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<br /> - - <br /> <br /> STATE OF IIiNNEESOTA <br /> COU-N'T'Y OF R.~MSEY <br /> VILLf?GE OF !iR]DFN HILLS <br /> QRDINANCE NT~IBER 32 <br /> <br /> <br /> AN 4RDINANCE LIGENSING AND REGUL4TING TFL ShL:,,,' AA1D CONSUMPTION <br /> OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND PROVIDING A P'LNALTY FOR VIOL"LTION. <br /> <br /> THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGFi 0F ARDEEN HILLS DO ;S HEREBY ORDI'~IN AS <br /> FOLLtNdS : <br /> <br /> ~ SECTION 1. Definition of Terms a <br /> <br /> Subdivision 1. As used in this ordinance the term <br /> "persan" includes a natural persan <br /> of e3ther sex, co-pa.rtnership, cor- <br /> porat,ian and assoeiation of persons <br /> and the agent or manager o f anSr of <br /> the af'caresuide The singular in num- <br /> ber includes the plural and the <br /> maseul.ine pronaun inc lude s the <br /> feminine and neutere <br /> Subdivision 2. "Intoxicating 1iquar" or "liquar" <br /> me uns any distilled or feramented <br /> be verage cQnt aining, mare than 3 a2 <br /> per cent of aleohol by vsreight. The <br /> term does not inelude ethyl a].eohol <br /> or neu.tral spirits or substitutes <br /> therefor pos sessing the t,aste, aroma, <br /> , and charaeterist,ic generally attrib- <br /> uted ta ethyl alcohol or neutraZ spirits e <br /> Subdivision 3a "Sale" and "se11r" includes in addition <br /> to the accepted meaning af the ter=m.g <br /> all bartersg gifts, and other lneans <br /> ot' fu.rnishing intoxicating liquor in <br /> violation or e,sasion of this ordinance o <br /> Subdisision 4e "On sale" means sale b.y the drink for <br /> consUmptian on the premise s orily. <br /> SubdiJisian 5. {'Off sale" rrieans the retail sale in <br /> the originaI package for consumption <br /> aviay from the premises where soZdQ <br /> Subdivision 6. "Package" or t1original paekage 1' m ans <br /> any corked or sealed container or <br /> receptacle halding liquora <br /> <br /> Su,bditiri sion 7. "Hote 1." me ans an e stablishment where <br /> food and ladgzng are regularl.y fiarm <br /> nished to transients for a price, <br /> ~ To qualif'y as a hote1such an e stab- <br /> Zishment shal1 meet all the f allow- <br /> ing conda.tions a <br /> (1) It shall have a resident <br /> proprietor or manaQer; <br /> (2) It shall maintain not less <br /> than ten gue st ro cros with <br /> and other suitable <br /> and necessar,y furnishings <br /> in e ach ro am; <br />