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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The fortificate herainbetore referred to s1halz be in <br /> approximateZy the following form, to-w3tt <br /> <br /> • r • ~ . ~ s • . s . +?~#C~~9~`~.lkE`a~ cL31~~any ~ereby CeY'tifi8s t;~at i$ has <br /> iss d to o.a,l~~bi1i~y insurar~~~ ~ol~cy designuted az <br /> ~ lia'oi3ity of 'Prcaw <br /> . i13,0.e • 41F f ik f N i~~~ ~3. i i i~~ w~ A.s 4if f~r •~I Ito the M R dAky of af <br /> 'Nitli bcrdily "In,~~~~ ~lzits of twfsnty~-f thousand dollars <br /> ~~26jOOO.00} and fifty thousand dol].ars (vU0,000.00), and <br /> property damage insuracac~ ~un~ of ~~~~~~-five thousand <br /> ~ol1ars (426~000.00)0 whiclz ~aid Irasurance Is in full force and <br /> . .e.L.4 e1s G y,, It ~+s iV4d~~iF1deeF +rC1~4#t,i..,L rL`a4 4x+Aa& M • • M ! ? • i~ • • a3ura.AJir e <br /> C~'aK~y, A~ereby represenYs anLA agrees tLAat U.bde insurance pri UV3ded <br /> , - by Rliit.LEit. l. #rlicy iA mbwA M i • ? ! • f 5'aZ.R~F..I.,i. aS1M.f. e qo t/.ie iJeA7e.4 it1 Tvl 1ihe <br /> Village o.t Ard~~ ~~ll~ ~d its afficars is~ sam+~ aAnn~~ and <br /> tpthe eame e:~tezat an those said Vi1lage 3. ts caff icers were named <br /> as insured# t1~~ein In respect tca c.~~~ ~ suit m~~~ aga3.nst said <br /> ViS.Aage or +i+,ts a?ihfJ.ears emanating f # # 4 • • ~ ~ i !r (~~me 'Qf lJ.'r <br /> G~•`ensBe or G' ontractor)j I1egligont' a£`~'+ or 4"roC3d'uc~'i # or +~llegel'~ <br /> ~~gligent 8kcta Gr oOnduato -in t:'~ perf63r n~.'+D of $iiat CE9r~ain <br /> contE'aCt ei"dtere£~ Into te$'rween th~ Vi1.lag8 of ~sI'doCI Hill4 apd <br /> *t•we+w~~rtr~r+w*dated the st•ss•* day of ssi#.rat+ or <br /> tha~'i ce~,~.lE~ ~.~:L~e~kse g~"6tn~ied ~dy '?~.e V~.~.~g~8 Q~' ~.r'~."e~'B ~'1~.~,l1i CYl"1 <br /> • s w • r • * ~ s s ~ . w ~ ~ i~ • r a ,r ~ s ~ Whtah contract 49r ifl.,~1iG h liceC1 se IS CIFI <br /> Pile ir1 the o.i"f5.oo of tY~ ~~erk of so?id Vil1age of ArClen i3.l1s. <br /> It is tur~bor oortified that no Cancelle~tion* or pretended caan- <br /> r c+l~~~io~ ~aid insursLnoo, or ebange #.n the provisiorrs tka,ereQf, <br /> ~ball be eff~~tive as to said Vi11.~~e unloss written notic~ <br /> thereaf -sball gi~en ~ald Vii.3.age at 3.east twenty (20) days <br /> befwr+d ~aid oancel.~~tion c+r charg+e in tca be effective. <br />