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<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 762
<br /> MERCIAL AND RETAIL BUSINESS ESTABLISH- Bulk fuel sforage plants or dealers; car wash in- MENTS, PROVIDING FOR LICENSING THEREOF stallafions; equipment renTal; sale or renial of motor
<br /> AND IMPOSING PENALTIES. vehicles, boats and miscellaneous other vehicles as
<br /> The Council of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby provided in Section d(I).
<br /> ordain as follows: In each case the IiabiliTy insurance policy ar a cer-
<br /> Section 1. Purpose. It is the inlenTion of the Council to Tificate ihereof shall be filed with the Clerk . Ad-
<br /> regulate and license herein certain types af businesses minisirator and shall be kepT in full force and effect
<br /> not otherwise regulated or licensed in Arden Hills, To the during the terms of any subiecT license. Such policy
<br /> ~ end that the public welfare shaN ihereby be protected shall be with an insurance company authorized to tl0
<br /> and promoted. Differentiation in the licensees charged business in Minnesota, shall show at least the limit5
<br /> herein is based upon the judgment of the Council as to Arovided in the teble below, and shall also contain a
<br /> the probable expense involved in policing and in- provision ThaT the policy Shall not be Cancelled until
<br /> specTing various businesses. In sonne cases insurance after 30 days' written notiCe to arden Hills of such in-
<br /> coverage is required, where in iheopinion of the Council Tended cancellaTion, and within such time the licensee
<br /> a business offers an unusual opportuniTy for loss or must obtain and file proof of new or subsTituted
<br /> damage. No business activity licensed under other coverage as required hereunder, or the license shall be
<br /> ordinances of Arden Hills shall be required To obTain subject to immediate cancellaTion. The required in-
<br /> licenses hereunder. After the effective daTe of this surance IimiTs are as follows: Ordinance,license fees hereunder may be altered by (A) Bulk storage planis and dealerships
<br /> amendment of the oYdinance esTablishing a Table of Each Each Property
<br /> License Fees for Arden Hills (now Ord. No. 151), and Person AccidenT Damage
<br /> reference as to license fees only should accordingly be $100,000 $500,000 $25,000
<br /> made to That ordinance or amendment thereof. (B) Car wash installaTion
<br /> Section 2. License Required. Any person, firm, cor- Each Each Property
<br /> poration or association engaging or proposing to engage Person Accident Damage
<br /> in any commercial or retail business in the Village of $16,0W $50,000 $5,000
<br /> Arden Hills not otherwise licensed under the ordinances (C) Equipment Renfal (Sec. 40) )
<br /> of fhis Village, shall obtain a license for such business Each Each Property
<br /> activity in accordance with the provisions hereof. Person Accident Damage
<br /> Businesses to be licensetl hereunder shall inUude, hut $25,000 $50,000 510,000
<br /> without IimitaTion, the following: (D) Sale or rental of boafs, moTOr vehicles and other
<br /> CarwashinsTallaTion,veterinary clinics,drYCleaning vehicles per Sec. 4(i) - _
<br /> and laundering establishmenis, commercial Each Each Property
<br /> phofography, beauty shops, antique shaps, mortuaries, Person Accident Damage
<br /> equipmeni rental, bulk fuel storage planTS and 550,000 8100,000 810,000
<br /> dealerships,ihe sale or rental of vehicles and boats of Section 6. General RegulaTOry Pravisions.ln addition
<br /> any description, whether new or used, or any other to the oTher provisions of }his Ord., all licensees
<br /> establishment selling or renting retail goods or ser- hereunder shall conform to all applicable federal and
<br /> vices. sTate laws and ordinances of the V illage of Arden Hills.
<br /> Secfion 7. License Applitation. Application for a The Police Depariment shall make its recammendation
<br /> license shall be made to the Clerk - Administrator. Such to the Council upon all license applications hereunder or
<br /> application shall staTe the full name and address of the renewals Thereof. Any license hereunder may be can-
<br /> owner or owners of the business, the proposed location celled by the Council immediately if a pressing public
<br /> of the business, the nature of the business and such inleresT exisis; however, any cancellaTion shall be
<br /> oTher relevant information as the Clerk - Administrator temporary until the licensee is afforded the opportunity
<br /> may require for the purposes hereof. for a public hearing before the Council wiih respect
<br /> Section 4. License Fees. The Annuallicense fees for Thereto, and unless ihere is a pressing public interest
<br /> subiect businesses shall be as follows: the Council shall give a licensee an apportunity far a
<br /> (a) Bulkfuelstorageplanfsordealers-5150. public hearing before the Council prior to any cam
<br /> (b) Car wash installations - 825 per stall. cellation or prior to denial of any license applicaTion
<br /> (c-1 Veterinary Clinics - 825. hereunder.
<br /> (d) Dry cleaners and launderers: Section 7. Specific Regulatary Regulations. With
<br /> Resident - 825. respect to rentals of vehicles referred to herein, no
<br /> Coin-operaTed - $S per washer; 82 per dryer and licensee shall rent or turnish a vehicle requiring a
<br /> extracTor combined; 825 - minimum fee. driver's license for operation to any person who does not
<br /> (e) Photographers -$25. have such a license issued in accordance with the laws
<br /> (f)* BeauTy shops - 825. of the State of Minnesota. The licensee shall make a
<br /> (g) Antique shops - 525. permanent record confaining the name, address and
<br /> (h) Mortuary - $25. age of the lessee and the number of his driver's license,
<br /> (i) Equipment rental - 825 (liabilitY insurance which record shall be maintained for at least one (1)
<br /> required) calendar year after the expiration of the particular
<br /> LIABILITY INSURANCE REOUIRED licensing period and shall be available for inspection to
<br /> (i) Sale or rental of boats, automobiles and various representatives of the Arden Hills and any law en-
<br /> other vehicles: forcement agencies. -
<br /> (1) Sale of Autos: Licensees engaged in the sales of motor vehicles,
<br /> New - $50. boais and oiher vehicles as provided in SecTion 4(j)
<br /> Used - $50. hereof shall, at the time of any such sale5, give the
<br /> New and Used - $75. purchaser a plainly-written staTement of sale which
<br /> (2)SaleofBoats,newandused-550. shall indude the name and address of the person . .
<br /> (3) Sale ot all other ferrain vehicles, including - making the sale, the license and serial number of the
<br /> motorcycles and snowmobiles: vehicle sold,if applicable, the purchase price therefOr
<br /> New - $50. and the signature of the IicenSee.
<br /> Used - SSU. Section S. Penalties. In addition to cancellation of any
<br /> New and Used - $75. subiecT license as provided herein, violaTion of This
<br /> (4) Rental of any or atl of the following: Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable
<br /> Bicycles, moTOrbikes, snowmobiles, terrain vehides, by a fine of not more ihan $300 and - or 90 days in jail.
<br /> mobilehomes, campers, irailers, boats - 825. Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
<br /> (k) Any outlet sellinq or renTinq retail goods or ser- effect and be in full force from and afTer January 1, 1973,
<br /> vices noT oiherwise covered herein or by other Arden but not before its passaqe and publicafion.
<br /> HiIIS ordinance - 825. Passetl by ihe Council of fhe Villageof Arden Hills ihis
<br /> Section S. Liability Insurance Required. As indicated 13ih day of November, 1972.
<br /> in the previous SecTion n, certain businesses to be Henry J. Crepeau, Jr., Mayor
<br /> licensed hereunder must carry liability insurance. Such ATtest:
<br /> businesses are as iollows: Lorraine E. Siromquisi
<br /> Clerk - AdminisTrator
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