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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE N0. 240 <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF ALARM SYSTEMS; ESTABLISHING <br /> USER FEES; ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM OF ADMINISTRATION OF SUCH <br /> ALARMS; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR FALSE ALARMS <br /> The City Council of the City of Arden Hills ordains: <br /> <br /> Section 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be known, cited, and referred <br /> to as "The Alarm Ordinance" except as herein referred to as "this Ordinance". <br /> <br /> Section 2. Scave and Purpose. <br /> (a) Scope. This Ordinance provides regulation for the use of fire, <br /> burgZary, and safety alarms, establishes users' fees, and <br /> establishes a system of administration. <br /> <br /> (b) Purpose - The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect the public <br /> safety services of the City from m3suse of public safety alarms <br /> and to provide for the maximum possible service to public safety <br /> alarm users. <br /> Section 3. Definitions. <br /> <br /> (a) Alarm Systems: An alarm installation designed to be used for the <br /> prevention or detection of burglary, robbery or fire and located <br /> in a building, structure or facility. <br /> (b) Alarm User: The person, firm, partnership, association, <br /> corporation, company or organization of any kind in control of an}r <br /> building, structure, or facility wherein an alarm system is <br /> maintained. <br /> (c) False Alax7n: An alarm s3grisl elicitfng a respoase by personnel of <br /> the Public Safety Department when a situation requiring a response <br /> dnes not, in fact, exist, and which is caused by the activation of <br /> the alarm system through mechanical failure, pet movement, alarm <br /> malfunction, improper installation or the inadvertence of the <br /> owner or lessee of an alarm system or of his/her employees or <br /> agents. False alarms do not include alarms caused by climaCic <br /> conditions such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, utility line mishaps, <br /> violent conditions of nature or any other conditions which are <br /> clearly beyond the control of the alarm manufacturer, installer or <br /> owner. <br /> (d) Public Safetv Department: The Ramsey County Sheriff's Department. <br /> Section 4. Renorts of False Alarmst Notice ta A,larm User. The Public <br /> Safety Depsrtment shall file awritten report rsf each false aYarn with the <br /> Clerk-Adminiatrator. Upon receipt of the first false alarm report at an <br /> address, the Clark-Administrator sha11., by certifiad mai1, notify the alarm <br /> user of the provisions of this Ordinance. <br /> Section 5. User Pees: Notice. An algrm user owning an alarm system <br /> which precipitates or reports more than three (3) false alarms to the City in a <br /> single calendar yesr sha11 be charged a user fee of $50.00 per fa1se alarm in <br /> excess of three (3) false alarms in a calendar year, and $150.00 per false <br /> alarm in excess of fifteen (15) false alarms in a calendar year. Upon receipt <br /> of a fourth and all subsequent false alarm reports as to an alarm system, the <br /> Clerk-Administrator shall notify the alarm user by certified mail that the <br /> threshold number of false alarms has occurred and that the applicable user fee <br /> specified in the previous sentence hereof has become due and owing. <br /> Section 6. Appeals Process. Any alarm user who is required by the City <br /> to pay a user fee as the result of a false alarm may make a written appeal of <br /> the false alarm charge to the City Council within ten (10) days of the City's <br /> mailing of the notice of false alarm which will have authority to make a final <br /> determination as to whether the appellant is to be charged with a false alarm. <br />