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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ordinance Eumber 32 <br /> <br /> P age #3 <br /> <br /> Section 1 (continued) <br /> Subdi.v ision 10o „Drug stm e`r rrriee an.s any e stablishment <br /> whe re di^ugs are ke pt , c ompounde d, <br /> and sald if it is at all times in <br /> eharge of a registered pharmacist or <br /> of a registered assistant pharmaeis t <br /> during the temporary absence of the <br /> ~ regastered pharniacistQ <br /> SECTION 2. License ReTaar eda <br /> <br /> 5ubdivisiori 1. Tio person, except vrholesalers or <br /> manufacturers to the extent authorm <br /> ized under state license shal.l <br /> directly or inairectly deal in, sell <br /> o rkee p f ar s ale any intoxic at ing <br /> liquor wi thout f ir st having re ce ive d <br /> a 1ic ense ta do so as provided ir~ <br /> this ardinancee Licenses sha1Z be of <br /> three kinds ; `ion sale", "on s,-:.,,le " <br /> and club licensesa <br /> Subdivision 2e "On sa1.e" licenses shall be issved <br /> only to kzote ls 9 c lubs and exc Iusi -~re <br /> liquor store s ancl sha1.1 pQrr_zit "on <br /> sales" of 1.iquor anly, Not more <br /> than three "an sule" licenses shall <br /> be gr ant ed at any a ne fi, ime , <br /> Subdivision 3. "Of'f sale'3 license s shaIl be issued <br /> only to drug stores and e-:,,clusive <br /> liqu.or stpres and shall perinit "of°f <br /> sal.e s" of liquor only. <br /> Subdivision 46 Special club licenses shali be issued <br /> only tQ duly incorparated clubs which <br /> hawe been in existence for tiventy years. <br /> SECTION 3 0 Appiicat3.ans far Lzcense o <br /> <br /> Subdivisian le Everg application f4r a Iicense ta sell <br /> liquor shall be verif ied w-id f iled irrith <br /> the Village Clerka It shall state the <br /> name of the applicant, his age q repre- <br /> sentations as to his character, i3ith <br /> such references as may be required, <br /> his citizenship, whether the application <br /> is for "on sp-let" or "af f sale" q the <br /> business in con.neetion v~ith ivhzch the <br /> • praposed license will operate and its <br /> location, gr'net,her applicant is m°rner <br /> ar?d aperator of the business9 how long <br /> he has beeri in that busine ss at ~hat <br /> pI ace, and such o the r inT"' o_rmnat ion as <br /> the C aunc i 1 may require fram t ime to <br /> timee In addition to containing sueh <br /> informatione each application for <br /> li cense shall be in the form pre - <br /> scribed by the 1.iquor control commism <br /> sionero No person shall make a false <br /> statement in an appl.icat ion o <br />