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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &6und~~~ feet (60t~ ~c~~. ft. ) # <br /> <br /> E~~ Group,J, ~ivisi6n:l~ Occ cies of ` <br /> ~~e V eonvention$1 waod--stud . <br /> _ constr~~tic~~ ; and <br /> w~~~ ~mal5 and uni~~~~t ia hi~ <br /> ~~timation. <br /> <br /> (f)inf4rmatican ou P1 ans and' 0 eif ications. <br /> Frqu red. pla»s and spec ccet ons sha31, <br /> b4 dravn to scale upor~ ~~stantia1 ~apex or c1.oth <br /> ee~d s'ha1l be ca~ o~ f f~:c~.a~t cl~:r~.ty..te~ indicat~? <br /> the a~:t~tr+~ and +~~nt of th*°'~~k jp <br /> ' roposed aAd , sbow in detai.l th~kt',it will co~~oxia to the p~vi- <br /> , sic?»s of this Crdinar~~~~ the p~visivns c~f aaa?y, otheer applicable oxi~inancoovf the tity ~~n <br /> Hi3ls, 'and ~ll ott~~r rele*ant Uwsf rules artd <br /> regulations. The fi'vat sheet of ` each set.. of plans _ <br /> and giv~ the house and str"t <br /> ac3dress of the a~~k and t~~ name aind` ~ddress: ~f the <br /> owner and, persor~ ~~~~~red -P1ans_, and - <br /> ~specificaation~ ~hall $.aol:udw: a. 'Pliot' @un a <br /> the ic3eation ofth~ ~~~~s40 :~?txdiarAd <br /> ~xisting building onthe property. ~n lieu ot - <br /> detailec~ specifiaations, the Builditg 'nspecto~', <br /> any otM+~r Ini~p~t~?r, +ar ~ieir r~r~tl" ~3e~aties. , <br /> may approve reference~ ~ to a~ 4pecifiq. sectixan a~ p4r~ ~f this, c~rdi~~nce, th~ ~~~~~sion (a) ' ~ . Qt any other 40plicib1e 4r~~~ce, ~~e ftato ` <br /> Buii~~~~ code or other relevant. laws oa~ rul*s <br /> an3 regulationx. , <br /> , . ; . _ <br /> . computations, stress d3ag~rams,, and ot:h4r-' <br /> . d -ta sufficient to show the cvrrectne:as of the <br /> . plans, shall be submit~~~ ~~n raquired by:. Oe. . , . <br /> Building r~spector. -c~~~~ ~~z04otors~. ~~their <br /> ree~~~~~~ Disp~ties. <br /> Tasuftcle of T~rmitsr Tae:app1ic~~tion and <br /> p ans a~~ specifications (if;t, filed <br /> by an ` apP].icant for a permit -~hall° ~ checked by <br /> the: Inspector, or his pmmguty, . r w?hass jUr;ts- <br /> di~~~~~ : the _~~pli+~tian h~s b~~~~e gluch <br /> app:3.ication and plans and ~ ~tications itha1l alsc~ <br /> be, reviewed by otbor ' 8~~~~~ts:, offlalials* <br /> _ caria~s~.sahs--Ar~d cc~i~.t~sslof"tt~+~° ~ity'. ~f ikrder~ Hills to check complianc~e wi~~ ~e jprov,isions of _ <br /> this ordinance and the provisi~~ o~ ~ther <br /> appli+cablm ordiaa~~~s un#er thei~ ~uris4ic~ion. <br /> I~ the particu3ar1r~epecttar, orh'i4ft'Puty'.; is <br /> xatisffed ths~ ~rk d~sc~ibed ap~,~i~ti4~6 <br /> for a pormit.~d the p1~~~ speci~icati~~ <br /> fi3;ed cc3~~orm; tQ th+~ requirments <af <br /> this ordinaace, the provisions". af amy other applicab1e <br /> Ordinances, an&othez pa~ti~en~ ~ ~rules:, and <br /> recjulationg, and Che` ~erefc~~ ~pecified <br /> , her+~inbelaw ~agi been, Pai4, h+~ shall 3.ssue the . <br /> to the app1~cant . osoopt as othorwisepro- <br /> vided in: the two (2)~~secti~~s baceof, <br /> (h) ExpUtions to,. Iss?~~~~ Building Permits. No <br /> Au ermit c~~ th~ ~reatior,e, 0canstx`uctiolft or enlargement c~~ abu#.lding `ar structure ot&er than <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />