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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA sales, motor vehicle leasing and rentals, and repair garages are
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY not included in this definition of retail sales."
<br /> 12. Addition of Definitions of "Miscellaneous Tower,"
<br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS "Manufactured Home" and "Multiple-Occupancy Structure"
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 235 to Section II.D. of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code.
<br /> Section II.D. of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hllls Code is
<br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 8 AND 14 AND AP- hereby amended by adding thereto the following new definitions:
<br /> PENDIX A OF THE ARDEN HILLS CODE OF ORDINANCES "(147) Miscellaneous tower. A tower structure, and the equip-
<br /> TO CHANGE NUMEROUS PROVISIONS CONTAINED ment attached thereto, used for purposes other than transmis-
<br /> THEREIN sion, relay, or emission of electronic waves; including, but not
<br /> The Gty Council of Arden Hills ordains: limited to a freestanding N and radio receiving antenna, an elec-
<br /> 1. Amendment [o Definition of "Domestic Animals" in Sec- tronic receiving dish exceeding 30 inches in diameter, a wind-
<br /> tin II.D.(8) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Sec- mill, and a wind power generator.
<br /> Cion II.D.(8) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is (148) Manufactured home. A slructure, transportable fn one
<br /> hereby amended to read as follows: or more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight feet or
<br /> "(8) Animals, domestic. Common household pets, such as more in width or 40 body feet or more In length, or, when erected
<br /> dogs and cats, other animals kept for amusement, companion- on site, is 320 or more square feet, and which is buflt on a per-
<br /> ship, decoration, or interest. Animals which are normally wild, manent chassis and designed to be usetl as a dwelling with or
<br /> such as wolves, tigers and poisonous snakes, shall not be con- wfthoul a permanent foundation when connected to the required
<br /> sidered domestic animals." utfllties, and includes ihe plumbfng, heating, air-conditioning,
<br /> 2. Amendment to Definition of "Farm Animals" in Section and electrical system r,ontained therein; except Ihat the term
<br /> II.D.(9) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Sectfon includes any structure which meets all the requirements and with
<br /> II.D.(9) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is hereby respect to which the manufacturer files a certiflcation required
<br /> amended to read as follows: by the Secretary of ihe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
<br /> "(9) Animals, farm. Animals traditionally kept or raised on Development and complies with the standards of the Manufac-
<br /> a farm for the purpose of provlding food or products for sale or tured Home Building Code as defined fn M.S. 327.31, Subdivi-
<br /> use, such as cattle, horses, goats, sheep, swine, fowl, bees, and slon 3.
<br /> animals raised for fur." (149) Multiple-occupancy structure. A principal building
<br /> 3, Amendment to Definition of "Building Height" in Seo housing two (2) or more independent business or induslrial uses
<br /> tion II.D.(23) of Appendix A-Zoning of Artlen Hills Code. Sec- which are permitted in the district."
<br /> tion II.D.(23) of Appendix A-Zoning of ihe Arden Hills Code is 13. Amendment to Land Use Chart in Section V.E. of Ap-
<br /> hereby amended to read as follows: pendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. The Land Use Chart
<br /> "(23) Building height. The vertical distance from the average in Section V.E. of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hflls Code
<br /> elevation of the giade along a Face of a bullding to the highest is hereby amended to read as follows:
<br /> point of the roof surface of flat roofs, the deck line of mansard Uses Zoning Districts
<br /> roots, or the average height between the eaves and highest ridge R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 B-7 B-2 I-1 I-2
<br /> of gable, hip, or gambrel roofs. The height of a stepped or ter- Agriculture P P P P P P P P
<br /> raced building shall be the helght of the tallest segment of the Boardinghouse S S S S - - - -
<br /> building_" Ciubs and lodges - - - - P P - -
<br /> 4, Amendment to Definition of "Electronic Tower" in Sea Commercial recreation - - - - - P P P
<br /> tion II.D.(46) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hils Code. Sec- Day care and
<br /> lion II.D.(46) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is residenfial facility:
<br /> hereby amended to read as follows: Day care faciliry
<br /> "(46) Electronic tower. A sVUCture which is higher in eleva- 10 or fewer P P P P - - - -
<br /> tion than its diameler, and is used for transmission, relay or emis- Over 10 - - - - P P P P
<br /> sion of electronic waves. A ham radio tower and any other type Residential facility
<br /> o( private radio transmit[er are included in this definition." 6 or fewer P P P P - - - -
<br /> 5. Amendment to Definition of "Repair Garage" in Sec- Over 6 - - S S S S
<br /> tion II.D.(54) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Sec- Dog kennels - - - - - S - -
<br /> tion 11.0.(54) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is Drive-in business - - - - - S - -
<br /> hereby amended to read as follows: Earth-sheltered homes S S - - - - - -
<br /> (54) Garege, repair. A building or space for the repair or Electronic towers S S S S S 5 S S
<br /> maintenance of motor vehicles. including body work and pain- Garage, truck - - - - - - S S
<br /> ting ar.d vehlcle wash, but not including factory assembly of such Home occupation S S S S - - - -
<br /> vehicles, auto wrecking establishments, or junkyards." Hotel/motel - - - - - P - -
<br /> 6. Amendment lo Definition of "Grede" in Section II.D.(56) Houses of worshlp S S S S - - - -
<br /> of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Section II.D.(56) Insuwtional housfng S S S S - - - -
<br /> of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Cotle is hereby amended Land reclamation S S S S S S S S
<br /> to read as follows- Manufactured home P P P P - - - -
<br /> "(56) Grade. The lowest elevation of the finlshed surface of Manufacturing and
<br /> the ground, sidewalk, or other paving wlthin a five foot horizon- processing - - - - - - P P
<br /> tal distance from the face of the building.° Medical clinics - - - - S P S S
<br /> 7. Amendment to Definition of "Land Reclamation" in Sec- Mining S S S S S S S S
<br /> tion II.D.(64) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Sec- Miscellaneous towers S S S S S S S S
<br /> tion II.D.(64) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is Mobile home parks - - S S - - - -
<br /> hereby amended to read as follows: Mortuaries - - - - - S - -
<br /> "(64) Land reclamation. The deposftion of more than four Motorized vehicle sales,
<br /> hundred (400) cubic yards of sand, gravel, or other earth leasing and rentals - - - - - S - -
<br /> materials per single parcel or per acre, whichever is greater, on MWtiple-family
<br /> a site in such a manner as to elevate the grade." dwellings - - D D - - - -
<br /> 8. Amendment to Defintion of "Manufacturing and Pro- Nurserles S S S S - - - -
<br /> cessing" in Section II.D.(81) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Ofiices - - - - P P P P
<br /> Hills Code. Secllon II.D.(B1) of Appendix A-Zoning o( the Arden Personal services - - - - - P - -
<br /> Hills Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Public uses S S S S S S S S
<br /> "(81) Manufacturing and processing. All uses which include Repair garage - - - - - - P
<br /> the compounding, processing, packaging, treatment, or Research - - - - P S P P
<br /> assembly of products and materials. Generalty, these are in- Research animals - - - - - S S S
<br /> dustries dependent upon raw materials refined elsewhere. These Restaurants - - - - - P S S
<br /> uses include, but are not limited ta fabrication of wood, metal, Restaurants, drfve-in - - - - - S - -
<br /> and plastic products; assembly of electronic components, equip- Restaurants, (asl food - - - - - S - -
<br /> ment, and appliances; processing of chemicals, plastics, food Retail sales - - - - - P - -
<br /> products, and non-alcoholic beverages; manufacturing of Service stations - - - - - S S S
<br /> clothing and textile products; distribution centers, lumber yards, Schools, general
<br /> printing and binding shops, machine shops, sheet metal shops. education S S S S - - - -
<br /> sign shops, contractor's shops and storage yards." Schools, special
<br /> 9. Amendment to Definition of "Mining" in Section II.D.(84) education - - - - S S - -
<br /> of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Section II.D.(84) Single-(amily
<br /> of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is hereby amended attached dwellings S S D D - - - -
<br /> to read as follows: Single-family
<br /> °(84) Mining. The eztraction of more than four hundred (400) detached dwellings P P P P - - - -
<br /> cubic yards of sand, gravel, or other earth material from a single Single-family dwelling
<br /> parcel or per acre of land, whichever is greater, in such a man- under density zoning D D D D - - - -
<br /> ner as to reduce the grade.° Two-(amily dwelling S S P P - - - -
<br /> 10. Amendment to Definition of "Mobile Home" in Sec• Mixed residential types - - D D - - - -
<br /> tion II.D.(85) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Sec- Sail processing S S S S S S S S
<br /> tion II.D.(85) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden Hills Code is Utility distribu[ion
<br /> hereby amended to read as (ollows: lines P P P P P P P P
<br /> "(85) Mobile home. A manufactured home designed, con- Utility subslation - - - - - - S S
<br /> structed, and equipped (or use as a single-(amily dwelling, which Utility transmission S S S S S S S S
<br /> has a width of less than twenty (20) feet over more than twenty- Veterinary clinic
<br /> five percent (25%) of its length; or which is not placed on a per• and offlces - - - - - S S S
<br /> manent foundation complying wlth the requirements of the Stale Warehousing - - - - - - P P
<br /> Building Code or which is not continuous and solid for Ihe en- P- Permitted
<br /> tire perimeter ot [he sVUCture-" D- Planned Urn[ Development Permit
<br /> 11. Amendment to Definition oY'Retail Sales" in Section S- Special Use Permit
<br /> II.D.(709) of Appendix A-Zoning of Arden Hills Code. Sec- 14. Amendment to Provision Aegarding "Accessory Retail
<br /> lion II_D.(109) of Appendlx A-Zoning o( lhe Arden Hills Code is Sales" in Seclion VI.A.(5) of Appendiz A-Zoning of Arden
<br /> hereby amended to read as follows: Hills Code. Sectlon VI.A.(5) of Appendix A-Zoning of the Arden
<br /> 1 (109) Retail sales. Slores and shops selling, renting or leas- Hills Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
<br /> ing goods for uses away from the point of sale. Includes the "(5) Accessory retail sales, processing, and storage. Ac-
<br /> following: Antiques, art and school supplies, au[o accessories, cessory retail sales shall be permitted in industrial districls, and
<br /> bakeries, bicycles (not motorized), books and s[ationery, can- accessory processing, assembly, repair, and storege of matenals
<br /> dy, camera and photographical supplies, carpets and rugs, chlna shall be permitted in business dfstricts when such uses are
<br /> and glassware, clothing and costume rental, cusrom dressmak- directly associated with the princfpal use, and when such in-
<br /> ing, department stores, drugs, dry goods, electrical and cidental sales, processing, assembty, repair, and storage are
<br /> household appliances, sales and repair, Florist, food, furniture, necessary to conduct a permit[ed pnncfpal or special use. Such
<br /> furrier shops, garden supplies (year-rountl operation only), gifts, accessory use shall not exceed thirty percent (30o/0) of the floor
<br /> hardware, hats, hobby shops, interior decorating, jewelry, leather space of the principal struclure or use, and shall be enclosed
<br /> goods and luggage, locksmilh shops, musical insVUments, of- within the principal siructure."
<br /> fice supply equipment, optometrists, paint and wallpaper. 15. Amendment to Section VI.A. of Appendix A-Zoning of
<br /> phonograph records, shoes, sporting goods, robaccq toys, varie- Arden Hills Code by Adding a New Paragraph (8) Designating
<br /> ty stores, wearing apparel, and similar type uses. Motor vehicle Certain Day Care Facilities as Accessory Uses for Houses
<br />