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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ STATE OF MINNESOTA SECTION 10 , onTO public streets or into public <br /> COUN7YOFRAMSEY AI,PLICATIONS drainage ways shall not be per- <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS The applicaTion for a builtling permiT miTted without municipal approval. <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 143 to consirucT or erecT a swimming (d) Pools shall be consirucTed and <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING pool shall be accompanied by plans operaTed in such manner That back- <br /> CONSTRUCTION, PLACEMENT AND of sufficienT detail to show: flush waTer or water from pool OPERATION OF PRIVATELY OWNED 3.1 The proposed location and size of the drainageshall pass into an approved <br /> SWIMMING POOLS IN THE VILLAGE - public drainage way or shall remain <br /> OF ARDEN HILLS, COUNTY OF pool, the house and garage, fencing - an the properTy of the owner, and <br /> - RAMSEY, STATE OF MINNESOTA. andoTherfeaturesexistingonihelot, such as waTershallnotbepermiTTedTOdrain <br /> utility locations and irees.- <br /> The Village of Arden Hills does hereby Included wiTh this plan shall be the from the pool, directly or indirectly <br /> ordain as follows: location of the above features an all ' onto properTy oTher ihan That of the <br /> SECTION 1.0 . owner. <br /> SHORTTITLE adlacent lots. 4.4 ElecTrical <br /> This Ordinance shall be known, citetl 3.2 The location, size and a staTemenT as qll elecirical work shall con- <br /> and referred to as the Arden Hills To the Types of equipment To be used form to the National Electrical <br /> Swimming Pool Ordinance, excepT as in connection with the pool, including Code. <br /> referred to herein, where if shall be but not limited to, filTer unit, pump, q.5 Safefy Fencing wiring, heating unit, backflush and <br /> known as ihis Ordinance and or TYiese drainage outlet, fencing and the pool (1) A~II pools shall be provitled wiTh <br /> Regulations. <br /> SECTION 2.0 itself. safeguards to prevent children from <br /> 3.3 The finished elevaTions and final . gaining unconirolled access. This <br /> RULES TreatmenT around the pool. can be accomplished with fencing or <br /> 2.1 A swimming pool is deemed to be a SECTION 4.0 screening or a combination ihereof <br /> siructure under the Zoning Or- pERFORMANCESTANDARDS of sufficienT density as to be im- <br /> dinance of Arden Hills and all work q.~ LocaTion. - penetrable. <br /> must be done in accordance with the (7) General (2) All fence openings or poinTS of <br /> Building Code: <br /> 2.2 A swimming pool may be permitted a. Pools shall noT be located eniry into the pool area enclosure <br /> only as an accessory strucTUre to a beneath overhead utiliTy lines nor shall be equipped wiTh gates. <br /> e ui <br /> principal building used for overundergrounduTilitylinesofany (3) AIl gates shall be q pped <br /> wiTh self~closing and self-IaTching <br /> residential purposes. Said pool shall tYPe, and shall be located in such devices placed on the Top of the gate <br /> be for the exclusive use of the oc- manner ihat it complies wiTh the <br /> cupanTS of the principal building and provisions of the NaTional Electrical oriotherwise inaccessible to small <br /> Their guests. For the purposes of this Code, a copy of which is in- ch ldren. <br /> SECTION 5.0 <br /> Ordinance a"swimming pool" is corporafed herein by reference and ADMINISTRATION <br /> defined as a pool with the capacity is on file in the office of the Clerk referred to in Section 2.3 hereof, AdminiSTrator of the Village. 5.1 Variances <br /> The procedures and requirement <br /> b. Pools shall not be IocaTed wiThin <br /> above or below ground, located on for variances To These regulations <br /> private properTy, and not located or any private or public uTility, walk- are the same as Those prescribed by <br /> proposed To be located within a Way, drainage, or other easemenT. the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> building. This definition shall ex- (2) Single-family pools 5.2 Fee. <br /> clude a. "Single-family pools" as used <br /> public swimming pools, herein are defined To be Swimming The normal building permit fee shall <br /> defined as pools designed and be charged for applicaTions made <br /> proposed for general non-residential pools IocatEd on single-family residential property used for single pursuanTTo This Ordinance. <br /> use, noT limited to the family and family residenTial purposes 5.3 Violations and PenalTies. <br /> . <br /> ~ guesTs of the residenis of the b. The outside perimeter af all ViolaTion of ihis Ordinance shall be a <br /> property upon which the pool is swimming pool sTructures, including misdemeanor and upon convicTion <br /> IocaTed. thereof shall be punishable by a fine of <br /> 2.3 A building permit shall be required all accessories, shall noT be located not to exceed 8300 and or imprisonment <br /> for any swimming pool wiTh a within Ten (10) feet of any side or for a period not To exceed ninety (90) <br /> of over 1,000 gallons or one rear lot line. Such single-family days for each offense. Each day That the <br /> and one-half (1-1/21 feet of waTer - pools shall noT be located within any violaTion is permiTTed to exisT shall <br /> depih.required fronT yard. <br /> 2.4 A buildin (3) Multiple-family pools constituTe a separate offense. <br /> g permit shall also be re- . a. "Multi-family pool" as used SECTION 6.0 <br /> quired for any enlargemenT or oTher EFFECTUATION <br /> major alteration of a swimming pool herein are defined To be swimming 6.1 Se arability. <br /> coming wiThin ihis Ordinance or one _ Pools consTructed or proposed To be I} is hereby declared to be the in- <br /> ThaT will come within ihis Ordinance consirucTed on. residenTial property tenTion ThaTTheSeveYal provisions of ihis <br /> because of said enlargement or used or proposed To be used fo~ Ordinance are separable in accordance <br /> alTeration. mulii-family residential purposes, <br /> 2.5 A separate building permit unless such as aparTmenT houses and the wi~h~Theffolany1nc ourT of competent <br /> included in the swimmin like. . <br /> g pool b. The ouTSide perimeter of all iurisdicTion shall atljudge any provision . <br /> permiT, shall be required for any swimming pool sTructures, including of ihis Ordinance to be invalid, such <br /> pump house, filTer house, enclosure all accessories, shall noT be located ' ludgment shall noT affect any other <br /> for the pool or any oTher 5trucTure wiThin fifty (50) feet of any side or provisions of This Ordinance noterecTed in conjuncTion with a rearioY line. specifically included insaid ludgement. <br /> swimming pool. Such strucTUres c, qqequate screening including 1(2) If any courT of compeTent <br /> shall conform To all provisions of the boTh fencing and landscape treat- lurisdictian shall adjudge invalid the <br /> Building Code. menT shall be placed between application of any, portion of This <br /> 2.6 No new swimming pool or renovaTed swimming pool structure and ad- Ordinance To a parTicular slrucTUre <br /> existing pool shall be used until it or location, such judqmenT shall not <br /> , complies with the provisions of ihis lacent single-family loT lines. affect the application af saitl <br /> Ordinance. 4.2 ConsirucTion and EquipmenT <br /> . (1) The swimming pool shall be provision to any other sTructure or <br /> ' 2.7 A Secial Use Permit pursuant to the designed and consirucTed in such a IocaTion not specifically included in <br /> "°""2oning (Trdinance shall be required manner so as not to said IudgmenT. <br /> for the consiruction of any sfrucfure endanger the <br /> healTh and or 6.2 Etfective DaTe. designe o- ver a swimm~ng poo safefy of its useYS and This Ordinance shall be in force and <br /> _ or or ihe consiruction of any ac- to not unduly interfere wiTh the use effecT from and after the date of its <br /> cessory s 5-a'TF andenjoymenTOfadlacentproperty. <br /> house, or oTher sTrucTure arge (2) The swimming pool shall have passage and publication. <br /> enou h o enc o persons n adequate provisions to properly , Passed 1the 97~Village Council ihis 10 <br /> se- <br /> - esigned for the accomm i n recirculaTe, filter, algacide and . Y of May Henr J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> persons. Uthgf auxi iar~y s ructures, germicide the water of the pool and . Y <br /> such as Those defined in Section 2.5 ' sainstructions for maintenance of : Mayor <br /> hereof, shall require only a Building me. qTtest Lorraine E. STromquist <br /> Permit. 4~3 Water Supply and Drainage <br /> 2.8 LighTing used in connection wiTh (1) Filling of pools via fire Clerk AdminisTraTOr <br /> swimming poolsshall be adjusTed in hydranis shall require municipal (BulleTin: May 20, 1971) <br /> such manner as noT To inTerfere wiTh approval. <br /> the reasonable use of adjacenT (2) There shall be no fixed or - property. Unreasonably loud noise in direcT connecTion of any swimming . <br /> connection with the operation of a . pool to any potable waTer supply. <br /> 40 pool is prohibited. (3) Drainage of-swimming pools <br />