attmtlons. of ihis ordinance or plats which propose any bts which require
<br /> (1) The removal of natural vegetation shall be restrided to pra variances to ihe lot area and dimensionel requirements of this
<br /> vent erosion into protecled waters, to consume nutrienis in ihe ordinance or the nolice of a public hearing ta consider a special
<br /> soil, and to preserve shorelend aeathetica. Removal of natural use permit or planned unit development permit shall be sent to
<br /> vegetation in the Stwreland Menapement Distncts shall be sub- the Commissioner of Natural Resources such that notice is
<br /> ject to the (allowing provisions: received by ihe Commissiorrer at least ten (10) days prior to such
<br /> (a) Selective removal of naturel vegelation is allowed, provid- hearing or action on such request.
<br /> ed thal sutlicient vegelative cov,er remains to screen cars, dwell- (2) A copy of all amendments to this ardinence and final deci-
<br /> ings and other structures when viewed from the weter. siona granting variancea or special uses within the Shoreland
<br /> (b) Clear cuning of natural vegetation is prohibited. Management Districts shell be sent to the Commissioner of
<br /> (c) Natural vegetatbn ehall be restwed insofer ag feasible aRer Natural Resources within ten (10) deys of the amendment of final
<br /> any conatruction project ia completed to retard auAace runoH action.
<br /> and soil erosion. (3) Copiea of all plats within the Shoreland Management
<br /> (2) Greding and filling in Shoreland Menagement Districts or Districts shall be submined to ihe Commissioner ot Natural
<br /> any alteration of the naturel topography where the slope of the Resources within ten (10) days of (inal approval by the City.
<br /> land is towerd a protected water or a watercourse teading to a Sactlon 6. Gsnercl Provislons.
<br /> prolected water must be authorized by a permit. If the amount A. Intsrprotallon. In their interpretation and application, the
<br /> of gratling, ezcavation, or filling ie less than 400 cubic yards per provisions of this ordinance shall be held to be minimum ra
<br /> single parcel or 400 cubic yards per ecre of land, whichever is quirements and shall be liberally construed in favor of the City,
<br /> greater, en Administrative Permit shall be required. If the amount end its Ciry Council, and shall not be deemed a limitetion or
<br /> of grading, excevation, or filling exceo& 400 cubic yards per repeal of any olher powers granted by stete statutes.
<br /> single parcel or 400 cubic yards per acre of land, whichever is B. Abrogatlon and GreaUr RestrlcUons. It is nol intended
<br /> greater, a Special Use Permit ahall be required. Such permits by thia ordinance to repeal, abrogate or impair any existing
<br /> shall be applied for end epproved in accordence with Section easemenfs, covenants or deed reatrictbns. However, where this
<br /> VI of Chapter B(Excavation) and Section VII ol Appendix A(Zon- ordinance impoaes greater restrictions, the provisions of this or-
<br /> ing) ol the Arden Hills Code. dinance shall prevail.
<br /> My such permit may be granted subjecl W the conditions that: C. Repsd ollneonNtlsnt Ordlneneao. All other ordinances
<br /> (a) The smallest amouM of bare ground is expoaed fa as short inconaistent with thia ordinance are hereby repealed to the ex-
<br /> a time as feasible. tent o( the inconsistency only.
<br /> (b) Temporary ground cover, such es mulch, is used and per- d. Sevsroblllty. II any section, clause, provision or portion of
<br /> manent ground cover, auch ae aod, is esteblished. thie ordinance le adjudged unconstitutlonal or Invalid by e court
<br /> (c) Methada to prevent eroslon end trep aediment are of competent jurladidion, the remainder of thia ordinanca ehall
<br /> employed. not be aflecled thereby.
<br /> (d) Fill is stabilized to accepted engineering atandards, ap- Sectlon 7. Enforesmsnt; Fses; Vlolatbns end Psneltles.
<br /> proved by the City Engineer. The provisbns ol Section XII of Appendix A(Zoning) of the Arden
<br /> (3) Any work which will change or diminish the course, cur- Hills Code ere incorporeted herein by reference and are made
<br /> rent or cross-seclion of a protected water or wetland shall be a pert hereof.
<br /> approved by the Commissioner ol Natural Resources, and such Ssctlon B. EHecUvs Dete. This Ordinance shall be effective
<br /> approval shall be construed to mean the issuance by the Com- from end aRer its edoption by the Arden Hills City Council and
<br /> missioner of Natural Resources of a pertnit under the procedures publication in the New Brlghton Bulletln.
<br /> of Minnesota Statutea, Sectbn 105.42 and other relatetl stelules. Sectlon 9. Dats of Enaetmsnt. The dale of enactment of Ihis
<br /> H. Subdlvlslons. No land shall be subdivided which is held ordinence is the date hereinarier specified on which this or-
<br /> unsuitable by the Ciry for the propoeed use because of flooding, dinance was adopted by the Arden Hills City Council.
<br /> inadequate drainage, soil and rock formations with severe limita- Adopted by the Arden Hills City Council ihis 30th day of
<br /> tions lor development, severe erosion potential, unlevorable September, 1885.
<br /> topography, inadequate water supply or sewer access, or any Robert Woodbum
<br /> other feature likely W be harmful to the health, salery, or welfere Moyor
<br /> of future reaidente of Ihe proposed eubdivieion or ol the Anest:
<br /> communNy. ChaHOtte MeNluh
<br /> CNrk•Adnlnbtntor
<br /> (Bulletln: Npv. 20, 1985)
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