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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> arad specifications for whole bui2ding rar <br /> strt~~~ur~ have beera subsaitted o~ ~pproved <br /> provided adequate in~~~~tion and detailed <br /> s°~~tements ha~e beer~ filed e~~plyi~~ with <br /> all peztinent requirements of'this Ordinance, <br /> the prov3.sians of arty Qth~~ applicable <br /> Ordinances ca~ City of A:~~~~ Hil3s, a - nd ` <br /> sny oth~~ laws aa~d ruZ~s and aregea]~tions <br /> relaua»t thereto. Th~ holdex_ of, such ~~rmit <br /> s-haill proceed at his rawm xi~~ ~ithout ` <br /> aasurance that the perxit fQr the eQtire <br /> buildirig car stru'cture will ibe c~ranted. <br /> (m) Vallgit of Xestated Permit. '~e issuanco <br /> or grab ng c~ ~ ~ermit or approvaI of <br /> pla?ns and e?peciiE~~~tic6s.shaI1 r,ot be construed <br /> ta be permit for, approval of, ,any <br /> violstion of any of the provisians c~~ ~~is <br /> Ordinance, the ;~rovitions of any ~~~er applicablo <br /> ` O°dinances of the.Ci~~ of Arden Hills, anc~ any.° ° <br /> _ ather 1aw~ aiic~ ruloo and aregu3~tione applicabl~ <br /> thereto« Novermit. ~~sumina~ to qivo author3.ty <br /> to v?ioIate or cancel t#+ei pz~~~sicrns, of this' <br /> Or'dinance, the provisions a~ ~~plidable _ <br /> Ordinances~ Citj s~f Arden ffi1ls',, an+~ any,. <br /> laws a~ad rults and reguIstions appl.icabd:e <br /> t2nereto, shal] ~ ~alid, except insof~~ ~hs- <br /> work car which it-autt~~rizesIs Iawful. <br /> Tlae; issuanae o~ a.~ perm~it based upan p1ans <br /> - and spec3ffcatica~~ shal1 wt an Insp!~~tor, <br /> or his Deputy, ;€rcr~ ~~ereafter requiring the <br /> correction of errors` ir~ sai4plai~~ ~~d gpe+cifica- <br /> , tions or from paceventing the_~~~ being car~ied <br /> c~~ thezeunder when in vio3,~ti4n of this Ordina I ade, ; <br /> the :prravisians of,any ot.her app3.icable t'rdinan"n <br /> the C3:ty c~f-Arden Hil3; s., or any other 1aw sind <br /> rules and regu1~tions appliezable thereto. <br /> tnl Permit po~~~ Card~ The permf:tpostinc~ <br /> ~~rd issUe ~ permit ~~al1 be posted <br /> and conspicuous3y disglayed at the Job 1~tion_ <br /> In t~e evea~& a ~armitt~~ ~ails sa to "Poxt and': <br /> display `~~ch card, the Ir~spector, or his' Doputy, <br /> sha3.1 ordex the stoppage of ~~y woa:k beinc~ done, <br /> pursuant to such gerrait. Upc~~ the i~suance of <br /> suah an ar+ders permit sha3.l ~ suspsnded <br /> until card i~ ~~~~rl~ posted-and di~played <br /> ~ Doliars 010.00) shall have, <br /> beer~ ~aid. <br /> ~cl Zx iration. of Pesmit. Erery permit issued <br /> undtr Ordlnanc~ ~~ali expire by <br /> 31mitstion aind become nu:3.l and vo-id if the work <br /> authoarized thereby in not= cc~~~ced vi~hin one, <br /> hundred twenty (120) days fr(m the date of auch <br /> germit, or if the w+~rk authcarizod thereby is ` <br /> suspended nr abandoned at an~ ~ftez wvrk <br /> fs commenc+~d for a pericd of one hundred twenty <br /> (120) days. Sefdr~ such work can be recoroonced, <br /> a ne~ ~ermi:t shall be first abts~ned sa to do, <br /> arad the fee thezefor shal1 belone-ha1f the amunt <br /> ~ <br /> ~10 <br />