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<br /> <br /> r . . . - . . " . . . . , . , . . . . . . - . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> t~y Ri ht of En,try« ~enever necea~sarry to <br /> make an i`nspectican ta enfoz~~~ any of <br /> the grovisions caf t~~.s o~i;~n~re or th+~ <br /> p~isi~s r~f an~r c~ther applie~able Ordinance <br /> of the City c~~ ~den, Hi31t, or when~ver an, - <br /> Inspector, or h3~s Deguty, has reasonable ' <br /> cauae to believe that ther: +~xists in any <br /> bdilding or upon Any pr~~oa, any conci9~tion, <br /> which e~ ~~chbui]~ding or p~°+~~~~~s uneofe <br /> as defi.ned hereinaftsr , the Inspa~~tor, or, <br /> his,Deputyt may enter s€~~ ~uilding or <br /> p:~emises at a11 re~~~~~~ times to ins t <br /> the same or tc+ perfca;tm,aay' duty $mgvsed. upon ' <br /> ; him k~ythis .~rdinance, ~rovi~od that i~ such <br /> butldinq or pz ises be oocupied, he shal1 <br /> first present prvpear cradontials and `demand <br /> ent~ ~ ~d if ~~h bu~lding or pr~~~s be, <br /> unQccupied, he sha11 ' lits~t make -a reasvnAble <br /> efFort to locate the owner or. c~~r persons <br /> baving charge or cc~ntral c~~ t~~e bui~.c~~.~ng or <br /> p~cemisei~ ~d domumd ent~. ~f Auch ent~ is <br /> refused, ~e Ins~ct€~r, or his,Deputy# shall . <br /> hav~ ~eooux~~ ~ every-rem" ~ provi.ded by _ <br /> ~~w to . ~~try. <br /> no ovnor t~~ occupant any other person - <br /> havin~ cha'rge{care, or cor~~~ol ~ bui.~di~ or ~remises shall "fail or ~~lect, after proper _ <br /> dmmnd is made as hezein pr*%ii+d~4,r ta` ~ ~~~y <br /> per~~ ~~try t~~~~~~ ~nspectar, or his <br /> - i3~ty,, 1or the' purpos+~ ~f ii~spection and ; <br /> exataination ~~~~~~t to this ordi~~~~e and <br /> tse provisions af any other a~pp3.3~cabI:e Ordin-. ; <br /> anece caf the City c~f Arc~~~ Hills. 1~y persc~n <br /> vtolai3:zigr tlais ~secti.on shalI be ~f , .W. . <br /> misdemeanear« ~ " - - <br /> 1 r. <br /> , <br /> t4f JuOgmnt of, I" 31"tor* ~~spector, or : <br /> his ~ Deputy,~ ~ u~n 411 ~~tions <br /> a~eli~tinr~. tca ~st~nc,~. du~ability. +appearanc~~ 1144 <br /> . . - , general . ~ork~~~~ip,- _ofins'i+a.Lloiaionf -work! . . <br /> ` ~uilding, ~~~~tur~ ~resi~~~~ ~~xpectod by biw* <br /> (o) saf Sfi~'. _Tellts, 8ach Uis~~ort car h#:~ <br /> ~oputy, ~y mako sueb, t ts or drt3er `,~~ch <br /> tests to be made as he ilfts~ deem ~eLco;~sary t~ <br /> ~~~~rmix~~ oondition_bfany ` <br /> i~stallation, Material~ Machf~ery, bUildinq, <br /> structure, premisee or part, thereof which fi his <br /> 4utg to inspect-pe~suant t~ ~~~s Ordinas~co at <br /> the grovisi~~~ ~f any other appl~cab1:eord3nance ' <br /> cst' tta*.City of Ard+en SiIIs. <br /> {t3 Mandat€~~ irs.• ~~opector, or hf~s <br /> Deputy; l~ das~~~ the repair~~os recv~~~ction. <br /> e~f any instal1aticn,, ma~~~~~~, uaoh#.nery, stru~tur`e„ <br /> bai1ding, promises or paart thereof wbich i~ <br /> ~~~~erous aa~ mnsafe-to pexaso~~ propertg i, and <br /> the cost thera~f may be recot~~red, by the City from <br /> the <Pta,ex. <br /> fg3 Sta ord+~rs. '~~ever ar~y +~rk ~.s~ <br /> ~"don*contrary to the prov#:sions caf-this' <br /> ordinan~~ ~r the provisions caf ~~erappliaabI* <br /> <br /> _ 4 <br />