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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ORDiNANCE N0.206 <br /> AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A <br /> NEW CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF <br /> ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA; ESTABLISHING THE <br /> SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CER- <br /> TAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN, <br /> ~ EXCEPT AS HEREIN EXPRESSLY PROVIDED; <br /> PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING <br /> SUCH CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A <br /> PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AND <br /> PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL <br /> BECOME EFFECTIVE. , <br /> THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> DOES ORDAIN: <br /> SecTion 1. The Code of Ordinances, consisTing of <br /> chapTers 1 to 28, each inclusive, a copy of which is <br /> hereby placed on file in the records of the City Council in <br /> the office of the clerk adm inistrator and which bears The <br /> designation "advance copy," is hereby adopted and <br /> enacted as the "COde of Ordinances of the City of Arden <br /> Hills, Minnesota," and shall be Treated and considered <br /> as a new and original comprehensive ordinance which <br /> shall supersede all oTher general and permanent or- <br /> dinances of the city passed on or before March 28, 1977, <br /> to the exTent provided in section 2 hereof. <br /> Section 2. All provisions of such Code shal I be in full <br /> force and effecT from and afTer the firsT day of April, <br /> 1979, and all ordinances of a general and permanenT <br /> nature of the CiTy of Arden Hills, enacted on final <br /> passage on or before March 28, 1977, and not included in <br /> such Code or recognized and continued in force by <br /> reference iherein are hereby repealed from and afTer <br /> the first day of April, 1979, except as hereinafter <br /> provided. No resolu}ion of the city not specifically <br /> menTioned,is hereby repealed. <br /> Section 3. The repeal provided for in Section 2 hereof <br /> sha!l not affect the tollowing: <br /> (a) Any offense or acT commiTtetl or done or any <br /> penalty or forfeiture incurred or any contract or right <br /> established or accruing before the effecTive daTe of this <br /> ordinance; <br /> (b) Any ordinance extending or coniracTing the <br /> - boundaries of the ciTy; <br /> (U The CiTy's zoning ordinance and all amendmenis <br /> thereto; <br /> (tl) Any ordinance enacted after March 28, 1977. <br /> Nor shall such repeal be consirued to revive any <br /> ordinance or part of an ordinance which is repealed by <br /> ihis ordinance. <br /> Section 4. Any and all add{tions or amentlmenis to <br /> such Code, when passed in such form as to indicate the <br /> intention of the city council to make the same a parT <br /> thereof, shal I be deemed to be incorporafed in such Code <br /> so ihat reference to the "Code of Ordinances of the L"ity <br /> of Artlen Hills, Minnesota" shall be understood and <br /> inTendetl to include such additions and amendmenTS. <br /> . Section 5. A copy of such Code shall be kept on file in <br /> the office of the city cierk administration, preserved in <br /> looseleaf form. It shall be the express duty of the ciTy <br /> clerk adminisfrator or someone auThorized by him, to <br /> inserT in their designated places all amendments or <br /> ordinances which indicate the intention of the city <br /> council to make the same a part of such Cotle when the <br /> same have been printed or reprinted in page form, and <br /> to ex}ract from such Code all provisions which may <br /> from time to fime be repealetl by the CiTy Council. This <br /> copy of such Code shall be available for all persons <br /> desiring to examine the same and shall be considered <br /> the official Code of Ordinances of Arden Hills, Min- <br /> nesota. <br /> SecTion 6. Whenever in said Code or in any ordinence <br /> of the ciTy any act is prohibited or is made or declared to <br /> be unlawful or a misdemeanor, or whenever in suth <br /> Cotleor ordinance ihedoing of any act is required or the <br /> failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful or e <br /> misdemeanor, where no spec'rfic penalty is provided <br /> Therefor, the violation of any such provision of ihis Cotle <br /> or any ordinance shal I be punished by a fine of not more <br /> }han five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment <br /> for a period of not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. <br /> Each day any violation of any provisions of this Code or <br /> of any ordinance shall continue shall consTitute a <br /> separate offense. <br /> Section 7. In case of the amendment of any section of <br /> such Code for which a penalty is not prOVided, the <br /> general penalty as provided in Section 1-10 of such Code <br /> (The fine porTion of which shall be changed from three <br /> hundretl dollars ($300.00) To five hundred dollars <br /> (8500.00) shall apply to the section as amended. <br /> Section B. That iT shall be unlawful for any person, <br /> firm or corporaTion in the city To change or amend by <br /> addiTions or deleTions, any part of or portion of such <br /> ' Code, or to insert or delete pages or portions ihereof, or <br /> to alter or Tamper with such Code in any manner <br /> whatsoever which wi I I cause the law of the CiTy of Arden <br /> Hills To be misrepresented Thereby. Any person, firm or <br /> corporation violaTing ihis section shall be punished as <br /> provided in secTion 6 of ihis ordinance and section 1-10 of <br /> the Code of Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, <br /> Minnesota. <br /> SecTion 9. That al I ordi nances or paris of ordinances in <br /> • conflicT herewith are, To the extent of such conflicT, <br /> hereby repealed. <br /> Section 10. This ordinance shall be effective as of <br /> April 1, 1979. <br /> Passed by the CiTy Council of Arden Hills This 15Th day <br /> of January, 7979. <br /> Henry Crepeau, Jr. <br /> Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Charlotte McNiesh <br /> City Clerk Administrafor <br /> (Bulletin: Jan. 25, 1979) <br />