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<br /> . , <br /> <br /> ' S'I'ATr' OF MI1,TNESQTA <br /> C QUNTY Or' RiJ11SEY <br /> VI LLAGE OF ARD~.,N HILLS_ <br /> ORD ININCE 1~~JLTR-ER 33 <br /> <br /> <br /> ~N OlRDli:sNGv PROVIDING FOF, TH"" r TCEIvSING I= ;CrULATICN pF <br /> IIOTOR B01~' - 2'S 0N L:'LF~~ TvaFLOL•LY WITF?IN `I'HE B0Ui?D_'"~?I1'-'1S OF ~IRD`,t;T? <br /> HILLS a <br /> <br /> THE VILLhG+ COUNCIL 0F `J VILLAG~ CF ARD2N HILLS DOES 0_RL1.TN <br /> AS F OLLMIS a <br /> • SECTIO'iq 1. Purpose o In order to promote saf°ty and the <br /> public we areq no person shall na7v-igatu, operate, dock or <br /> anchor any motorboat on lakes vrholly within the boundarie s of <br /> .~irden HiZls except in accordance with tb-is ordinance o <br /> SEGTICII, 2. Def'inition,a 'I'l,.e word f'motorboat" as referred <br /> to in his ordinance s a refer to a.n.~,r boat, fl9at ar raft <br /> mechanicall.y propelled by a motor or engine of any kind. <br /> <br /> SECTI(?N 3a License Required4 No motorboat shall be <br /> aperaEed on - e 1~ C-:s cov°red by is ordinance unless registered <br /> and licensed in the name of the owner, excepting boats used for <br /> vieed cantrol or ather approved lake impraVement activitye Appli- <br /> cation for license shall be made in wri.tinp on a f'orm provided <br /> by the Villaop Clerk and approzred by the Councild The applica- <br /> tion and the license shall include tha de scription af the boat <br /> as well as the engine ar motar to be useda The Clerk shall make <br /> ar cause to be made b, tkze Department af Public Safety such in- <br /> restigations as he deems necessary to d°termine whether the boat <br /> wb-ich is t,he su.bject of the application is appargntly in safe <br /> aperatin~ coriditione In the e~~ent that he deter~nines it is in <br /> safe aperating eondition, he shall issue the nse or, i_f the <br /> C3erk is una-v-ailabl.e for anU reasan, the Cor~.missioner of Public <br /> Safety may cause the necessary in;resti~;~.tion to be made and <br /> issue the license g upon the same basise <br /> SECIPICN 4. Lieense Numbere A11 Iicenses issued shall <br /> be numberede n days o issuance of the license, the <br /> nurnber must be painted, stenciled or attached to the port side <br /> of t.he bow af the matorboat in numerals having a minimum height <br /> of 2 incre s, and in such a manner as to be c le ar1.y vi sz.b le o <br /> SECTIC3N 5 o Fee a The license fee shall be ':`'2 a00 for a <br /> perio_ o° one ye ar-,, 7T1 license s to ex pire on the 31st day of <br /> December af each year o The idential number will be issued in <br /> eases where alicense is taken out far the same boat in con- <br /> seeutise yearso lhe f'ee shall aecor?pany the app?ication an.d <br /> shall be returned if the applicatipn is deniedo <br /> SEGTIOTI 6. A sign shall be posted at an,y rar,2p or ease- <br /> ment of ering pu.blic access of baats t,o the lake inf'orrning <br /> ~ the public of thi s ordience 4 <br /> SECTION 7e The pravisions 4f Sections 361Q42 -th-rough <br /> 361.4 0 .e 947 Idinnesat a Statutes Annotatedq as amended <br /> to d.ate 9 are incorpor~.~ted herein b;r reference e <br />