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<br /> <br /> • C. - . ' ' . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' ' ' . - <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> `with the pravisions Qf this C3rdinance, <br /> the prvvisians 4f , any 4ther applicable <br /> ° brainanves of the City, of Ardeza 411s, <br /> and any other rules and- regula-~ <br /> ticans. , Fvr the purpase of determ3.nirtg <br /> conq,alianco with Sectian 144(h) of the <br /> Unillaxm `~uilding Cade of I973, the Ba~il+ding <br /> Inspectos may cause any struetuse or <br /> but3:ding to be rein ct4d» <br /> With ~~spect to any ` ~oreeninq, 3and- <br /> seaping; lPlanting or othet exter3,c~r <br /> imprvv nt a~~~~~ed in co;~nectior~ with <br /> the con~~ructivn of a prir,~~~al building <br /> ftar whidh~* perfo ra~~ been <br /> fi1ed with the City purst~~~~ to Set~tion,, <br /> 91 subseotf:on (i) P~~~eof, the Landsoa" <br /> xnspecto~ sha1l conduct. such ir~~~~tioa~~ <br /> and reinspections as ar~ ~~~~~~ary tv <br /> asaertai~ ~ liance with the:,particular ` <br /> _ pla~s anr~ ~pecifications'therefory €ar <br /> reqvir r~ts o! any other apg13,cable <br /> 4rdinances or Resolutions City ot <br /> Arden H3:l3.s. , Before said pe~~~~~~e bond, <br /> can be r~eleased by the City Counail, a <br /> ~~~al inspection by tho LandE~~~~ inspoetos <br /> sh~ll have 3~een made anda 'writt+~n report <br /> thereof, conta~niag h3.s ag~provail, s2~ll <br /> h~~e been,submitted to the C1erk-~~~nistrstoe.: <br /> !fJ Reins . otivns, A xein?~peictie~ lew, as <br /> prov ~ ~~ein~bove, may be assessed <br /> fc~~ each inspection or reirs'"ction when . <br /> suoh portion of,warvk lor, a0h.~ch, ir~spocatl-on <br /> is called is not complete_ ~r 4hen 6-orr+~~tims : . <br /> eal].ed for are <br /> not " <br /> This subsecrt~on is not tc~ ~ ~~~~~~~ted <br /> as requiring a~einspectior~ ~~s-the. fire~~ time <br /> a JQb i~ re'j+~~tod far failure td : compiy With - <br /> the ~equirements c~~ thie Oa4inanco.. the - <br /> prc~visions of any other applicabZ~ Ordinance <br /> - ' `c~f the 'City, of'::Ardez~ ~il1s,, any othe~ <br /> ~~plicab1einl~e anc~ rules and r~ulations, <br /> but as the pra~~ice a~ ~~~ling <br /> far inspettions befc,re the jcb is read~? for <br /> _ such:i tion or. reinapection, <br /> Ri.i~~p6oti~ fetm may he "satse4 whAiA <br /> the permit card"is , not praperly. 06st±~ on ~e <br /> worJ~ ~ ~~te, `~ho= approred ~~~~at*=~ not, . rr~~adily. . <br /> a, vailabxe' to the spActor , for., ~~e to, <br /> A~~oas tn the c~~te fa~ whiob i~~ tion <br /> 48 r4;t0*t4d, or for deviaLtir~g-f~ filarls . <br /> requ-i~~~~ the ~~oval of Suil~ing _ <br /> Inspector or any" ot~~ ~~opectoro , <br /> To obtain a rei~~ tion', ~ppl~eant . <br /> shall file tn applic~~tibin writing <br /> upon a form furnished for that Vtirpose, ~nd <br /> pay the ~~~~~peatior~ fe~ ~~ovtd*4 hereinabove. <br /> Ia, tnat:arraaes'wher+~ rein~~ection foes have <br /> beer~ ~nn~~oed, no additional in ctiran - caf the <br />