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<br /> of Worship and Schools. Seclion VI.A. of Appendix A-Zoning A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is hereby amended by adding
<br /> of the Arden Hills Code is hereby amended by adding thereto thereto a new Subsection (H) which is entitled and reads as
<br /> a new Paragraph (8) which is entftled and reads as follows: follows:
<br /> °(8) Certain day care facilities as accessory uses tor "H. FILLING AND EXCAVATION.
<br /> houses of worship and schools. Day care facflities for over (1) Permit Required. An administrative permit shall be re-
<br /> 10 persons shall be considered as accessory uses for houses quired for any filling or excavation of up to 400 cubic yards per
<br /> of worship and schools within all residential districts." parcel, or 400 cubic yards per acre, whichever is greater. Opera-
<br /> 16. Amendment to Section VI.B(2)(c) of Appendix A-Zoning tions of over the above-described amounts shall be considered
<br /> of Arden Hills Code by Adding "Patios" as Permitted En- land reclamation or mining, and shall require a Special Use Per-
<br /> croachments. Section VI.B.(2)(c) o( Appendix A-Zoning of the mit in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Arden Hills Code of
<br /> Arden Hills Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinances.
<br /> "(c) Recreational equipment, picnic tables, patios, uncovered (2) Exceptions. The (ollowing operations are excepted from
<br /> outdoor eating facifi[ies and dothes drying equipment may be the preceding permit requirements:
<br /> localed in rear yards provided lhese are not less than two (2) (a) Excavation related to the construction of a building with
<br /> feet from any lot line." a duly issued building permit;
<br /> 17. Amendment to Provision Regarding Exceptions to (b) Filling, excavation, and grading associated with site im-
<br /> Height Limitations in Section VI.B.(3)(a) of Appendix A• provements and site preparation for a duly approved subdivi-
<br /> Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Section VI.B.(3)(a) o( Appendlx slon or site plan;
<br /> A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is hereby amended to read (c) Excavation for constructfon of public streets and utilities;
<br /> as follows (d) Filling, excavafion, or movement of less than 100 cubic
<br /> "(a) Exceptions. Helght limitations shall not apply to church yards of earth for landscaping purposes on a lot already occupied
<br /> splres, belfnes, cupolas and domes; chimneys and smokestacks; by a residential structure;
<br /> publlc monuments and flagpoles; pubGc and private utility (e) Minor agricultural or conservation operalions.
<br /> faciltles; electronic transmission towers; roof-mounted televislon (3) Performance Time. Filling and excavation operations for
<br /> and radio antennae and parapet walls exlending not more lhan which a permit has been issued shall be completed within a
<br /> four (4) feet above the limiling height of the building, except as period of 120 days (rom the commencement of the operation,
<br /> hereinafter provided-" and withfn one year of the issuance of the permit, unless an ex-
<br /> 18. Amendment to Table Concerning Off-Sireet Parking tension is requested of and granted by the City Council.
<br /> Spaces in Section VI.E.(1)(Q o1 Appendix A-Zoning of Arden (4) Periodic Operations. Periodic filling or excava6on of
<br /> Hills Code. Section VLE(1)(f) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden amounts less than 400 cubic yards per parcel or per acre shall
<br /> Hills Code is hereby amended by adding to the table contained be allowed under separate administrative permlts until the com-
<br /> therein, under the "Use" column, the term "MWtiple-occupancy posite rotal of such periodic operations exceeds 400 cubic yards.
<br /> structures" and by also adding to such table, under the "Number Further operations will then be subject to the requirements oF
<br /> of Spaces" column across from "MWtiple-occupancy struc Chapter 8 of the Arden Hills Code of Ordinances.
<br /> tures," the phrase "Spaces equal to the sum o( the separate (5) Submissions. The applicant for a permit shall submlt the
<br /> parking requirements for each use contained therein." following in(ormation:
<br /> 19. Amendment to Section VI.E.(1) of Appendix A-Zoning (a) A legal descriptfon, plat, or survey of property to be altered.
<br /> of Arden Hills Code by Adding New Paregraph (g) Concern- (b) A statement of purpose for the filling or excavation-
<br /> ing Conversion or Alteretion of Approved Uses. Section (c) A plan identlfying the areas of the site to be altered, the
<br /> VLE(1) of Appendix A-Zoning of ihe Arden Hills Code is hereby eslima[ed quan6ty of material to be moved, the degree of grade
<br /> ' amended by adding thereto a new Paragraph (g) which is en- adjustment, the proposed finished grade, the existing and pro-
<br /> titled and reads as follows: posed drainage pattern, and proposed erosion control measures.
<br /> "(g) Conversion or alteration of approved uses. A commer- A complete grading plan may be required if considered
<br /> cial or industrial buflding which received site plan approval and necessary to the evaluation of the request.
<br /> was issued a building permit for a use, or uses, and which is (d) A list of local stree[s lo be used to transport the materials,
<br /> later cornerted, remodelled, or modified lo accommodate (6) Review Procedure. The permit application shall be review-
<br /> another permitted use, or uses, which has a greater ofF-street ed by the City Engineer and other members of the administrative
<br /> parking requirement shall be required to apply for site plan staff to determine the impact of the proposed operations upon
<br /> review and approval to assure the adequacy of off-street drainage patterns, adjacenf properties, wetlands, and bodies of
<br /> parking." water- The permlt may be approved as submitted, approved with
<br /> 20. Deletion of Provision Regarding Exterior Storage in modifications, or rejecYed because of specifically stated adverse
<br /> Section VI-E.(9) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. impacts. If denied, the applicant may appeal the administrative
<br /> Section VI.E.(9) of Appendfx A-Zoning of the Arden Hflls Code, decision ro the City Council within 10 days."
<br /> en[itled "Exterior Storage,° is hereby deleted in its entirety. 27. Amendment to Definition Provision in Section 8-2 of
<br /> 21. Revision o( Bulk Liquid Storage Provision in Section Arden Hills Code by Changing Definition o( "Land Reclama•
<br /> VI.E.(10) ot Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Section tion" and Adding Definition of "Mining." Section 8-2 of the
<br /> VI.E.(10) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is hereby Arden Hills Code, which is fn Chapter 8(entitled "Excavatlons°)
<br /> amended to read as follows: thereof, is hereby amended to read as follows:
<br /> "(10) Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids. "Sec. 8-2. Definitions.
<br /> (a) Compliance with Uniform Fire Code. All bulk storage of For the purpose of this chapter, the (ollowing terms shall be
<br /> flammable and combustible liquids shall conFOrm to the Min- given the following meanings:
<br /> nesota Uniform Fire Code as adopted by Ordinance 229, and (a) Land reclamatian. The deposition of more than four hun-
<br /> all other provisions of Ordinance 229. dred (400) cubic yards of sand, gravel, or other earth materials
<br /> (b) Permits. Permits shall be required as provided In Seclion per single parcel or per acre, whichever is greater, on a site in
<br /> 5 of Ordinance 229. such a manner as to elevale the grade.
<br /> (c) Discontinuance of hazardous existing storage tanks. (b) Mining. The extraction of more than four hundred (400)
<br /> Any existing storage tank [hat constitutes a hazard to the public cubic yards of sand, gravel, or other earth material from a single
<br /> safety shall be discontinued- parcel or per acre of land, whlchever ls greater, in such a man-
<br /> (d) Screening. All above-ground storage [anks, except tanks ner as to reduce the grade-°
<br /> used for liquefied petroleum, shall be screened from view. Such 28. Amendment to:5ection 14-1 01 Arden Hills Code by Ad-
<br /> screening shall conform ro the Uniform Fire Code and the sel- ding Thereto a Definition of "Manufactured Home" and
<br /> back requirements of this Ordinance." Revising the Definition of "Mobile Home." Section 14-1 of
<br /> 22 Amendment to Section VI.E. of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code, which is in Chapter 14 (entitled "Mobile
<br /> Arden Hills Code by Adding a New Paragraph (14) Concern- Homes") lhereof, Is hereby amended by adding a definition of
<br /> ing Design Standards for Principal Structures in Residen- 'manu(actured homes" and revising the definitlon of "mobile
<br /> tial Zoning Districts. Section VI.E. o( Appendix A-Zoning of the home" as follows~
<br /> Arden Hills Code Is hereby amended by adding thereto a new "Manufactured home. A structure, transportable in one or
<br /> Paragraph (14) which is entitled and reads as follows: more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight feet or more
<br /> "(14) Design Standards for Principal Structures in Residen- in width or 40 body feet or more in length, or, when erected on
<br /> tial Zoning Districts. site, is 320 or more square feet, and which is built on a perma-
<br /> (a) Minimum Width. All prlncipal structures in residentfal zon- nent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling wilh or
<br /> ing districts, except mobile homes in approved mobile home without a permanent foundation when connected to the required
<br /> parks, shall have a minimum width of twenty (20) feet measured utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning,
<br /> from face to face o( principal exterior walls. and electrical system contained therein; except that the term
<br /> (b) Foundation. All principal structures in residential zoning includes any structure which mee[s all the requirements and wlth
<br /> districts, except mobile homes in approved moblle home parks, respect to which the manufacturer files a certification required
<br /> shall be placed on permanent foundations which comply wi[h by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
<br /> the requirements of the State Buildfng Code and whlch are con- Development and complies wfih the standards of the Manufac-
<br /> tinuous and solid for the entire perimeter of the structure.° tured Home Building Code as defined in M.S. 327.31. Subdivi-
<br /> 23. Amendment to Provision Conceming Inoperable sion 3.
<br /> Vehicles in Section VI.F.(3)(a) of Appendix A-Zoning ot Arden Mobile home. A manufactured home designed, constructed,
<br /> Hills Code. Sectfon VLF.(3)(a) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden and equipped for use as a single-family dwelling, which has a
<br /> Hills Code is hereby amended to read as follows: width of less than twenty (20) feet over more than twenty-flve
<br /> "(a) Inopereble and unlicensed vehicles. Passenger percent (25%) of its length; or which is not placed on a perma-
<br /> vehlcles and trucks that are in an inoperable condition or are nent foundation comptying wlth the requirements of the State
<br /> unlicensed or in storage shall not be parked ouldoors in the Ci- Building Code or which is not continuous and solid for the en-
<br /> ry for a period exceeding seven (7) days 'Inoperable' shall mean tire perimeter of the s[ruc[ure."
<br /> incapable of movement under its own power or in need o( repair 29. Amendment to Chapter 14 0( Arden Hills Code by Ad-
<br /> or disposal in a junkyard-" ding a New Section 74-6 Thereto Concerning Manufactured
<br /> 24. Amendment to Provision Regarding Boats, Trailers and Homes. Chapter 14 of the Arden Hills Code, entitled "Mobile
<br /> Utility Vehicles in Section VI.F.(4)(b) of Appendix A-Zoning Homes," is hereby amended by adding a new Section 14-6
<br /> ot Arden Hills Code. Section VLF.(4)(b) of Appendix A-ZOning thereto which Is entftled and reads as follows:
<br /> of the Arden Hills Code is hereby amended to read as follows "Manufactured homes. Manufactured homes which have a
<br /> "(b) Boats, treilers and utility vehicles. Exterior storage of minimum width of twenty (20) feet over at least seventy-five per-
<br /> boats, trailers and utility vehicles is not permitted in any residen- cent (75%) of their length and which are placed on permanent
<br /> tial district, except those less than twenry (20) feet in length which Foundations which comply with the requirements of the State
<br /> may be stored in the side or rear yard." Building Code and which are continuous and solid for the en-
<br /> 25. Amendment to Section VI.F.(4) of Appendix A-Zoning tire perimeter of the structure shall be permitted outside of mobile
<br /> ol Arden Hills Code by Adding Thereto a Provision Concer- home parks in all residential zoning dlstricts, subject to all ap-
<br /> ning Exterior Storege in Business and Industrial Districts. plicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of
<br /> Section VI.F.(4) of Appendix A-Zonfng of the Arden Hills Code Arden Hills."
<br /> is hereby amended by adding ihereto a new Subparagraph (c) 30. Ettective Date. This Ordinance shall be ei(ective from and
<br /> which is entilled and reads as follows: after its adoption by lhe Arden Hills City Council and publica-
<br /> "(c) Business and industrial districts. All permitted exterior tion m the New Brighton Bulletin.
<br /> slorage in the buslness and fndustrial districts shall be screen- Adoptetl by the Arden Hills City Council this 27th day of
<br /> ed from public view, except materials and equipment being us- December, 1984.
<br /> ed for on-site construction. Trucks parked in public view and Robert Woodburn
<br /> utilized for storage for more than a period of seven (7) days shall Mayor
<br /> be prohibiled." Attest:
<br /> 26. Amendmen[ to Section VI. of Appendix A-Zoning of Charlotte McNiesh
<br /> Arden Hills Code by Adding Thereto a New Subsection (H) Clerk-Administretor
<br /> Concerning Filling and Excavation. Section VI. of Appendix (Bulletin: Jan. 9, 1985)
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